DATE: June 30, 2000
CONTENT : The purpose of this Issuance is to identify those policy issuances that are outdated due to changes in law, regulations, or reporting requirements. Effectively immediately, the attached policy issuances are retired. Those policy documents that are marked with an asterisk will be revised and re-issued in the near future.
DATE : Upon Issuance
INQUIRIES : Any questions concerning this Information Memorandum should be addressed to the Director, Planning, Policy and Evaluation Staff at (202) 205-8831.
Fredric K. Schroeder, Ph.D.
AP-84-02 Audits Final Letter of Determinations 84/03
AP-84-03 Audits Final Letter of Determinations 84/05
AP-85-03 Audits – Final Letter of Determinations 85/02
*CL-68-05 Cancer Eligibility Asymptomatic 67/08*
CM-89-01 Departmental Clearance Procedures Policy 89/07
CM-89-02 Channels of Communication 89/07
CM-89-03 RSA Workgroup on Reorganization 89/08
CM-89-04 FY 1990 Operational Plan Workgroup 89/08
CM-89-05 Workgroup On RSA Policy 89/08
CM-89-06 Workgroup Transition Plan TA/Monitor Discretion 89/08
CM-89-07 Reauthorization Workgroup 89/09
CM-89-08 Workgroup Implement Employee Development 89/09
CM-90-09 Coordination of Public Contacts 89/10
CM-90-10 Evaluation Workgroup Revisions 89/11
CM-90-11 Workgroup on HIV Infection and the Disease AIDS 89/11
CM-90-12 Workgroup on LD Issues 89/12
CM-90-13 Peer Review Workgroup 89/12
CM-90-14 Workgroup Implement Training Needs Assessment 90/01
CM-90-15 Strategic Planning Workgroup 90/02
CM-90-17 Workgroup Recovery of Funds – Draft PPD 90/04
CM-90-18 Management Analysis and Reorganization Workgroup 90/05
CM-90-19 Monitoring and TA on Discretionary Grants 90/05
CM-90-20 RSA Mission Statement 90/06
CM-90-21 RSA Mission Statement Correction 90/06
CM-90-22 Joint RSA/RTA Workgroup 90/07
CM-90-23 American Rehabilitation Editorial Board 90/07
CM-90-24 System for Reporting TA 90/07
CM-90-25 System for Issuing Policy and Information – SIPI 90/09
CM-91-24 Consolidation of ADP Workgroup 90/10
CM-91-25 Workgroups on Budget Preparation 90/10
CM-91-26 SPAR Workgroup 90/10
CM-91-27 Implement 1990 Recommend Final Rpt. Goal I, Obj I 90/11
CM-91-28 RSA Workgroup on Rehab. Engineering Technology 90/12
CM-91-29 Quality Control Procedure Formula Grant Draft 91/01
CM-91-30 Standards for Programs 91/01
CM-91-31 RSA Working Committees 91/03
CM-91-32 Revision of State Plan Assurance Review 91/04
CM-91-34 Work Group on ADA & RSA Policy 91/08
CM-91-35 Definitions Guidance Developing Manual Chapters 91/09
CM-91-36 Unserved & Under-served populations 91/09
CM-91-37 Employee Recognition 91/09
CM-91-38 RSA Senior Executive Team 91/09
CM-92-40 Evaluation Committee 91/10
CM-92-41 Analysis of Comments Received Response to NPRM 91/11
CM-92-42 RSA Manual 91/11
CM-92-43 Establishment of Work Group 91/11
CM-92-45 RSA Awards Committee 92/01
CM-92-46 Case Review System 92/01
CM-92-47 FY 1994 Budget Planning Calendar 92/01
CM-92-48 RSA Procedures Adequate Staff Assist to Disabled 92/01
