Virginia Water Community Association

Expression of Interest Form for Stall Holders

Name of organisation:

Charity number (if any):

Contact name:

Contact address:

Telephone number:

E-mail address:

No. of required pitches (4 m sq.) Number of tables required:

Public Liability Insurance? (Yes/No) Insured Value (£): [If yes, please enclose copy of insurance certificate with application]

Please use the box overleaf to say which type of stall you would like to run and to answer the related questions.

Providing this detail will make it easier for the committee to select your stall and to allocate you a prime site!

  1. Community/Voluntary/Charity Organisation
    (What activities will be on your stall? Will you be selling anything?How much will you be charging?)
  2. Local organisation/business running activities on behalf of the Carnival Capers committee
    (Roughly how many people will you be providing to run the stall? Is there anything you would particularly like to do? Will you be displaying information about yourselves?)
  3. Commercial organisation running activities or selling products
    (What will you be selling and what is the price range? Will there be any other activities on the stall?)

Expressions of interest should be submitted by Friday 23rdMarch 2018

Please return to: or by post to:

Julian Hunt, 68Trumps Green Avenue, Virginia Water, Surrey, GU25 4EP

Virginia Water Community Association - Charity Registration No. 274809

Virginia Water Community Association

Expression of Interest Form for Stall Holders


Please return to: or by post to:

Julian Hunt, 68Trumps Green Avenue, Virginia Water, Surrey, GU25 4EP

Expressions of interest need to be submitted by Friday 23rdMarch 2018

Submitting this form does NOT guarantee you a pitch or stall at Carnival Capers 2018 – you should wait for confirmation before making final preparations and submitting any payment for your stall. If successful, you will receive a letter and then you will be asked for payment and proof of insurance. Please also note that your stall may be located anywhere within the layout of Carnival Capers 2018 - this is at the total discretion of the organising committee.

Virginia Water Community Association - Charity Registration No. 274809