Routing & Processing of the Regular MSP Staff Physician Contract
Routing the MSP Staff Physician’s Contract:
1.The Department prepares a draft of the appropriate MSP contract including the Attachment Page.
2.The MSP contract, along with the Attachment Page, is sent attached to an e-mail to Angelica Mangindin andSusan Madsen, , mail code: 0742. At the same time, the department must also submit to the Dean’s Office:
a signed job card (signed by the contracting physician and the Physician’s UCSD
a copy of the physician’s current California medical license
confirmation of Board Certification, if assigned the Assoc Physician Diplomate grade.
3.The person listed as the “Department Contact” on the Attachment page of the MSP contract will be sent an e-mail from the Dean’s Office. This e-mail will instruct the department to obtain the required signatures on the MSP contract. (Signatures at this time will include the contracting physician, and the Physician’s Supervisor or Division Chief in the hiring department.) This e-mail cannot be sent until all the required HR documents listed under #2 above are received in the Dean’s Office. Please remember to have the contracting physician enter the date he/she signed the contract by his/her signature.
4.The signed contract is then sent to Angelica Mangindin in the Dean’s Office, School of Medicine, mail code 0742.
5.The contract will undergo a final review and the Dean’s representative:Evelyn Hidalgo, Associate Dean, SOM will sign the contract on behalf of the Dean’s Office.
6.The Department’s Contact listed on the Attachment Page will then be sent an e-mail authorizing the entry of the MSP contract into PPS. The PPS entries must match the information on the MSP contract.
- Once the contract has been signed by all parties a copy of the contract will be sent to the Department’s contact listed on the Attachment Page of the MSP Contract and Academic Affairs in the Dean’s Office for verification of the WOS faculty appointment required for the MSP Staff Physician. The original of the MSP contract will remain in the Dean’s Office.
NOTE: The MSP Staff Physician cannot begin work until the MSP contract has been signed by all parties. All parties include:
- Physician’s signature-dated
- Faculty supervisor
- VCHS representative
Processing the MSP Staff Physician Contract
Select the appropriate MSP contract template from the MSP Staff Physicians’ website:
MSP Contract Template for positions at 51% time or more
MSP Contract Template for positions at 50% time for a full year
MSP Contract Template for positions at less than 50% time
Fill in the bold areas that appear inside the brackets on the contract.
Only the following areas in the contract may be changed:
Enter Contract StartDate
Enter Physician’s Name
Enter Title (see Series Concept) and Title Code (see Titles & title codes eligible for MSP Staff Physicians)
A. Term of Appointment:
Enter Begin Date of Contract
Enter End Date of Contract
If contract is being revised insert effective date of contract revision and/or extension
- Duties and Responsibilities
No changes can be made to this section
C. Hours of Work
Select fixed percent of time by using the wording “This appointment is _____% of full-time.” or variable language by using the wording “This appointment is up to ______% of full-time.”
Enter Percent Time
Enter Department/Division Names
D. Compensation and Benefits
Insert the appropriate compensation language from:
Compensation language for MSP Physicians’ Contracts up to 50%
Compensation language for MSP Physicians’ Contracts at 50% or more.
Enter the correct base pay figure using the Managers & Senior Professional (MSP) Salary Grades
Enter the correct non-base pay figure (This figure should be the minimum of the MSP Salary Grade or 70% of the total salary whichever is greater.)
If your dept is approved for SPSS Grades, select the correct Grade by referring to the Staff Physicians’ Salary Slotting (SPSS) Grades
If the MSP Staff Physician will receive Incentive Pay, enter the percent of incentive pay—not to exceed 20%.
If the MSP contract is 51% time or more insert the External Earnings clause:
“MSP Physicians shall be subject to the same restrictions applied to external earnings of faculty participating in the Health Sciences Compensation Plan (HSCP). Unless otherwise agreed by the University, external earnings related to the MSP Physician’s University appointment must be turned over to the University, and retention of any portion of such earnings are subject to approval of the Department Chairperson and the Medical School’s Dean. (See Health Sciences CompensationPlan, Section IV.A.3. Other Miscellaneous Income That May be Retained by Plan Members.)”
Any other contract modifications should be discussed with Angelica Mangindin, phone: 822-7994) in the SOM Dean’s Office prior to submission of the contract.
K:\MSP\Processing the MSP Contract Mar 09