CM-92-49 Technical Assistance Reporting System 92/01
CM-92-50 Program Income TA to State Agencies 92/02
CM-92-52 Work Group on Management Control System 92/03
CM-92-53 CRS Case Review System Protocol 92/05
CM-92-54 National Projects with Industry Grant 92/05
CM-92-55 Fiscal Management Monitoring 92/06
CM-92-56 Appointments to the Human Resource Develop. Comm. 92/07
CM-92-57 Policy Group Issues Univ. of Georgia Management 92/07
CM-92-58 FY 1992 Fiscal Monitoring Initiative 92/07
CM-92-59 Program Administrative Review on Severe Mental Illness 92/07
CM-92-60 Appointments to the RSA Training Committee 92/07
CM-92-61 SIPI Retirement of Policy Issuances 92/08
CM-92-62 Technical Assist. Rpt System Field Test 92/08
CM-92-63 Develop. of Regs. 1992 Amend Rehab Act 92/08
CM-92-64 Development of Travel Plans for FY 1993 92/08
CM-92-65 Resource Allocation Committee 92/09
CM-92-66 Revised Pol. & Proced. Formula Grant Monitor 92/09
CM-93-67 Implementation of Form RSA 636 92/10
CM-93-68 Add. Committee Responsible Implement Amend 92/10
CM-93-69 Revisions Strategic Mngmt Plan 1993 Oper Pln 92/10
CM-93-70 Implement Rehab Act Amendments of 1992 92/11
CM-93-71 Draft Incorp Rehab Act Amend of 1992 Into 1973 92/11
CM-93-72 Gui. SPAR CRS CAPR Develop Implement Instru 92/12
CM-93-73 New Title I Form Grant Monitor Rev. Sec 107 92/12
CM-93-74 Modification RSA Monitoring Activities Travel 93 93/02
CM-93-75 Admin Require Designated Cap Non-Profit Orgs 93/05
CM-93-76 Required Assur. In-Service Training Awards 93/08
CM-93-77 Program Income – FY 1992 93/09
CM-94-78 Van Modifications as a Rehabilitation Tech. 94/02
CM-94-79 Exten. Interim State Plan Preprint VR & SE 94/06
CM-94-80 Docu. VR Eligibility for Social Security 94/06
CM-94-81 DOJ Inter. Other Reasonable Accommod Training 94/06
CM-94-82 Procedure for Resource Sharing 94/06
CM-94-83 Charts Information FY 1994 Title I State Plans 94/08
CM-94-84 1995 State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL 95) 94/08
CM-94-85 Annual Rpt of State Rehab Advisory Council 94/09
CM-94-86 Consistency In Inter. of Federal Require 94/10
CM-95-01 Section 704 Annual Performance Report 95/01
CM-95-02 Consistency In Inter. of Federal Require 94/12
CM-95-03 Notification of Reg. Commissioner Dele. 95/01
CM-95-04 State Plan Preprint Ext. 110 & Supp Employ 95/04
CM-96-01 Special Ed. Programs Other Rehab Provision 95/11
CM-96-02 Prog. Admin Rev. VR SVCS. Severe Mentally Ill 95/10
CM-96-03 Revision To PD-95-04 Data Collection RSA 911 95/10
CM-96-04 Annual Report State Rehab Advisory Council 95/11
CM-96-05 Notification Regional Comm. Dele. of Auth 95/10
IM-80-01 Reallot Reallow. Funds Form. Grant FY 1979 79/10
IM-80-02 NOF NOF
IM-80-03 Designation of A Substitute State Agency 79/10
IM-80-04 Allot. Allow. Funds Formula Grant FY 1980 79/10
IM-80-05 Status Report Targeted Jobs Tax Credit Prog 79/10
IM-80-06 Targeted Jobs Tax Credit Program VR Referr 79/10
IM-80-07 Final Report National Industries F/T Blind 79/11
IM-80-08 Handbook Selec. Placement Phy. Mental Fed 79/11
