IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / IEEE802.15 WG minutes
Date Submitted / 18 July, 2008
Source / [Pat Kinney]
[Kinney Consulting, LLC]
[Chicago, IL] / Voice: [1.847.960.3715]
Fax: []
E-mail: [
Re: / 802.15 Plenary Meeting in Denver
Abstract / IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes
Purpose / Official minutes of the Working Group Session
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #55

Hyatt Regency, Denver, CO

July 17, 2008

Monday, 14 July 2008

1:32 PM The chair, Bob Heile, called the meeting to order.

The chair asked for new attendees to raise their hands; 9 were present.


·  Social on Wednesday at the hotel at 6:30 pm

Chair informed the group of, and displayed the IEEE-SA patent policy presentation slides 0-5 (

Chair displayed and read the standard IEEE Anti-Trust statement.

Chair asked the participants who wished to declare a Letter of Assurance or to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for any of the ongoing activities within the 802.15 WG.

James Gilb informed the chair that 802.15.3c LB comments informed that Csiro had patents critical to 802.15.3c. B Heile stated that he would contact Csiro to provide a letter of assurance

Rick Alfvin stated the information (IEEE 802.15-08/466r0) on registration requirements and the network information. Basic topics covered were:

·  Registration requirements

·  Network information

·  Attendance sheets

·  Voting Tokens

·  Voting Rights

·  Meeting Video Audio recording – not allowed

802.15 Work Group Membership status:

·  150 voting members

·  46 nearly voters

·  124 aspirants

Future Sessions

·  7-12 Sep 2008, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI

·  9-14 Nov 2008, Hyatt Regency Dallas, TX

·  18 – 23 Jan 2009, Hyatt Century Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

·  10 – 15 March 2009, Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Canada

·  12 – 17 July 2009 Hyatt Regency San Francisco, CA

Chair presented the EC Meeting Report (IEEE 802.15-08-0469-00)

J Barr presented the Treasurer Report (IEEE 802.15-08/427r1)

•  May 11, 2007 - $197,911.85

•  $123,856.85 Bank of America

•  $101,070.42 in Wachovia (new joint IEEE account)

•  Additional funds remain in Face-to-Face Events account:

•  F2F ≈ $21,117 (Jan08)

•  Reserves:

•  Meeting Expense Reserve - $246,044

·  Jacksonville attendance: 402

•  Net surplus $39,459

·  Question asked as to the security of keeping more than $100,000 in a bank. J Barr will investigate this concern.

Review 802.15 Objectives, activities, and plans for this session

Chair asked to have the WG approve the agenda (document IEEE 15-08-0371-02-0000). James Gilb moved to approve the agenda with Art Astrin seconding the motion. Following neither discussion nor objection the agenda was approved.

Ben Rolfe moved to approve the previous meeting minutes (document 15-08-285-00-0000) and James Gilb seconded the motion. Following neither discussion nor objection the minutes were approved.

Task group reports follow:

Reed Fisher status on TG3c

·  LB43 is completed with 78% approval, LB43 passed

Reed Fisher on VHT SG PAR discussion (doc 15-08-478-00)

•  Motion: Given that the 802.15 WG perceives no significant differences between the approved 802.15.3c PAR and the proposed 60 GHz VHT PAR (11-08-0715-00), the 802.15 WG recommends that the 802 EC not forward it to NesCom based on the fact that it is not sufficiently unique.

•  Moved by Reed Fisher seconded by Ben Rolfe

•  J Barr (Motorola) spoke against this motion

•  J Barr asked if the position was a TG3c position or R Fisher’s own position following with a question of who prepared the presentation. R Fisher replied that it was the effort of a small group, not the task group. Upon review of doc 478, R Fisher stated that only his name was on the submission

•  J Barr’s reason against the motion;

•  Application models are different

•  SG wishes to consider 802.15.3c as a candidate

•  Wireless Ethernet environment for VHT is different than 802.15.3c

•  Christopher Hansen (Broadcom) spoke against this motion stating that it showed bad faith in the joint discussions

•  Rick Roberts (Intel) spoke against this motion agreeing with C Hansen in that it shows bad faith

•  James Gilb (SiBeam) spoke in favor of the motion

•  Only time for WG to put in comments is at this meeting

•  Ben Rolfe (self) asked for the PAR document numbers

•  Mike McInnis (Boeing)

•  What is the PAR process? Chair replied that comments to the PAR must be submitted before 5 pm on Tuesday. Comments would then be addressed by SG and then voted upon by the .11 WG. The EC would vote on forwarding the PAR to NesCom on Friday. Chair stated that this motion doesn’t kill the PAR.

