Table.1 Characteristics of hypoxia-regulated proteins.

Protein identification number (ID), regulation factor, experimental/theoretical molecular weight (MW), experimental/theoretical isoelectrical point (pI) of 36 hypoxia regulated proteins in mouse lungs after 2D-PAGE and CBB staining are given. Only differentially expressed proteins up- or down-regulated by at least factor of 2 are displayed. Double line separates upregulated from downregulated proteins (1-20 upregulated, 21-36 downregulated). After mass fingerprinting and MALDI-TOF analysis peptides were subjected to Mascot data base searching. Accession numbers and corresponding names are given (Mascot search Mowse). Score – probability (61 has p<0.05) and sequence coverage in %.

Nr / Spot / Protein
name / Accession number (gi_) / MW exp/theor
(kDa) / pI exp/theor / Regulation factor / Mowse score / Sequence coverage (%)
1 / 1152 / Lung carbonyl reductase 2 / 6671688 / 24.2/26 / 9.1/9.1 / 16.6 / 67 / 48
2 / 2192 / Elongation factor 1a1 protein / 13278382 / 50/50.5 / 9.2/9.04 / 11 / 63 / 31
3 / 2256 / Skeletal muscle LIM protein1 / 25091271 / 31.9/33.8 / 9.4/10 / 6.6 / 199 / 70
4 / 2514(1) / Isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 mitochondrial / 27370516 / 46.8/51.35 / 8.6/9.6 / 6.6 / 125 / 43
5 / 2514(2) / Atlastin / 30519971 / 46.8/63.7 / 8.6/6.1 / 6.6 / 70 / 23
6 / 938 / TER ATPase / 30023842 / 82.4/90 / 5.5/5.1 / 4.2 / 129 / 32
7 / 2930(1) / Acetyl-coenzymeA acyltransferase2 (mitochondrial) / 29126205 / 46/42.3 / 8.7/9.3 / 3.6 / 249 / 72
8 / 2930(2) / RIK ubiquitinol cytochrome c reductase core protein 2 / 222674 / 46/48.3 / 8.7/9.7 / 3.6 / 67 / 26
9 / 2192 / Elongation factor 1a1 protein / 13278382 / 50/50.5 / 9.2/9.04 / 3.5 / 63 / 31
10 / 1744(1) / Transglutaminase, c polypeptide / 6678329 / 74.8/78.15 / 5.3/4.8 / 3.5 / 86 / 28
11 / 1744(2) / Heat shock 70kDa protein 5 / 31981722 / 74.8/72.5 / 5.3/4.9 / 3.5 / 72 / 27
12 / 1947 / Septin 7 / 9789726 / 50/50.87 / 8.6/9.4 / 3.3 / 75 / 34
13 / 2172 / Aconitase2, mitochondrial / 18079339 / 80/86.15 / 7.4/8.9 / 2.9 / 193 / 36
14 / 1151 / Catalase1 / 115704 / 59.2/60 / 7.8/7.7 / 2.3 / 64 / 24
15 / 3288 / Ras suppressor protein1 / 548879 / 28.7/31.5 / 8.4/9.3 / 2.3 / 138 / 45
16 / 459 / Major vault protein / 18079351 / 85.3/96.1 / 5.7/5.3 / 2.2 / 71 / 20
17 / 2428 / Moesin / 6754750 / 72.9/66.55 / 6.5 / 2.1 / 117 / 26
18 / 1909 / Destrin, corneal disease1 / 9790219 / 13.1/18.5 / 8.5/9.2 / 2 / 65 / 56
19 / 1917(1) / Heat shock protein 8 / 42542422 / 74/71 / 5.8/5.1 / 2 / 169 / 43
20 / 1917(2) / Albumin / 26341396 / 74/67 / 5.8/5.7 / 2 / 76 / 28
21 / 3220 / Tyrosin3/tryptophan5 monooxygenase activation protein / 5803225 / 29.3/31.3 / 5 / 0.2 / 92 / 68
22 / 1165 / Serpina1a protein / 15929675 / 50/45.8 / 5.1/5.31 / 0.44 / 118 / 41
23 / 3548 / Lung carbonyl reductase / 6671688 / 27/26.06 / 8.2/9.1 / 0 / 69 / 39
24 / 3236(1) / Aldehyde dehydrogenase family1 / 28386049 / 55.4/56.04 / 7.5/8.16 / 0.3 / 213 / 54
25 / 3236(2) / ATPsynthase, H+transporting, mitochondrial / 6680748 / 55.4/59.8 / 7.5/9.22 / 0.3 / 82 / 34
26 / 2052(1) / Chloride intracellular channel3 / 27229085 / 28/27.2 / 6.3/5.98 / 0.27 / 89 / 51
27 / 2052(2) / High mobility group box1 / 6754208 / 28/25.05 / 6.3/5.62 / 0.27 / 74 / 44
28 / 3544 / High mobility group box1 / 6754208 / 28/25.05 / 6.4/5.62 / 0 / 66 / 44
29 / 590 / Similar to poly A binding protein, cytoplasmic / 38091386 / 62/72.8 / 4.8/9.7 / 0.13 / 62 / 19
30 / 978 / Vinculin, metavinculin / 31543942 / 110/117.2 / 5.8/5.7 / 0.2 / 143 / 29
31 / 447 / Similar to heat shock protein 84 / 27681923 / 79.7/83.6 / 5.3/4.8 / 0.38 / 62 / 22
32 / 1285 / Integrin linked kinase / 19173772 / 53.2/51.9 / 7.5/9.3 / 0.23 / 62 / 27
33 / 2276 / Tumor rejection antigen gp96 / 14714615 / 84.6/92.72 / 5.1/4.6 / 0.29 / 98 / 17
34 / 1891(1) / Malate dehydrogenase / 31982186 / 39/36.04 / 8.2/8.93 / 0.1 / 116 / 44
35 / 1891(2) / Hnrp2b1 protein / 37747847 / 39/23.05 / 8.2/8.94 / 0.1 / 66 / 55
36 / 3585 / Acetyl-coenzymeA acyltransferase2, mitochondrial / 29126205 / 47/42.26 / 7.3/9.3 / 0 / 64 / 25