Stall Booking Procedure
Stoddart Level 1 - space booking
There are 5 bookable spaces on level 1 Stoddart. To book one of the following the spaces you can email with the following details:
Name of staff and/ or student/society name
Space booking, S1, S2, S3, S4, S4
Reason for request
No. of tables/ chairs if required (max. of 2 per space)
For all bookings, confirmation will be sent via email. The event organiser should collect a permit from Stoddart reception before the event.
Important H & S information
If money and/or food are being exchanged during the activity, a risk assessment will need completing by the event organiser. We have a standard one that can be used and amended as necessary
The organiser will need to sign a copy of the risk assessment and leave the Stoddart reception when their activity is complete.
You can find the standard risk assessment at the bottom of this document
Please note we are only permitted to book space S4 for selling.
The society lead or activity organiser will need to sign out lockable cash tin from the employability hub
Additional information/using the space
- on the day you should arrive at Stoddart reception prior to the start of your booking. The receptionist on duty will print out a permit for your space and check with you that the activity you are conducting is the same as the one you booked
- you must retain your permit at your stand space to show to any member of Facilities Directorate staff who requests to see it. If your display is to be unattended, you should stick the permit to a table or other item of furniture forming part of your display. Unauthorised use of stand spaces without permits or incorrect permits is not allowed
- you must ensure that you only use your assigned space during the times booked. Displays should not be left overnight or through the weekend unless this has been agreed and is stated on your permit
- the Facilities Directorate reserves the right to move or remove any display or stand that is in contravention of this guidance. The Facilities Directorate and its staff cannot be held liable for any loss of damage that occurs due to spaces being used in unauthorised ways.