IM-80-09 Second Qtr Grants Form. Grant Prog. By 1980 79/12
IM-80-10 Ann. Grant Competition FY 1980 Migratory Workers 79/12
IM-80-11 Energy Conservation 80/01
IM-80-12 Announce Grant Competition FY 1980 CAP 80/01
IM-80-13 New Insur. Prog. Human Service Transport 80/01
IM-80-14 Training Progs. Coworkers Disabled Rehab Coun. 80/01
IM-80-15 Study State VR Use Post-Employ Serv Final 80/02
IM-80-16 Actions Relating To Energy Crisis 80/02
IM-80-17 Tourette Syndrome Association 80/02
IM-80-18 Change In Def. Service Month In Trial Work 80/03
IM-80-19 Publication Affirmative Action In Action 80/03
IM-80-20 Centennial Cele. National Assoc. of Deaf 80/03
IM-80-21 NOF NOF
IM-80-22 Ann. Grant Compet FY 1980 Comp Rehab. Ctrs 80/04
IM-80-23 Broadcaster National Assoc of The Deaf 80/04
IM-80-24 Priority Serving Severely Handicapped Title I 80/04
IM-80-25 Coll. Outstanding FY 1979 Data RSA 15 32 & 300 80/04
IM-80-26 Est. State Allotment Table Basic Support Form. 80/05
IM-80-27 NOF NOF
IM-80-28 NOF NOF
IM-80-29 Coordination With CETA 80/05
IM-80-30 Annual Program Financial Planning Process 80/06
IM-80-31 Fin. Rpt. Berkeley Planning Ass. SSI/SSDI VR 80/06
IM-80-32 Transmit JWK Rpt. 1979 Par VR Similar Benefits 80/06
IM-80-33 Training for State Coordinators F/T Deaf 80/06
IM-80-34 Priority Grant Appl Title VII ILR Part B Cntrs 80/06
IM-80-35 Edit Reports FY 1979 RSA 300 Submissions 80/06
IM-80-36 Fourth Qtr Grant Awards VR Formula FY 1980 80/07
IM-80-37 Rec. Improve Purchasing Systems Serving VR 80/07
IM-80-38 Fourth Qtr Grant Awards Formula FY 1980 80/07
IM-80-39 Eff. Inflation On Purchasing Power VR Dollar 80/07
IM-80-40 Benefit/Cost Ratio State Federal Program VR 80/07
IM-80-41 Poor Persons In State Federal Program 80/07
IM-80-42 Training for State Coordinators for The Deaf 80/07
IM-80-43 NOF NOF
IM-80-44 RSA Management Info System Implementation 80/08
IM-80-45 NOF NOF
IM-80-46 GAO Audit Estab. Construct Rehab Facilities 80/08
IM-80-47 NOF NOF
IM-80-48 VR Program Progress Report RSA 13 80/08
IM-80-49 Social Security Admin TTY for Deaf 80/08
IM-80-50 Leaflet On 1980 SS Disability Amend 80/08
IM-80-51 NOF NOF
IM-80-52 NOF NOF
IM-80-53 Reviews and Reevaluations Conducted FY 1979 80/09
IM-81 Nothing Between IM-81-45 and IM-81-89 NOF
IM-81-01 Annual Index IM/PI/PRG Issuances FY 1977-1980 80/10
IM-81-02 FY 1980 Rehab Short-Term Training Natl Scope 80/10
IM-81-03 NOF NOF
IM-81-04 Interagency Independent Living Initiative 80/12
IM-81-06 Total Talk Information Computer for Blind 81/01
IM-81-07 Special Report Dental Care for Handicapped 81/01
IM-81-08 FY 1981 Continuing Resolution 81/01
IM-81-09 New Applications for IL Part B Centers 81/01
IM-81-10 Trans. Characteristics Clients Closed FY 1979 81/01
IM-81-11 Eval Assess. RSA Role Internal Mngmt of VR 81/01
IM-81-12 State Agencies Responsible for Admin of VR 81/02
IM-81-13 Training Aid for VR Counselors On SSA of 1980 81/02
IM-81-14 Eval of VR Programs Serving Blind Vis. Imp 81/02
IM-81-15 FY 1980 Calendar Rehab Short-Term Training 81/02
