Choosing Times:

Please start by checking the course time – it may sound silly but, year after year, someone ends up posting a session during the class time (needless to say, nobody ever signs up for that session!). You may want to also check for discussion times (if they are required), labs that are associated with the course, and, of course, avoid professor office hours if possible.

All Possible Tutoring Times in the Week
MWF: 9:15a-10:15a / TTH: 10:00a-11:00a
MWF: 9:30a-10:30a / TTH: 10:15a-11:15a
MWF: 10:45a-11:45a / TTH: 10:30a-11:30a
MWF: 12:00p-1:00p / TTH: 11:45a-12:45p
MWF: 1:30p-2:30p / TTH: 12:00p-1:00p
MWF: 2:45p-3:45p / TTH: 12:15p-1:15p
MWF: 4:00p-5:00p / TTH: 1:30p-2:30p
MW: 4:15p-5:15p / TTH: 1:45p-2:45p
MW: 5:30p-6:30p / TTH: 2:00p-3:00p
MW: 5:45p-6:45p / TTH: 3:45p-4:45p
MW: 7:15p-8:15p / TTH: 5:30p-6:30p
MW: 7:30p-8:30p / TTH: 5:45p-6:45p
TTH: 7:15p-8:15p
TTH: 7:30p-8:30p

Tutoring sessions are always one (1) hour long. To encourage group sessions, you must post your availability within class time blocks. This means that a session cannot start during one class lecture block and continue on into another time block. Tutoring sessions that end at the start of another class block is not acceptable either, as they do not give the students time to travel to their next class.

Correct Session:

Example of session that does not cross class blocks: Tuesday 12:15-1:15pm (this is a good time).

  • It also gives students plenty of time to get from class to the tutoring session and vice versa.

Incorrect Session:

Example of session that does cross class blocks: Wednesday from 1:30-2:30pm

  • A student in a 1:20-2:25pm class would not be able to attend, nor would a student in a 2:00-3:10pm class.

In short, things to consider when selecting a time:

  • Course lecture time
  • Professor office hours
  • Holding a session before 9:30am or after 8:00pm
  • Not crossing class blocks or duplicating times
  • Giving students travel time
  • Giving a variety of times for your sessions
  • If possible, consider discussion sections, and/or lab times for the class

To assist you to choose a good time, we have created this list of ‘acceptable times’. Any of these times are okay to post a session during. If a time is not on this list, chances are there is an issue with the time you have chosen. Please keep this list handy while you are setting your tutoring availability.

How to Add your Writing Tutoring Availability Times:

  1. Log in to Slug Success using your gold password and ensure that you are on your “Home” page
  2. Click the “Student Home” dropdown menu and click “Tutor Home”
  1. From this screen click the “Tutor Settings” tab
  2. In the section named “Tutoring Times Available” click the “Actions” dropdown menu
  3. Click the “Add Time” box
  1. In the “Add Availability” window follow the required steps:
  2. Select the day that you are setting the session for
  3. Using the slider bar, align the correct one (1) hour long block for the session
  4. Select the “Appointments” box for any tutoring session
  5. In the box labeled “How many?” leave blank
  6. Click the box next to the “Limit to 1 course per slot” unless you tutor a cross-listed course.
  7. Click the “Duration” box and select the correct quarter from the dropdown menu
  8. Click the “Location” box and select “Learning Support Services” from the dropdown menu
  9. Leave the “Select Courses” box empty!
  10. Set the “Select Student Services” box to “Writing Tutoring”
  11. In the “Details” box enter relevant details about the session,you MUST enter the location and class + section number if applicable (ie: Location: ARCenter 221)
  12. Select the “Save” button to complete the addition of this session time
  1. The session will automatically populate the “Tutoring Times Available” box once saved
  1. Repeat this process 2-3 more times for your other sessions

How to view the students that have signed up for your sessions:

  1. Log in to Slug Success using your gold password and ensure that you are on your “Home” page
  2. The box in the bottom right of the screen is where all upcoming sessions are listed (both tutoring and attending) Note: This box will stay in this position on each screen
  1. One other place to view your upcoming sessions and the students that signed up for them is on the Tutor Home screen in the “tutor info” tab.

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