•  J Barr (Motorola)

•  Added that the PARs are distinct due to the different MACs

•  A Astrin (Astrin Radio) spoke for the motion

•  Had issues with coexistence statement of VHT PAR

•  R Roberts (Intel)

•  Asked Chair to explain remarks that this motion doesn’t kill the PAR. Chair replied that SG could modify the PAR to provide differentiation, the .11 WG could then vote to approve the changes at which time the .15 WG could review the changed PAR and if acceptable the .15 could approve a motion recommending the modified PAR to go forward at its closing plenary on Thursday.

•  I Lakkis (Tensorcom)

•  Asked as to the difference between LANs and PANs

•  Christopher Hanson (Broadcom)

•  Any SG attendee could vote to change the PAR

•  How could this WG rescind this motion on Wednesday? Chair replied that if the PAR was modified to be sufficiently unique the WG would the make a decision on the new PAR

•  Ben Rolfe (no affiliation)

•  VHT PAR has been changed over the past few days

•  Mike McInnis (Boeing)

•  Can EC change the PAR? Chair replied that while the EC could make editorial changes it could not make any content changes

•  J Barr (Motorola)

•  This motion is not a comment as stated by process

•  This WG should provide a list of changes to PAR

•  James Gilb (SiBeam)

•  Study group cannot change the PAR since it has been approved by WG

•  I Lakkis (Tensorcom)

•  Is this PAR the WG approved PAR or the latest PAR suggested by the SG

•  J Barr (Motorola)

•  SG may modify the PAR and the WG may approve the modified PAR

•  Christopher Hansen (Broadcom)

•  Request to clarify the motion to include the document number (11-08-0715-00)

•  R Roberts (Intel)

•  Could this group modify the motion to ask the EC to postpone action on this PAR until the issue is straightened out? Chair replied yes.

·  Upon no further discussion the vote was taken with 43 approve, 18 disapprove, 16 abstain, the motion carries. Chair advised the WG that this vote was not intended to be contentious rather as a comment on the WG approved PAR and to encourage modifying the PAR to enhance differentiation.

Clint Powell gave TG4c review

•  Finished recirculation, no new “no” votes

•  Final recirculation will include editorial changes

Phil Beecher gave TG4d

·  LB41 closed with 98% approval

·  74 comments, 22 technical

·  This week’s effort will be towards comment resolution

Pat Kinney gave TG4e goals for week

·  Finalize definition effort

·  Hear preliminary proposal presentations

Myung Lee (CUNY) gave a TG5 review

•  Finishing comment resolutions from letter ballot

Arthur Astrin gave BAN TG review (15-08-451-01-0006)

Mike McInnis gave RFID SG

·  Hearing presentations this week

VLC by Eun Won

·  Two presentations will be heard

·  Tutorial tonight

TerraHz IG by R Roberts

·  Presentations for MM wave photonics, overview of semiconductor technology for TerraHz

IGNAN by E Callaway

•  Application presentations

Pat Kinney on WNG

·  Wednesday could be discussion on Large Network Considerations

802.15.3 affirmation by J Gilb

•  No new “no” votes

•  Looking to go to RevCom

3:29 PM The chair recessed the meeting

Wednesday, 16 Jul 2008

10:33 am Bob Heile, WG chair called the meeting to order.

WG Chair made announcements concerning social and logistics.

802.18 Status by J Barr

·  On Thursday there will be a short presentation from Boeing on personal electronic devices allowed on planes

·  IMT proposals are being accepted

802.19 by Sheung Li

·  Coexistence of 802.11n in the 2.4 GHz band

802.15 TG3c by Reed Fisher

·  Comment resolution underway, 300 comments have been resolved to date

·  Interaction with 802.11 VHT SG is ongoing

TG4c closing report by Clint Powell (15-08-482-01-004c)

·  Motion: That the 802.15 WG approves the draft amendment P802-15-4c-D4_Draft_Amendment.pdf resulting from applying the comment resolution of doc. # 15-08-0481-00-004c to P802-15-4c-D3_Draft_Amendment.pdf and including the voting, contributing members and leadership lists and requests that the WG forward the draft to EC to go forward for Sponsor Ballot approval.

