Note: For this objective, the major topics including the evolution of multimedia, multimedia systems, multimedia fair uses guidelines and elements, and multimedia authoring programs will be covered. In order to enhance knowledge about and skills using multimedia, the students will recall prior knowledge and apply it to what they will further learn about multimedia. They will review the evolution of multimedia with focus on areas of growth, previous barriers, and its impact on our lives.

To build their multimedia vocabulary, students will identify, in their own words, how essential terms are important to multimedia. Students will examine computer systems they use regularly and determine if they are appropriate for developing and displaying multimedia titles. They will become familiar with guidelines of fair use of multimedia in order to avoid infringing on the rights of owners of graphics, music, and videos. This will be especially helpful as they create multimedia titles in 3.02. They will examine the possible elements of any multimedia title and include some in their products.

Unpacked Content

A.  Evolution of Multimedia

B.  Multimedia Systems

1.  Playback Systems

2.  Development Systems

C.  Multimedia Fair Uses Guidelines and Elements

1.  Fair Uses Guidelines

2.  Multimedia Elements

a.  Text

b.  Graphics

c.  Animation – 2-D and 3-D

d.  Audio

i.  Digitizing Sound

(a)  Sampling – process used to convert analog sound waves into digital data to be used by computers.

(b)  Sample rate – the number of samples taken per second.

(c)  Sample size – the number of bits used to save one sample.

ii.  Audio file size – determined by the sample rate, sample size and number of channels used.

iii.  File Formats

(a)  AU – Audio file

(b)  MP3 – MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3

(c)  MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface

(d)  WAV – Waveform file

(e)  WMA – Windows Media Audio

e.  Video File Formats

i.  AVI – Audio Video Interleave

ii.  MOV - Movie

iii.  MPEG – Moving Picture Experts Group

iv.  RM – Real Media

v.  WMV – Windows Media File

vi.  FLV – Flash Video

f.  Virtual Reality

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Instructional Activities and Resources