IM-81-16 Guide and Require- for Accessible Design 81/03
IM-81-17 Final Regulations State Plan VR and ILR SVCS 81/03
IM-81-19 Joint RSA/NIMH Conference 81/03
IM-81-20 Info New & Cont Appl Establish IL Centers 81/03
IM-81-21 Public Law 96-523 81/03
IM-81-23 Compendium of FY 1979 Program Data Book 81/03
IM-81-24 Technology Assist Orator and Large Print Book 81/03
IM-81-25 Publication Locating Recruit Hire Disabled 81/03
IM-81-26 Report on Follow-up Former Voc Rehab Clients 81/03
IM-81-27 Transmit Characteristics Persons Rehabed FY 1979 81/03
IM-81-28 Final Statement Grant Award Closeout Document 81/03
IM-81-29 New Appointments 81/04
IM-81-30 Transmit Model Recording System CAP CAPRS 81/04
IM-81-31 Approval Action Plan Specific Learning Disabled 81/04
IM-81-32 Regs Under Rehab Act of 1973 81/04
IM-81-33 Oceanography for The Handicapped 81/05
IM-81-34 Guide Eval VR Potential Alcohol/Drug Abuse 81/05
IM-81-35 Summary Operation R-S Vending Facility FY 1980 81/06
*IM-81-36 Agreements Between State VR and SFA for Students 81/06*
IM-81-37 Memo Task Force on Learning Disabilities 81/07
IM-81-38 Memo From Task Force on Learning Disability 81-07
IM-81-39 Memo From Task Force on Learning Disability 81/07
IM-81-40 Task Force Learning Disabled Model for VR 81/07
IM-81-41 Task Force Learning Disabled Guidelines Serving 81/07
IM-81-42 Reallotment Reallowance Federal Funds FY 1981 81/07
IM-81-43 Recommendations World Federation of Deaf Conf 81/08
IM-81-44 Reallotment Reallowance Federal Funds FY 1981 81/09
IM-81-45 National Training Employ Blind Visually Impaired 81/09
IM-81-89 FY 1982 First Qtr Grant Awards Under Continuing Resolution 81/10
IM-82-01 Handbook of Severe Disability 81/10
IM-82-03 Cost Charged to Federal Prog Allowance in Lieu 81/10
IM-82-04 Instructions for Completing SF 270 81/10
IM-82-05 Annual Index of IM and PI Issuances for FY 1981 81/10
IM-82-06 Additional Funds for First Qtr Grant Award 81/11
IM-82-07 Info Education Dept Payment System EDPMTS 81/11
IM-82-08 Employing the Disabled Self-Help Groups 81/11
IM-82-09 Centers for IL Grant Awards FY 1982 81/11
IM-82-10 NOF NOF
IM-82-11 Transmit Report: Caseload Stats VR FY 1980 81/12
IM-82-12 Coop Agreement American Heart Assoc/UCPA 81/12
IM-82-13 Transmit Characteristics Clients Closed FY 1980 81/12
IM-82-14 Additional Funds First Qtr Grant Award 81/12
IM-82-15 Second Qtr Grant Awards Basic Support Program 82/01
IM-82-16 FY 1981 Grants Special Projects Severe Disabled 82/01
IM-82-17 Reporting Evaluation Standards Reports 1981 82/01
IM-82-18 Personnel Management 82/02
IM-82-19 Interagency Collaboration Mental Health & VR 82/02
IM-82-20 State Agency Adherence Reporting Req 82/03
IM-82-21 FY 1982 Third Qtr Grant Award 82/04
IM-82-22 Additional Funds for Third Qtr Grant Award 82/04
IM-82-24 Federal Reg Notice Arbitration Panel R-S 82/05
IM-82-25 Technical Assistance to States 82/05
IM-82-26 RSA Response to Dept Preliminary Budget Guidance 82/08
IM-82-26 Federal/State VR Policy System 82/05
