PROJECT PROFILE – JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d.-Sarajevo

Project Title / Hydro Power Plant Ustikolina
Sector of Industry / Energy
Location / River Drina, Municipality Goražde and Foča-Ustikolina, Bosansko-podrinjski canton Goražde, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Objective of the project / Independent electricity generation for Bosansko-podrinjski canton Goražde, job opportunity during and after construction, electricity generation from renewable sources, CO2 emission reduction
Key characteristics and advantages of the project / Plant characteristics:
• Run-of-river power plant type
• Power 60,48 MW
• Production 236,80 GWh
Positive facts:
Independent energy production source for the region; Electricity generation from renewable sources; Economical benefit to local communities; Development of local infrastructure; Local tourism development
The financial aspect of investment - project:
Return on investment(ROI), Net Present Value, etc. / Return period from the start of production 12 years
Net Present Value (NPV) 1.797.896 €
Internal rate of return (IRR) 7,13 %
Profitability index 1,01
Budget of expected investment – total investment / Economics Characteristics:
Total Investment cost 141,17 mill €
Specific investment 2,29 mill € / MW
Expected mode of cooperation with potential investor / Implementation of the project through loan agreement
Selection of EPC Contractor
Company information / Name of company: JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d.-Sarajevo
Brief description of business: Generation, distribution & supply of electricity
Establishment of the company: Year 1946
Location (street, city, state): Vilsonovo šetalište 15, Sarajevo, BiH
Management of the company: General manager Bajazit Jašarević
Capital structure: 90% Public, 10% Private
Number of employees: 4.615 as it is on 31.12.2016.
Advantages that the company has when compared with other companies with similar business activities: Leader in the electricity business in the region
Company size / Corporation
Structure of sales ( year 2015 and 2016) / Total sales in 2016: 484,90 mil €
Sales structure in 2016: Export 1,2 %
Market position / Owner of distribution and leading supplier and producer of electricity
Financial data / Description / Dec. 2016 / Dec. 2015
Shareholders capital / mill € / 1,144 / 1,144
Operational revenues / mill € / 505,56 / 483,73
Operational expenditures / mill € / 416,6 / 395,02
EBITDA / mill € / 88,96 / 88,7
Profit/Loss / mill € / 6,6 / 1,84
Production / GWh / 7.245 / 6.909
Installed capacity / MW / 1.682 / 1.682
Number of customers / 750.495 / 740.913
Historical overview of the most important characteristics / Operates with 2 TPPs, 3 HPPs & 8 small HPPs and 7 coal mines
List of products / Electricity generation
Contact Information / JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d.–Sarajevo
Vilsonovo šetalište 15, Sarajevo
General manager: Bajazit Jašarević
Tel: +387 33 751 002
Other information / Available: Preliminary design; Environmental and Social Impact Assessment