Carla J. Berg, Ph.D.
Office: Home:
Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education 1625 Duncan Drive NW
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health Atlanta, GA 30318
1518 Clifton Road NE, 5th Floor (404) 558-5395
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone: (404) 727-7589
Fax: (404) 727-1369
Anticipated 2016 Emory University Goizueta Business School
Masters of Business Administration
2007—Residency Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Behavioral Medicine, Advisor: Stephen Safren, PhD
2007—Ph.D. University of Kansas
Clinical Psychology (specialty: Health Psychology), Advisor: C. R. Snyder, PhD
2003—M.A. University of Kansas
Clinical Psychology (specialty: Health Psychology), Advisor: C. R. Snyder, PhD
2001—B.A. Dakota Wesleyan University
Majors: Psychology, Mathematics; Minor: Business
Honors: Summa Cum Laude, Graduation with Honors
professional experience
2015-present Associate Professor, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA
Associate Director of Population Sciences, Member of Cancer Prevention and Control Program, Emory Winship Cancer Center
2009-2015 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA
Member of Cancer Prevention and Control Program, Winship Cancer Center
2007-2009 Postdoctoral Fellowship , University of Minnesota, Department of Medicine, Member of Masonic Cancer Center, Member of Program in Health Disparities
Mentor: Jasjit S. Ahluwalia, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
2006-2007 Behavioral Medicine Intern, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (APA Approved)
L.P. Licensed Psychologist, Georgia (2010-present)
License #: PSY003359; Issued: 04/19/10; Expiration date: 12/31/16
2014 Million Dollar Club, Rollins School of Public Health (one of 20 faculty throughout the
school that brought in over a million dollars in the fiscal year in grant funding)
2013 Fulbright Scholarship, Institute of International Education; Council for International
Exchange of Scholars, hosted by Tbilisi State Medical University International School of Public Health, Tbilisi, Georgia
2012 Fellow, Health Equity Leadership Institute, University of Wisconsin Collaborative Center
for Health Equity
2011 Nominee, Faculty Member of the Year, Emory University Rollins School of Public
2011 Scholarship Recipient, Contextual Genetics and Prevention Science Symposium:
“An Introduction to Genetics and Epigenetics for Behavioral Scientists”
Center for Contextual Genetics and Prevention Science, University of Georgia
2011 Fellow, National Institutes of Health
Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation in Research in Health
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2010 Scholarship Recipient, Contextual Genetics and Prevention Science Symposium:
“An Introduction to Genetics and Epigenetics for Behavioral Scientists”
Center for Contextual Genetics and Prevention Science, University of Georgia
2010 Fellow, National Institutes of Health/Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
NIH Advanced Training Institute in Health Behavior Theory
2010 Fellow, National Institutes of Health/Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
NIH Summer Institute on Transdisciplinary Research: Integrating Genetic and Social Work Research
2009-2014 Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar
2009 Fellow, National Institutes of Health/Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
Summer Institute on Randomized Clinical Trials Involving Behavioral Interventions
2008-2014 National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program
2008 Meritorious Student Abstract Award, Society of Behavioral Medicine
2007 Outstanding Dissertation Award, Society of Behavioral Medicine
2006 American Cancer Society/American Association for Cancer Research Scholarship
2006 The Gallup International Positive Psychology Summit Fellowship
2005 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Student Travel Award, American Legacy Foundation, SRNT
2005 B. Kent Houston Award in Health Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
2005 Dissertation Research Award, American Psychological Association
2001-2005 Madison and Lila Self Fellowship, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
2001 Department Medals in Mathematics, Psychology, and Music, Dakota Wesleyan
University, Mitchell, SD
1997-2001 Randall Scholar, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, SD
1997-2001 President’s Honor Roll, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, SD
2000-2001 Psi Chi National Honor Society, Pi Gamma Mu National Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, SD
2000 USA Today Academic All American Honorable Mention
2000 Award for Excellence in Mathematics, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, SD
Principal Investigator
Promoting Quality of Life Among Young Adult Cancer Survivors
Winship Invests 2015
Funding Agency: Winship Cancer Institute
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: March 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017
Direct Costs: $50,000
Description: A one-year grant aimed at promoting hope and goal-oriented thinking among young adults post cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Market Research to Predict Emerging Tobacco Product Use in Diverse Young Adults
NIH R01 Tobacco Control Regulatory Research (1R01CA179422-01)
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute, Food and Drug Administration
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2018
Direct Costs: $2,014,835
Description: A five-year grant aimed at using market research to identify and characterize young adults at high-risk for tobacco use, focusing on alternative and emerging tobacco products.
