Please submit this form to Mr. Gregg Henderschiedt by October 2, 2017.

Why Create an Individual Development Plan?

Anindividualdevelopmentplan(IDP)helpsyouto alignyourpersonalandprofessionalgoalswithyouracademicexpectationsandresponsibilities.Developingaplanwillgiveyoucriticalinformationforbuildingtheskills,knowledge,andresourcesnecessary for your career, and to prepare you for meaningfulpersonalorprofessionalopportunitiesaftergraduation.

The template iscomprisedofaself-assessmentofyour currentskills and interests, asummaryofyourgoals for the upcoming year based on your self-assessment,andanactionplan to shape your skillset,createdinconjunctionwithyouradvisor.

How Will an IDP Guide MyProgress?

YourIDPwillserve as a guide to your annual progress meetings with your advisor, to ensure progress is made towards yourpersonalandprofessional goals. Each year, you can develop a revised IDP, based on an updated assessment of your goals and skills, as well as the progress you make throughout your career, to create attainable steps for fulfilling long-term goals.

How Can I Use This Template?

Please take the time to complete the IDP template to the best of your ability soon after your arrival at UF. It is okay if you are unable to provide clear answers on parts of the IDP template; the document is meant to guide you in formulating a plan for your future, and any questions that arise can be addressed in your first meeting with your advisor. Also, schedule a meeting with your advisor or graduate coordinator early in your first semester at UF, to discuss your goals and expectations for your time at UF.

The IDP document is meant to complement the creation of your academic plan of study, which will outline the measures for academic success in your program. To ensure that both the IDP and your plan of study are coordinated, studentsandadvisorseachhaveasetofexpectations,whicharelistedbelow, to support your progress towards your degree.



  • Takeprimaryresponsibilityforthesuccessful completionofmydegree.
  • Meetregularlywithmyadvisorandprovideher/himwithupdatesontheprogressandresultsofmyactivitiesand experiments.
  • Initiaterequestsforfeedbackandseekadvicefrommy advisor,committee,andothermentors.
  • Beknowledgeableofthepoliciesandrequirementsofmy graduateprogramandtheUniversityofFlorida.
  • Attendandparticipateindepartmentmeetingsand seminars.
  • Keepupwithoriginalliteratureinmyfield.
  • Beagoodresearchcollaborator and work collegially.
  • Discusspoliciesonauthorshipandattendanceatprofessionalmeetingswithmyadvisor.


  • Committoa student’seducationandtrainingasafuturememberoftheresearchcommunity.
  • Helpplananddirecta student’sresearchproject,allowingthemtotakeownershipoftheir researchwhilesettingreasonablegoalsandestablishingatimelineforcompletion.
  • Provideandseekregularandhonestfeedback.
  • Monitor and improve your mentoring skills.
  • Encouragestudentstobring concernsandhelpthemfindacceptablesolutionstoproblems.
  • Beknowledgeable of and advise students about graduateprogramrequirements/deadlines.
  • Help students develop skills neededtobeasuccessfulresearcher.
  • Discussauthorshippolicies,acknowledge a student’sresearchcontributions,andworkwithstudents to aid in publishingtheir workinatimelymannerpriorto theirgraduation.

Steps for creating your IDP

Set goals and complete self-assessment

- Set personal and professional goals

- Complete self-assessment

Create self-assessment summary + goal priority

- Identify goals for the next year from assessment survey

Discuss + develop plan with mentor

- Create achievable set of goals in yearly action plan

- Create plan for meeting with advisor

Implement action plan

- Set and monitor progress on personal milestones for action plan goals

Revise and review as needed

- Sign, update as necessary

Step 1a: Personal & Professional Goals

(answer the following questions, using as much space as you need)

What are your goals?



What help would you need to achieve your goals? What help can your advisor or faculty mentors provide for professional development and training?

What are important features of mentoring relationships for you?

How will you develop contacts related to your career goals?

How will you maintain wellness during your time in graduate school?

Step 1b: Self-Assessment

This self-assessment survey allows you to evaluate your current strengths and weaknesses. Please check the boxesaccording to your ability (1 being low; 3 being high). Use these scores to guide your discussions with youradvisor. You may identify targeted goals for this year by using the Goal checkboxes in the relevant categories.

Research Skills & Knowledge123Goal

Broad-based knowledge of field☐ ☐ ☐☐

Critical reading of literature in field☐ ☐ ☐☐

Experimental/research design☐ ☐ ☐☐

Careful recordkeeping practices☐ ☐ ☐☐

Demonstratingethical conduct in☐ ☐ ☐☐

research & publication


Being healthy (physically and

emotionally)☐ ☐ ☐☐

Effective time management☐ ☐ ☐☐

Maintaining personal motivation☐ ☐ ☐☐

Promoting inclusive workplaces/☐ ☐ ☐☐



Writing for experts in my field☐ ☐ ☐☐

Writing for a lay audience☐ ☐ ☐☐

Grantwriting skills☐ ☐ ☐☐

Speaking clearly and effectively☐ ☐ ☐☐

Teaching in a classroom☐ ☐ ☐☐

Management & Leadership Skills123 Goal

Providing instruction and guidance☐ ☐ ☐☐

Providing constructive feedback☐ ☐ ☐☐

Dealing with conflict☐ ☐ ☐☐

Planning and organizing projects☐ ☐ ☐☐

Delegating responsibilities to team☐ ☐ ☐☐


Leading and motivating others☐ ☐ ☐☐

Professionalism123 Goal

Identifying and seeking advice☐ ☐ ☐☐

Upholding commitments☐ ☐ ☐☐

& deadlines

Maintaining positive relationships☐ ☐ ☐☐

Contributing to a team☐ ☐ ☐☐

Maintaining network of peers☐ ☐ ☐☐

Career Advancement123Goal

Building transferable skills☐ ☐ ☐☐

Identifying career options☐ ☐ ☐☐

Participating in professional service☐ ☐ ☐☐

Taking long-term approach to career☐ ☐ ☐☐

Collaborating on work/peer review☐ ☐ ☐☐

Editing my own work☐ ☐ ☐☐


Most Notable Strengths(list here)

Most Notable Areas for Improvement(list here)


Near term (within next 6 months) Long term (more than 6 months away)

High Priority

Low Priority

Step 3a: Create Action Plan with Advisor


Activities and Timeline
FinancialSupport (if needed)
Follow-up and Progress
Activities and Timeline
FinancialSupport (if needed)
Follow-up and Progress
Activities and Timeline
FinancialSupport (if needed)
Follow-up and Progress

Step 3b: Plan for Meeting with Advisor

When and how often do you plan to meet with your advisor?

Who will initiate the meetings?

Who else do you need to meet with?

AsyouimplementyourIDP,remembertoadjustyourplansasyourcircumstanceschange.Meetwithyouradvisor throughouttheyeartodiscussyourprogressandyourachievements.

Besuretoschedule a meeting with your advisor to reassess this IDP in May and to review your spring graduate student evaluation. Please note that the graduate student evaluation will be due on May 15.

Sign and submit this form to Mr. Gregg Henderschiedt byOctober 2. This form is required by the Graduate School and must be recorded in GIMS.

Your signature:Date:

Your supervisor’s signature:Date:

UF IDPTemplate Adapted From:



