ANCHASL Business Meeting

Area L AHEC at Rocky Mount, NC

November 19, 2004

Melanie Norton called the meeting to order at noon. The meeting minutes were read and approved with minor corrections.

Treasurers Report

Deniz Ender presented the treasurer’s report. A copy of the report was included in the packet. Ms Ender stated that the current balance was

$11,313.75. This balance did not include the expense of lunch at the present meeting.

Publicity Committee Report

Mary Beth is rotating off of the committee and Margaret Cobb is stepping in.

Continuing Education Committee Report

Roger will stay on as chairman of the Education Committee.

Membership Report

Burnette Bell reported that we currently have 78 paid members. Of the 78, twenty are new members.

Old Business and New Business

Ad Hoc Committee

Scholarship / Award Committee submitted guidelines with an application form on the back page so that the person requesting could be verified before the board voted to accept or deny. The motion was approved to extend the service of this committee for a year and to evaluate as a permanent committee.

The Bylaws were approved effective immediately.

“Survey Monkey” is a software program that allows one to do online surveys. The free version allows you to ask 10 – 15 questions and has a ceiling for the number of responses you can collect. The full version, which was implemented as a benefit in a Pacific Northwest medical library organization, would cost ANCHASL ~$200 per year in subscription fees. The recommendation was made to offer “Survey Monkey as a benefit of membership.

Congratulations to Margie Furr and Susan Keesee! Margie will be serving as the President-elect and Susan will be the new secretary.

Special Thanks went to all of the officers, committee chairs and committee members. Everyone was encouraged to volunteer for a committee.

Melanie requested that everyone fill out the evaluations at the end of the programs.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.