Policy, Advertising and Social Media Related to E-cigarette Consumer Behavior
NCI R21: Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (1R21CA198455-01)
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017
Direct Costs: $275,000
Description: A two-year grant to 1) examine the association between e-cigarette Twitter activity and e-cigarette purchasing behavior; 2) examine tobacco control policies and e-cigarette advertising in relation to e-cigarette Twitter activity; and 3) model e-cigarette purchasing through tobacco control policies, e-cigarette advertising, and e-cigarette Twitter activity over time and across states.
African American Smokers’ Exposome
Emory Winship Cancer Institute Strategic Initiative Pilot Grant – Tobacco Related Cancer
Funding Agency: Emory Winship Cancer Institute
Period of Support: March 1, 2015 to February 29, 2016
Carla Berg (Role: co-PI)
Direct Costs: $100,000
Description: A one-year pilot grant to conduct formative research regarding multilevel factors associated with tobacco use and disease risk outcomes in African American smokers.
Emory Winship Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant
NCI P30: Cancer Center Support Grant (5P30CA138292-03)
Funding Agency: NCI
Period of Support: January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016
Carla Berg (Role: Associate Director for Population Sciences; PI: Curran)
Description: Center grant aimed at promoting research in Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics (CGE), Molecular Pathways and Biomarkers (MPB), Discovery and Drug Development (DDT), and Cancer Control and Population Sciences (CCPS) within Winship Cancer Institute.
Brief Interventions to Create Smoke-Free Home Policies among Low-Income Households
NIH U01 State & Community Tobacco Control Policy & Media Research (U01CA154282-01)
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute
Carla Berg (Role: Co-Investigator; PI: Kegler)
Direct Costs: $8,124,037
Description: A 5-year grant aimed at developing and testing an intervention to encourage implementation of home smoking restrictions delivered through the 2-1-1 call centers. This is a collaborative effort among four Cancer Prevention and Control Research Networks throughout the U.S.
Principal Investigator
Gene x Environment Interactions Influencing Smoking among African American Females
Funding Agency: Center for Contextual Genetics and Prevention Sciences, University of Georgia & Emory University
Period of Support: July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Direct Costs: $22,600
Description: A one-year grant aimed at examining gene x environment interactions effecting smoking initiation, progression, and potential cessation among young adult African American females.
SIP12-060: Innovative Messaging on Tobacco Control Policies Targeting Diverse Populations
Funding Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (3U48DP001909-04S1)
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2014
Direct Costs: $130,000
Description: A two-year grant aimed at developing innovative messages to promote tobacco control policies among diverse populations.
Developing a Tailored eHealth Smoking Intervention for Community College Students
NIH K07 Career Development Award (K07 CA139114)
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: May 1, 2010 to April 30, 2015
Direct Costs: $669,203
Description: A 5-year career development award aimed at developing and piloting a web-based smoking cessation intervention for community college students using tobacco industry market research to inform intervention development.
Development and Pilot Testing of a Technology-based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Cancer Survivors
Kennedy Survivorship Award
Funding Agency: Emory University Winship Cancer Institute
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: March 1, 2012 to February 28, 2014
Direct Costs: $72,727
Description: A two-year grant aimed at developing an intervention targeting survivors of smoking-related cancers and testing its feasibility, acceptability, and potential effectiveness.
Gene-Environment Interactions Influencing Smoking Initiation, Progression, and Potential Cessation among White College Students: Capitalizing on an Innovative Cessation Intervention Trial
Robbins Scholar Award
Funding Agency: Emory University Winship Cancer Institute
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: March 1, 2012 to February 28, 2014
Direct Costs: $54,545.50
Description: A 2-year mentored award aimed at examining genetic and environmental factors influencing smoking initiation and progression among White young adult smokers.
Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar
Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Clinicians and Scientists
Funding Agency: Georgia Cancer Coalition
Carla Berg (Scholar)
Period of Support: July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2014
Direct Costs: $250,000
Description: Five-year grant to be used to advance cancer research in Georgia.
