Doctorate in Clinical Psychology PlymouthUniversity

2015 Selection


Please use the application form to score points under each of the following headings:

  1. Academic Ability
/ Plus points
(a)2:1 or First class Psychology degree (or GBC equivalent achieved by conversion of a non psychology degree at 2:1 or 1st)*
2:2 Psychology degree with a completed further higher Degree in a field related to Clinical Psychology e.g. research methods, health psychology, paediatrics, neuro
2:2 Psychology degree with a further higher degree in a field related to Clinical
Psychology not yetcompleted
Do not proceed if the candidate has not achieved a minimum of 1 point in 1a
*UG degree not yet completed but predicted 2.1 or 1st and all other criteria below met, please allocate 3 points / 3 points or
2 points
1 point
Additional to 1a:
(b)Has the candidate undertakenpost graduate research in psychology at M level e.g. MPsych or MSc
Undertaken PhD research in a related applied setting
(c)Has academic publications in a Psychology Peer Reviewed Journal (published or in press)
Has publication in other health journal/non peer reviewed journal/book chapter(include
here Clinical Psychology Forum) / 1 point
2 points
3 points
1 point
Total Academic Score (max 8 points)
2. Clinical Work and Experience / Plus points
(a)Evidence of experience(voluntary or paid) in understanding psychological distress and implementing care from direct clinical work in a clinical, community or clinical-academic setting with client groups and service settings directly relevant to clinical psychology,in which sufficient relevant clinical/clinical-research experience has been gained to familiarise the person with working practices in NHS or approved AQP settings.
(b) Evidence of work of relevance to clinical psychology, either voluntary orpaid, outside NHS or approved AQP services, for example, direct work with ethnic minority projects, with asylum seekers, with community projects, or with socially disadvantaged/ excluded groups not otherwise accessing NHS service, Mencap, Addaction, Samaritans, Barnados, Headway.
(c) Evidence of engagement with a service users or receivers project (not as expert) with service users, for example in a collaborative role with service user led advocacy project, service user community project or as part of a self-help or support group, or young carers mentoring. / 3 points
2 points
2 points
(d) Evidence of two or more different posts (from 2a or 2b or 2c), voluntary or paid, with direct client contact or of work with two or more client groups / 1 point
(e) Evidence of high quality clinical supervision of direct relevance to Clinical Psychology
Training e.g.regular supervision from a clinical psychologist or from a relevant health professional / 2 points
Total Work and Clinical Experience Score (max 10 points)
3. Life Experience/Reflexivity/Reflection / Plus points
Reflexivity: the act of looking back over, or reflecting on, action.
Reflection: the spontaneous act of reflecting in the moment)
(a)Evidence of reflection on life experiences
- considerable
- limited
(b)Evidence of linking life experience with expectations of the role and practice of
clinical psychology
- considerable evidence
- limited evidence / 2 points
1 point
2 points
1 point
Total Life Experience Reflexivity Score (max 4 points)
4. Commitment/Attitude/Awareness / Plus points
(a)Conveys respectful and empathic attitude towards clients
- considerable evidence and explicitly includes issues of diversity & difference
- considerable evidence
- some evidence
(b) Considered and appropriate explanation of motives for training
- considerable evidence
- some evidence
(c) Shows evidence of understanding of the context of health service provision and its
(d) Realistic awareness of roles and demands of a Clinical Psychologist
-considerable awareness
-some awareness
(e) Recognition that training will be demanding and will involve a process of personal growth
- considerable evidence
- some evidence / 3 points
2 points
1 point
2 points
1 point
1 point
2 points
1 point
2 points
1 point
Total commitment/attitude score (max 10 points)
5. Contra-indications / Veto or
Minus Points
(a)Expresses values and attitudes contrary to training, for example, a denigratory attitude towards clients.Complete Veto form D / Veto
(b)Evidence of poor grammar and disorganised presentation on application form in the absence of stated dyslexia/ disability
Dependent on degree, -1 ‘for some evidence of’; -3 ‘considerable evidence of’ / Up to -3 points
Veto or Total minus score
6. References – PLEASE CHECK THESE VERY CAREFULLY / Please tick
(a)First reference –ACADEMIC- satisfactory i.e. positive and from a relevant referee
(b)Second reference – CLINICAL – satisfactory i.e. positive and from a relevant referee
(c) Reference/s raise specific concerns
-please give brief details below for use in discussion
(d) Reference/s raises serious concerns sufficient to recommend Veto
- please give clear details on Veto sheet D
(e) One or both references missing.
- please give clear details
(f) One or other reference not considered suitable to provide a reference
- please give clear details
Comments to bring to attention of Shortlisting Team:
Candidate’s plus score
Candidate’s minus score
Overall candidate score (subtract minus from plus score or indicate Veto) Maximum 32 points

Any additional notes for Shortlisting Team discussion:

Plymouth University Doctorate Programme in Clinical Psychology

Guidelines for Using Shortlisting Rating Scale Form 2015

  1. Academic ability

a)GBC - Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of the BPS. For applicants with a psychology conversion degree, please score on basis of original degree grade. BPS Letter confirming GBC to be attached if not automatically conferred with undergraduate degree.

b)No points for research undertaken as part of undergraduate degree.

  1. Clinical Experience (detail is included with questions)
  1. Life Experience/Reflexivity/Reflection

a)Considerable evidence: include considerable reflection on self/ member of family having had physical/ mental health difficulty, severe life event, bereavement; how this impacted on them individually/as family, what they have taken from the experience, or reflection on cultural differences, class differences, sexuality of similar quality;

Some evidence: might be statement of self/ family member having had physical/ mental health difficulty, inequalities / differences, but with limitedamount reflection of how this impacted on self/others and what they have learned from this.

b)As above with links between life event /adversity /challenge and how this may have impacted on their understanding of/ or interest in Clinical Psychology; or their understanding of service receivers needs; or implications for service provision.

Information for this will mainly be in the relevant experience other information section(700 characters) or personal statements: backgroundinformation. Could additionally be in reflection on work/researchexperience section (3000 characters)

  1. Commitment/Attitude/Awareness

a)Evidence could be in all sections in the way they write about clients, their clinical work, their own experience as a client, clinical services.

b)Evidence likely to be mainly in what would you hope to gain from training section and reflection on work/research experiencesection

c)Statement of awareness of work context and complexity in UK/ NHS / public sector for 1 point.

d)Includes the range of Clinical Psychology roles for example consultation, service development - broader than psychotherapy or 1:1 work

e)Could be in what would you hope to gain from training section or relevant experience: other information

5. Contra-Indications

a)negative attitudes towards people using services expressed in application

b) as stated


a)Check reference from academic referee. If in doubt, identify for Admissions tutors to check.

b)Likewise suitable person in position able to directly comment on clinical experience. If doubtful mark as above.

Sample Application Form