Instructional Activities / Resources
1. / I know … about multimedia
·  Have students complete the 3.01 I know … about multimedia Activity. Note: Students will complete 3.01 Now I know … about multimedia Activity at the end of this objective.
·  Assign students to groups of at least six, and then have them share their responses.
·  Have students from each group present all responses with one response per student to the class. Note: Depending on the group and class sizes, students may present more than one response. / ·  3.01 I know … about multimedia Activity.
2. / Evolution of Multimedia
·  Facilitate a discussion about multimedia using the following questions:
1.  Why is multimedia important to society?
2.  What will multimedia look like in the future?
·  Present the 3.01A Evolution of Multimedia PowerPoint Presentation and have students complete Section A of the 3.01 Multimedia Organizer. / ·  3.01A Evolution of Multimedia PowerPoint Presentation
·  Section A of 3.01 Multimedia Organizer
3. / ·  Have students complete the 3.01 Business Uses of Multimedia Activity.
·  Have students work in groups of at least four to discuss their findings.
·  Then have the students display at least one of the web sites reviewed individually and explain to the group possible ways to improve or best use of multimedia. / ·  3.01 Business Uses of Multimedia Activity
·  Resources to search business uses
4. / ·  Assign students to work in pairs and have them complete the 3.01 Very Important Terms to Multimedia Activity. Allow the students to use the 3.01 Multimedia Terms and Definitions as a resource.
·  Have each pair of students present the very important terms to one another. / ·  3.01 Very Important Terms to Multimedia Activity
·  3.01 Multimedia Terms and Definitions
Instructional Activities and Resources continued on next page.
5. / Multimedia Systems
·  Facilitate a discussion about multimedia systems using the following questions:
1.  Will someone describe the different computer systems he/she currently uses?
2.  What additional hardware can be purchased to supplement computer systems?
3.  What is the difference between playback and development in relation to computer systems?
·  Present the 3.01B Multimedia Systems PowerPoint Presentation, and have students complete Section B of the 3.01 Multimedia Organizer. / ·  3.01B Multimedia Systems PowerPoint Presentation
·  Section B of 3.01 Multimedia Organizer
6. / ·  Facilitate a discussion about how to determine the appropriateness of computer systems for displaying and developing multimedia titles.
·  Have students complete the 3.01 Basic Computer Systems Activity.
·  Select several students to present a summary of their findings. / ·  3.01 Basic Computer Systems Activity
·  Computer systems used on a regular basis
7. / Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines and Elements
·  Present the Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines and Elements slides in the 3.01C PowerPoint Presentation and have students complete Section C1 of the 3.01 Multimedia Organizer.
·  Discuss at least three copyright infringement examples and the judicial action for each one. The websites of copyright infringement examples listed are possible resources. / ·  Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines and Elements slides in the 3.01C PowerPoint Presentation
·  Section C1 of 3.01 Multimedia Organizer
·  Web sites:
Fair Use of Multimedia Guidelines-
Examples Copyright Infringement Cases-
8. / Present the remaining slides in the 3.01C Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines and Elements PowerPoint Presentation and have students complete Section C2 of the 3.01 Multimedia Organizer. / ·  Section C2 of 3.01 Multimedia Organizer
·  3.01C Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines and Elements PowerPoint Presentation
Instructional Activities and Resources continued on next page.
9. / Have students complete the 3.01 Audio and Video File Formats Activity. / ·  3.01 Audio and Video File Formats Activity
·  3.01 Audio and Video File Formats Activity Key
10. / ·  Have students complete Part A of the 3.01 Audio and Video Hardware and Software Activity.
·  Assign students to work in groups according to their hardware or software ranking. Note: Make appropriate adjustments so that all of the items in Part A are represented and group sizes are appropriate.
·  Discuss the 3.01 Audio and Video Hardware and Software Activity Rubric with the students.
·  Have the groups complete Part B of the 3.01 Audio and Video Hardware and Software Activity.
·  Have the groups present their presentations about selected hardware or software. / ·  3.01 Audio and Video Hardware and Software Activity
·  Research and presentation resources
·  3.01 Audio and Video Hardware and Software Activity Rubric
11. / ·  Facilitate a discussion about the importance of being familiar with stock clips terms for use and how to access them on CD’s and the internet. Websites listed are possible resources.
·  Have students complete the 3.01 Where are the Clips? Activity.
·  Have several students present at least one company’s information.
·  Make the information found accessible to students in a notebook, folder, or other appropriate format. / ·  3.01 Where are the Clips? Activity
·  Multimedia CD’s
·  Web sites:
13. / ·  Have students complete the 3.01 Multimedia Authoring Programs Activity.
·  Have students work in groups to make a poster-size comparison chart of the authoring programs (Director, Toolbook, PowerPoint, etc).
·  Select groups to present their posters. / ·  3.01 Multimedia Authoring Programs Activity

Instructional Support Materials

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Name ______Date ______Period _____

3.01 I know … about multimedia Activity

Directions: Provide the requested below information in the spaces provided.

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6412 Multimedia and Webpage Design Summer 2010 Unit B Page 222

Name ______Date ______Period _____

3.01 Multimedia Organizer

Directions: Summarize the evolution of multimedia in the below table. You may use pictures too.

Section A Evolution of Multimedia
General / Past / Present
Meaning of multimedia / Growth
Barriers / Business Uses of Multimedia
Multimedia impact

Name ______Date ______Period _____

3.01 Multimedia Organizer Key (Answers may vary)

Directions: Summarize the evolution of multimedia in the below table. You may use pictures too.