·  Moved by Clint and seconded by Art Astrin

·  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 47/0/4, motion carries

10:50 TG4d by Phil Beecher

·  Resolving comments from letter ballot

10:51 TG4e

·  Finished definition effort

·  Hearing preliminary proposals

TG5 status update by Myung Lee (15-08-493-00-0005)

·  Resolved all technical comments

·  Will go to recirculation after this week

Motion: Task Group 802.15.5 requests that the 802.15 Working Group approve starting the 2nd Recirculation Ballot based on the following four documents:





·  Moved by Myung Lee, seconded by James Gilb

·  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 40/1/1, the motion carries

Motion: Task Group IEEE 802.15.5 requests that the 802.15 Working Group seek conditional approval from the 802 Executive Committee to forward draft (d5P802.15.5) to Sponsor Ballot.

·  Moved by Myung Lee and seconded by James Gilb

·  Discussion: any comments rejected? No

·  The vote was taken with results of 38/0/4, motion carries

Motion: Task Group IEEE 802.15.5 requests that the 802.15 Working Group seek approval from the Executive Committee to forward the 802.15.5 PAR extension to NesCom.

·  Moved by Myung Lee and seconded by James Gilb

·  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 46/0/0, motion carries

11:01 TG6-BAN by Art Astrin (15-08-460-04-0006)

·  Updating timeline

·  Japanese medical consortium wishes to liaise

11:08 RFID Study Group by M McInnis

·  Drafted a PAR and liaison request to EPC

11:09 VLC by Eun Tae Won (08/513r0)

·  WG motion that the 802.15 WG extend the Visible Light Communication Study group for four more months in order to develop a PAR and 5 C

o  Moved by Eun Tae Won and seconded by James Gilb

o  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the result of 38/0/0

IGNAN by E Callaway

·  Tutorial held last night

TerraHz by R Roberts

·  Presentations on

o  mm wave photonics

o  current status on semiconductor technologies for TerraHz

o  TerraHerz applications

WNG committee by P Kinney

·  WNG had no presentations this week

11:18 WG chair recessed the meeting until Thursday evening.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

18:35 WG chair called the meeting to order

Chair reviewed the agenda.

18:37 802.19: no report

802.18 by J Barr: 802.16 documents were approved to be sent to ITU

18:39 TG11n by J Barr: all comments have been resolved, D6 has been posted and will be sent out for a 15-day recirculation. 802.11 staff will analyze coexistence issues.

18:44 TG3c closing report by Reed Fisher (15-08-0529-00-003c)

Motion: that the 802.15 WG approves the position statement 15-08-541-00-003c as the working group’s opinion on the 802.11 VHT60 PAR and forward it to the 802 Executive Committee.

Moved by R Fisher and seconded by S Kato.


·  J Barr, Motorola: (against) noted that the new PAR did accomplish the suggestions proposed by 3c as much as possible (notes in the informative section).

·  S Kato, NICT: (for) noted that in the PAR’s normative section there was no technical change.

·  ?, Broadcom: (against) most if not all of the concerns have been addressed in the new PAR. Tone of the motion was not in the sense of cooperation.

Upon conclusion of discussion the vote was taken with the results of 43/5/7, motion carries.

Motion: that 802.15 work group requests the 802 EC to forward the 802.15.3 affirmation to RevCom

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the result of 51/0/0, the motion carries.

19:21 Closing report for TG4d by P Beecher (15-08-0543-01-004d)

Task Group TG4d requests that the Working Group approve forwarding Document IEEE P802.15.4d/D2 (created from document IEEE P802.15.4d/D1 and Instructions to editor in document 0381 rev 4) to recirculation

Moved by Phil Beecher and seconded by Ben Rolfe. Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 42/1/0, the motion carries.

Motion: The Working group seeks conditional approval from the EC to move the draft document P802.15.4d/D2 to sponsor ballot.

Moved by Phil Beecher and seconded by Ben Rolfe. Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 43/1/0, the motion carries

Closing report for TG4e by P Kinney (15-08-536-00-004e)

19:35 TG5 closing report by Myung Lee (15-08-0539-01-0005)

M Lee noted that the TG5 invitation of sponsor ballot was sent out yesterday July 16th.

Bob H. stated that everyone is encouraged to sign up for sponsor ballot pools. The sponsor ballot pools are in the interest area of the web page.