Kansas City, MO


Date: 3/06/2014

Time: 10:45am

Place: Shoal Creek Golf Club- Kansas City

Presiding: Lin Van Meter – President

Attendees: Lin Van Meter,Gena Claxton, Valerie Starks,Marlo Howard, Carole Harris,Jenifer Langston, Tammy Ebright, Gina Schnitz, John Linder

Governing Board Actions

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting and current agenda were APPROVED.
  1. Treasurers Report: Tammy Ebright –We currently have $7303.06 in our account. John Linder will be taking over this position. Draft a letter to remove Mary Richards and Tammy Ebright from bank account. Adding Lin Van Meter, and John Linder to account. Smiles Delivered, Cindi Moore was the sponsor for our March meeting. 40 guests signed up for meeting.
  1. Standing Committee Reports Received:
  2. By-Laws & Standing Rules:Marlo Howard – By Laws are approved by National. Jennifer Langston was voted in by board for Vice President.
  1. V.P. Membership:Tammy Ebrightwas voted in to take position on board. She is going to sales meetings to promote WCR, stressing the need to become members at meetings, sending to website to renew memberships, having member renewal drawing. New count of agents is up to 25 on members. There are two new affiliate members.
  1. Marketing:Angie Fisher –. Find OFFICE ambassadors to post flyers and talk at sales meetings. Facebook invites for meetings.
  1. Ways and Means:Valerie Starks/Tammy Ebright/Gena Claxton–Man Auction March 12th 2014 at the Liberty Landing.
  1. Education & Programs: Sandi Schmude –The year is all set with great programs. Printed calendar at the meeting. May 1st Meeting for CE Class.
  1. Special Committee Reports Received:
  2. Audit: John Lindner – Absent; No Report. John Lindner wants to be in man auction for 2014.
  1. Hospitality / Sponsors: Tammy Ebright–Hand written notes all mailed out to new guest that attended the meeting.
  1. Newsletter:Carole Harris – No Report.
  1. Reservations: Valerie Starks will step in for this position. - No report
  1. WebsiteLin Van Meter– No report

Time Adjourned: 11:00pm

Minutes Submitted by Gena Claxton- 2014 Secretary