Section A Evolution of Multimedia
General / Past / Present
Meaning of multimedia
Commonly applies to an extensive range of computer-related products, processes, and applications that incorporate interactive experiences such as going to a video rental store reviewing a movie clip and then renting the movie. / Growth
Multimedia first emerged in the 1980s when desktop computers became more prevalent in businesses, schools, and homes.
Growth in multimedia exploded significantly as technology improved, allowing animation, complex graphics, sound files, and video clips to be included in presentations.
Limited availability of multimedia authoring software. Development of standards for multimedia files has helped overcome this barrier.
Large file sizes due to the multimedia content in the presentations. Computers have become faster and have more storage while also being less expensive which has helped overcome this barrier. / Business Uses of Multimedia
Businesses and organizations use multimedia for marketing, training, and presentations purposes.
Presentations are customized for possible outcomes to:
-  Inform
-  Motivate
-  Persuade
-  Sell
-  Teach
-  Train
Multimedia impact
By using the advanced features of multimedia, companies can enhance their communication with associates.
Multimedia adds a positive visual appeal to presentations also provides entertainment.

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Name ______Date ______Period _____

3.01 Business Uses of Multimedia Activity

Directions: Provide the below requested information from a CD or website about the uses of multimedia for a company. It is better to use businesses CD’s or websites that included animation, sound, and video elements.

Company Information / Company 1 / Company 2 / Company 3
Name of business
URL of business
Major function of business
Describe how the business uses multimedia on its web site (include if animation, sound, and video were used).
What changes are recommended for the use of multimedia?
Rank the three businesses’ use of multimedia 1-3 (1 is the best-3 is okay)

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Name ______Date ______Period _____

3.01 Very Important Terms to Multimedia Activity

Directions: Use the multimedia terms sheets as a resource to determine how the below listed terms are important to multimedia. You may use the below spaces or software to record your responses

General Terms / Why are the terms important to multimedia
Multimedia / Different types of media including text, video, sound, graphics and animations.
Multimedia presentations / A computer based, interactive experience that incorporates text, graphics, sound, video, and virtual reality.
Copyright Law / Copyright ensures that the author’s rights of images and sounds used in multimedia products are protected and acknowledged. Copyrighted material cannot be used without the owner’s permission.
Fair Use / Fair use allows others to use copyright material without infringing on the rights of the owner. Beware that these are only guidelines and do not protect the user from lawsuits!
Multimedia elements
Navigation buttons

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Asymmetrical balance
Build Effect
Inter-screen unity
Intra-screen unity
Linear presentations
No balance
Non-linear presentation
Optical center
Optical weight
Sequential navigational scheme
Symmetrical balance
Authoring programs
Adobe Director
Adobe Flash
Programming languages
Scripting Languages
Adobe Shockwave Player / Plays web content that has been created with Adobe Director.

6412 Multimedia and Webpage Design Summer 2010 Unit B Page 222

3.01 Multimedia Terms and Definitions

General Terms

Multimedia - Different types of media including text, video, sound, graphics and animations.

Multimedia Presentation — a computer based, interactive experience that incorporates text, graphics, sound, video, and virtual reality.

Copyright Law — ensures that the author’s rights of images and sounds used in multimedia products are protected and acknowledged. Copyrighted material cannot be used without the owner’s permission.

Fair Use — Fair use allows others to use copyright material without infringing on the rights of the owner. Beware that these are only guidelines and do not protect the user from lawsuits!

Basic Parts of Multimedia Presentations

Build Effect — an effect applied to text that makes it appear on a slide in increments of one letter, word or section at a time; keeps the audience’s attention and does not allow the audience to read or see past what the speaker is explaining.

Hyperlinks — “hot spots” or “jumps” to locate another file or page; represented by a graphic or colored and underlined text.

Menus - are a list of options (text or images) that link to other parts of the presentation.

Navigation buttons — allow the user to interact with a multimedia presentation. Allow the end user to navigate between slides, additional elements (i.e. Word and Excel documents), audio, video clips, and other interactive parts of the presentation.

Slide transition — the visual effect of a slide as it moves on and off the screen during a slide show.


Asymmetrical balance — distribution achieved by arranging non-identical elements on both sides of an imaginary center line on the screen.

Balance —is the distribution of optical weight in the layout.

Interactivity —is the ability of the user to interact with an application.

Inter-screen unity —is the design that users encounter as they navigate from one screen to another; provides consistency throughout a title.

Intra-screen unity — is how the various elements relate to one another on the same screen.