Macbeth Journal Prompts

#1-Choose one of the following statements and respond with your feelings and opinions on it in 2-3 paragraphs.

  1. Loyalty to family supersedes loyalty to government
  2. Commitment to principle supersedes loyalty to family
  3. You are the maker of your own destiny
  4. You should never compromise your values
  5. The direction of our lives is decided by something or someone else (fate), not by our own actions.

#2-As we move through Act I, what are your initial thoughts on the play itself? What are your thoughts on the various characters we have met thus far? Do you have a most and least favorite? Who are they and why do you feel the way you do about them?

#3-Now that you have met Macbeth and Banquo, what do you think about them? Talk about the qualities it takes to be a good friend. Discuss your relationship with a best friend of yours. Do you and he/she have the qualities it takes to be lifelong friends?

#4-Well, Macbeth did it. He killed Duncan. What do you make of this? Did you originally think that he could have done it? Now that you know he has, what do you think of Macbeth’s character? Talk about his relationship with his wife…would he have done this if it had not been for her? If he could not have gone through with it, do you think that Lady Macbeth would have done it herself? Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong, but you did it anyway? You do not have to go into detail about what it was, but talk about how you felt before, during and after your own little incident. Does this make you, in some way, sympathize with Macbeth? How or how not?

#5-Directions: Choose one of the following prompts and respond to it—your response should take up the length of one page if typed.

  1. Most of us have been afraid of the dark at one time or another. Think of a time when you or someone you know felt frightened of the dark. Describe the experience, explaining how you or the person dealt with the terror.
  2. Think of an action you took and then immediately regretted taking. Why did you regret it? What did you so to make it right? Or what would you like to have done to make it right?
  3. Have you ever received an emotional shock? How did you behave immediately afterwards? In what ways did your reaction to the shock change over time?

#5 Continued…on another sheet (same length requirement as the first part) you are to choose a quote from Act 2 that has stuck with you, confused you or challenged you in some way. Explain this quote and its meaning within the play and o you.

#6- Macbeth has killed Banquo, his best friend. Even though he did not perform the act himself, Banquo’s blood is still on Macbeth’s hands, so to speak. This is the ultimate act of betrayal. Explain how you felt while the reading of this scene took place. Can you describe a time when you either were betrayed by a friend or loved one or a time when you were the one who betrayed a friend or loved one. How did you feel before, during and after the act? Do you regret the betrayal? Have you been able to mend your relationship following the betrayal? Your response should go to the star on the back side of this page, but can be longer; be sure to staple any additional sheets used. This may be written (or typed) and at least on full page in length.

#7-Thus far in the play we have had multiple instances where a character has mentioned “wearing a mask” or “pretending to be something he/she is not.” How do you feel about people who act one way, but are truly a much different person? Are you friends with people like this? Is it possible to be friends with someone like this? Have you ever “put on a mask?” If so, how did you feel? If not, have you ever felt the urge to do so but decided against it? This is to be typed, at least one full page in length.

#8-Now that we have finished Act 4, we are almost finished with the play. For this journal entry, I want you to write about the difference in gender roles—how are women portrayed in this play; think about the female characters we have met and how they think and act. How are men portrayed in this play—how to they think and act? Compare the gender roles in this play to gender roles today—how are men and women expected to act today and how do men and women actually act today? Do you think it is the same? Have the roles of male and female changed over time? If so, how and is not, why do you think this is so? This is to be typed and at least on full page in length.

#9-What does it take to be a good leader? You can think small scale or global. Who do you think is a good leader? You can talk about a friend or relative or you can focus on someone famous. I want you to explore the qualities of a good leader—what does it take? Can anyone be a good leader or is it an innate characteristic? Do you think you possess the necessary characteristics to be a good leader? How or how not? Are you comfortable leading or would you rather follow? Why? Then I want you to relate your findings to Macbeth. Is Macbeth a good leader now? Was he to begin with? Could he have been good if he had not attained power in the way in which he did? Is there another character or two that would be better leaders? Explain your choices. This is to be typed and at least on full page in length.

#10-Well, that’s it folks…Macbeth is over  I want you to write 1-full page about the play. You can focus on anything you’d like to talk about. You may stick to one topic, or you may skip around to various topics. This journal is to be at least a full page.