IM-82-27 FY 1983/1984 S&E Budget Hearing Schedule 82/06
IM-82-28 Fourth Qtr Awards FY 1982 82/07
IM-82-29 Economic Gains Individuals & Governments Thru VR 82/07
IM-82-30 Annual Report National Council on Handicapped 82/07
IM-82-31 Rehab Provisions HR 6181 SS Amend 82/07
IM-82-33 First Reallotment FY 1982 82/07
IM-82-34 S & E Fourth Qtr Allowance 82/07
IM-82-34 SS Admin Periodic Reviews of SSDI 82/07
IM-82-36 Job Opportunities for Handicapped DOD 82/07
IM-82-37 Corrections Reporting Instruct RSA 2 & SF 269 82/08
IM-82-39 Second Reallotment for FY 1982 82/08
IM-82-40 Transmit Characteristics Persons Rehabed FY 1980 82/09
IM-82-41 Transmit Caseload Stats VR Agencies FY 1981 82/09
IM-82-42 Final Reallotment Funds FY 1981 82/09
IM-82-43 Pretest Results Functional Assessment Inventory 82/09
IM-83-01 FY 1983 1st Qtr Awards Continuing Resolution 82/10
IM-83-02 Annual Index of IM and PI Issuances for FY 1982 82/10
IM-83-03 OMB Memo Entitled Improper Uses of Federal Funds 82/10
IM-83-04 Additional Funds for First Qtr Grant Awards 82/11
IM-83-05 FY 1982 Centers for IL Grant Awards 82/11
IM-83-06 Long Term Impact Severity of Disability RSA/SSA 82/11
IM-83-07 Employ Opportunities DOD Severely Handicapped 82/11
IM-83-08 Job Training Partnership Act JTPA 82/12
IM-83-09 Small Business Admin Handicapped Assist Loans 82/11
IM-83-10 FY 1983 Second Qtr Grant Awards 83/01
IM-83-11 Job Training Partnership Act JTPA 83/01
IM-83-12 GAO Review of VR Program 83/01
IM-83-13 RSA Coded Issuances SSDI/SSI-VR Programs 83/01
IM-83-14 Characteristics of Clients Cases Closed FY 1981 83/02
IM-83-15 R-S Vend Facility Program FY 1981 83/02
IM-83-17 Transmit 34 Part 395 Code of Federal Regulations 83/02
IM-83-19 Transmit Document Manufacturers Hanover Trust 83/02
IM-83-20 Establish Audio Teleconferencing Network in VR 83/02
IM-83-21 Medicare Comprehensive Outpatient Rehab Facility 83/03
IM-83-22 Needs Assessment Eval Services for Deaf-Blind 83/03
IM-83-23 Payment by VR Agencies Classroom Interpreters 83/03
IM-83-24 Sources of Alternate Funding for VR Serv 83/03
IM-83-25 Information Regarding Client Assistance Projects 83/03
IM-83-26 FY 1983 Third Qtr Grant Awards 83/03
IM-83-28 Division Administrators of Field Offices FHA 83/05
IM-83-29 Summary of Operation R-S Vend Facil Prog FY 1982 83/05
IM-83-30 Technical Assistance Briefs 83/05
IM-83-32 RSA 911 Program Impact Reporting System Approval 83/06
IM-83-33 Training Projects for Professionals Blind Field 83/06
IM-83-34 State Agencies Responsible for Admin VR Prg 83/06
IM-83-35 Transmit Report Caseload Stats State VR FY 1982 83/06
IM-83-36 Eval Agreements Between State VR and SFA Offices 83/07
IM-83-37 Hawaii SOICC Publication Hi Tech & Jobs Future 83/07
IM-83-38 Tripod Inc Hearing Impaired Children 83/07
IM-83-39 Drug Addicts and Alcoholics Program 83/08
IM-83-40 Correction IM-83-38 Tripod Inc Phone Numbers 83/08
IM-83-41 Program Improve Services To Severely Disabled 83/08
IM-83-42 NOICC Admin Report Status of NOICC/SOICC Network 83/08