NGfL Cymru KS4 –Religion and Life Issues

Focus / Caring for the World
Part II
Our World 6
Specification links / Key Terms / Concepts
Human experiences and issues
Why should we care for the world? How should we use our talents?
Religious beliefs, practices, values and traditions
Care for the world and the environment
Objective (s) /
  • To understand Christian and Islamic teachings about caring for the world.

Suggested sequence of activities /
  1. Recap key terms
Using the Whack Attack activity, recap the meaning of stewardship, dominion, khalifah and ummah.
  1. Christian teachings on caring for the environment
Load the Mission Impossible Christianity activity (this falls into two files, 1&2). Pupils have a set amount of time to read through the first page of text. When this page expires, pupils need to reproduce the text on the second screen, correcting the deliberate 12 mistakes. Plenary for responses.
  1. Islamic teachings on caring for the environment
Load the Mission Impossible Islam file. This is also a timed activity. Functionality as above. Plenary for responses.
Consolidate by loading the Caring for the World On the Fence activity. Follow on screen instructions – pupils to place each statement on the correct side of the fence according to whether it is an Islamic or Christian teaching.
  1. “Humans aren’t special and should just enjoy the world”.
Load the table matting activity ‘Why do humans exist?’’. This is designed to resemble an AO3 question. Click the red bar to reveal statements. Each must be placed on the correct section of the screen according to whether it agrees or disagrees with the statement. Consolidate by asking pupils to script their own answer to the AO3 question.
Other notes / The focus on humans / believers using their talents has been the topic of numerous exam questions over the past few years. Prompt pupils to return to this question when reviewing teachings concerning caring for the environment.
Other resources
(not provided) / Pages 17-21
Exam Link / ‘The purpose of life is simply to enjoy ourselves now’. Do you agree? Etc. [6]
Explain two ways in which religious believers may use their talents. [4]
Explain two Christian teachings on stewardship. [4]

Outline activity plan