iPad Mand Training Protocol


Written by:KA


Set Up:

  • The iPad should always be available to Dan in all settings with the “Large Field” folder open so the field of targeted icons displayed (currently 21 targets). This field will continue to grow in size as all previously mastered targets will always remain in the field and new targets will be added to the field as appropriate based upon changes in Dan’s motivation. As the field grows, the icons can be made smaller and/or Dan can be taught to scroll to locate icons that do not fit on a single screen display.
  • The instructor will set up the program and carry the iPad during transitions. Dan will be told no/to wait if he vocally mands during transitions; do not use the iPad or reinforce any mands during transitions. (NOTE: One of the next steps will be to teach Dan to carry/transport the device and to open/set up the Proloquo program.)

Target Selection:

  • All items for which Dan regularly demonstrates motivation should be selected as targets for the iPad mand probe program.
  • 15 – 30 targets can be open (i.e., in teaching) at a time, with the number varying based upon Dan’s motivation.

Response Definitions:

  • Correct (Yes; Y) = Dan correctly completes all steps in the iPad chain independently (i.e., orients towards the iPad, touches correct icon that corresponds with his MO using isolated index finger, echoes a word approximation or better of the vocal mand produced by the speech generating device, obtains/accesses the manded item/activity, does NOT repetitively mand)
  • Incorrect (No; N) = Dan skips or incorrectly completes any one or more of the steps in the iPad chain (see list above)


First Trial/Cold Probes

  1. Conduct one first trial/cold probe for each iPad mand target.
  2. Capture or contrive motivation for each target.
  3. The first time Dan declares motivation for a target and attempts to mand for that reinforcer, score his response as correct (Y) or incorrect (N). (See response definitions above.)
    NOTE: If there was question about Dan’s motivation, do not score the trial. Instead, run a test for motivation between the items in question and then, once motivation has been confirmed, conduct the probe trial and score as Y or N.
  4. If Dan emits a correct response, immediately deliver the reinforcer.
  5. If Dan emits an incorrect response, error correct as appropriate
  6. If mand was repetitive, run the repetitive mand treatment protocol.
  7. If mand was a grab, run the grabbing treatment protocol then either move on (if not willing to reinforce) or run a count and mand (if willing to reinforce).
  8. If mand was just an incorrect iPad mand (e.g., pressed a button that didn’t correspond with his MO, vocally manded instead of using the iPad), see the section below for how to error correct incorrect trials (Teaching (Trial by Trial) Step 3).
  9. Occasionally rotate the field of pictures.
  10. Once the first trial/cold probe has been completed for one target, begin teaching for that target (see procedures below) while continuing throughout the session to conduct cold probes on remaining targets based upon Dan’s motivation.
  11. Make decisions about restricting access to some reinforcers so as to build stronger motivation for others as needed in the moment.

Teaching (Trial by Trial)

  1. Capture and/or contrive many opportunities for Dan to mand for all target items throughout the session.Make decisions about restricting access to some reinforcers so as to build stronger motivation for others as needed in the moment.
  2. Allow Dan to independently use the iPad throughout the session and reinforce correct trials (see response definition above).
  3. For incorrect trials:
  • Reset his hands to a neutral position
  • Be sure that it is clear which item Dan is declaring motivation for.
  • Prompt: Restart the trial and prompt at the appropriate step (use least intrusive prompt; e.g., vocal, gestural, physical)
  • Distracters/Time Delay: Require Dan to complete 1 – 3 responses (e.g., motor imitation, receptive)
  • Transfer: Require Dan to independently complete a correct trial.
  • Differentially Reinforce: Deliver a small amount of the reinforcer
  • Recontrive: Contrive another trial. If Dan responds independently and correctly, deliver a larger amount of the reinforcer. If he responds incorrectly, repeat this error correction sequence.
  • If consistent errors are observed, errorlessly teach these steps. Fade prompts using the prompt, distracters/time delay, transfer, differentially reinforce, and recontrive steps described above.
  • Occasionally rotate the field of pictures.

Data Collection:

First Trial/Cold Probes

  • List all current iPad mand targets on Dan’s Daily Data sheet and record first trial/cold probe Y/N data.

Trial by Trial

  • Develop a data sheet with the following columns:
  • Reinforcer – write the name of each manded reinforcer.
  • IND vs PR (independent vs. prompted) – for each mand, indicated if the iPad mand was completed independently (IND = same definition as a Y on the first trial/cold probe) or required prompting (PR = any one or more steps within the iPad chain were prompted errorlessly or error corrected by the instructor).
  • Transcription of vocal mand emitted accompanying the initial mand attempt – transcribe only for iPad mands scored as IND; if iPad mand was PR (errorlessly or error corrected), mark N/A in this column.
  • Use this data sheet to record trial by trial data for all iPad mands reinforced throughout the 3-hour session.


First Trial/Cold Probes

  • Continue the graph showing Percentage of iPad mand probes with all steps scored as correct (i.e., Y). Phase change this graph to indicate the new targets added and the change in procedure from 5 baseline/cold probes per target per session to 1 first trial/cold probe per target per session. In the future, phase change each time that a new target is introduced.
    NOTE: This calculation will be
    # of Y on first trial/cold probes x 100
    # of Y + # of N on first trial/cold probes
  • Within the iPad Mand section, set up all components for Y/N probe data collection section (i.e., Y/N probe sheets, a skills tracking sheet, and a cumulative skills graph).
  • Graph Y/N data daily.
  • Graph cumulative number of iPad mands mastered weekly.
  • Continue graphing cumulative number of all mands mastered weekly, but phase change this graph to indicate vocal + hand cue mands discontinued and replaced with iPad mands.

Trial by Trial

  • Discontinue the % across Vocal Categories on iPad mand probes graph.
  • Add a Frequency of iPad Mands per Minute per 3-hour Session graph with two data paths, one for IND and one for PR
  • Phase change the Variety, % across Vocal Categories on Initial Mand Attempt, and Frequency of Repetitive Mand graphs to indicate that vocal manding + hand cues has been discontinued and replaced with iPad manding.

Mastery Criteria:

First Trial/Cold Probes

  • 5 consecutive sessions with a Y on the first trial/cold probe to master an individual iPad mand target.
  • Consistently high % of iPad mand probe targets with all steps emitted correctly to add steps into the iPad chain (e.g., carrying the iPad, opening/setting up the program, etc.). What is considered “consistently high” (generally 80% - 100% range or 90% - 100% range) will be determined based upon frequent, ongoing review of these data with a supervisor.