Fulbright Grant
Funding Agency: Institute of International Education; Council for International Exchange of Scholars (#48131253)
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013
Direct Costs: $21,160
Description: A four-month research/teaching scholarship at Tbilisi State Medical University International School of Public Health to teach Global Tobacco Control and conduct tobacco control and related policies in the Republic of Georgia.
A Community-Based, Coach-Assisted Exercise Program for Breast Cancer Survivors
Glenn Breast Cancer Survivorship Award
Funding Agency: Emory University Winship Cancer Institute
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013
Direct Costs: $35,400
Description: A one-year grant aimed at examining the utilization of a coach-assisted program at the Metro-Atlanta YMCA’s among breast cancer survivors and testing its feasibility, acceptability, and potential effectiveness.
Smoking and Depression among an HIV-risk Population in China
Funding Agency: Center for AIDS Research, Emory University
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Direct Costs: $2,000
Period of Support: November 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012
Description: A one-year grant examining smoking and depressive symptoms among high HIV risk individuals in China.
Nondaily vs. Daily Smoking among Whites and African Americans: An Examination of Psychosocial Factors and Carcinogen Levels
Funding Agency: University Research Committee, Emory University
Period of Support: May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Direct Costs: $30,000
Description: A one-year grant aimed at examining smoking among African American college students borrowing market research tactics from the tobacco industry.
Smoking Cessation Intervention for Lung and Head/Neck Cancer Survivors
Emory Winship Cancer Institute Seed Grant for Scientific Research Projects
Funding Agency: Emory Winship Cancer Institute
Period of Support: May 1, 2010 to April 30, 2011
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Direct Costs: $50,000
Description: A one-year pilot grant to conduct formative research and pilot an intervention trial targeting smoking cessation among lung and head/neck cancer survivors.
Market Segmentation in Young Adults’ Responses to Minnesota’s Freedom to Breathe Act Clearway Minnesota Postdoctoral Research Award (RC-2007-0024)
Funding Agency: Clearway Minnesota
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009
Direct Costs: $126,312
Description: A 2-year postdoctoral award investigating the attitudes and beliefs regarding social support and public policy related to smoking among university students.
Understanding Young Adults’ Responses to a State Smoking Ban
Prevent Cancer Foundation Postdoctoral Research Award
Funding Agency: Prevent Cancer Foundation
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
(Funded and declined due to receipt of ClearWay Minnesota Postdoctoral funding)
Description: A 2-year postdoctoral award investigating the attitudes and beliefs regarding social support and public policy related to smoking among university students.
The Effectiveness of a Hope Intervention in Coping with Cold Pressor Pain
American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award
Funding Agency: American Psychological Association
Carla Berg (Role: Principal Investigator)
Period of Support: September 2005 to August 2006
Direct Costs: $1,000
Description: Dissertation research aimed to develop and examine an intervention targeted at low-hope college students to increase hope and thereby increase pain tolerance on an experimental pain task.
Emory Prevention Research Center
Funding Agency: CDC Agen#1U48 DP001909
Carla Berg (Role: Co-Investigator; PI: Michelle Kegler); .6 calendar months (5% effort)
Period of Support: September 30, 2009 to September 29, 2014
Funding: $1,464,739 direct; $536,996 indirect; $2,001,735 total
Description: Five-year center grant aimed at advancing prevention, particularly among high-risk, underserved communities.
Innovative Web-Based Intervention for Smoking Cessation among College Students
National Institutes of Health (1R43TR000358-01)
Carla Berg (Role: Consultant: PI: Sokol)
Period of Support: August 15, 2012 to August 14, 2012
Direct Costs: $150,000
Description: A one-year small business grant to develop a web-based health behavior intervention to market to vendors near college campuses to promote health-related goods and services.
Barriers to Continued Care and Health-Maintenance Behaviors among Young Adult Cancer Survivors
Funding Agency: Emory Egleston Children’s Research Center
Carla Berg (Role: Co-Investigator; PI: Esiashvili)
Direct Costs: $50,000
Period of Support: January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012
Description: A one-year pilot study aiming to conduct formative research regarding barriers to continued care and health-compromising behaviors among young adult cancer survivors and intervention development to promote continued care and health-maintenance behaviors.
Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative Evaluation Lead
Funding Agency: Mississippi Department of Health
Carla Berg (Role: Co-Investigator); PI: Kegler
Period of Support: September 1, 2009-August 31, 2012
Direct Costs: $300,000