Crop Testing Program, Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2474

Phone (979) 845-8505, FAX (806) 862-7011,

March 10, 2016

2016Texas High Plains Sunflower Hybrid Trials, Texas A&M Univ./Texas A&M AgriLife Research Crop Testing Program

Dear Sunflower Industry Colleagues:

Weare pleased to offer the tenth annual sunflower crop performance trials from Texas A&M AgriLife’s Crop Testing program for 2016 for the High Plains region.

The attached protocol notes the trial methods for irrigated on-farm trial sites in the Texas South Plains(Lubbock-Hale Cos.) and Texas Panhandle (DallamCo.).

These trial sites will offer companies the opportunity to test commercial hybrids and advanced experimental performance under hotter conditions relative to the northern Great Plains.

The due datefor seed, entry form, and payment is April 18, with planting to follow possibly before May 1 depending on our on-farm cooperator. Entry forms will also be available online shortly at Scroll down until you find the heading entitled “2016 Sunflower Entry Forms”. Forms (copy Calvin Trostle) and payment should be sent to Dennis Pietsch. Seed for the High Plains trials should be sent to:

High Plains Sunflower Hybrid Trials

c/o Calvin Trostle

Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center

1102 East FM 1294

Lubbock, TX 79424

(806) 746-6101

In addition to the standard performance tests for sunflower, we are also again offering in 2016 for Texas High Plains sunflower, our “Supplemental” tests which companies most often use for advanced stages of screening germplasm. These tests range from simple observations (even on single-row unreplicated plots) to replicated tests that are handled like the hybrid trials, though most likely with reduced replication. See the accompanying entry form for the description of these tests.

We welcome your interest in our sunflower hybrid trials. For further info. on the AgriLife Research Crop Testing program contact Dennis Pietsch. For questions on how these trials will be conducted or about sunflower production in Texas please contact Dr. Calvin Trostle.

Dennis PietschDr. Calvin Trostle

Crop Testing DirectorExtension Agronomy

College Station, TXLubbock, TX

(979) 845-8505(806) 746-6101

2016 Texas A&M Hybrid Sunflower Trials

Contact: Dennis Pietsch, crop testing coordinator, Texas A&M Univ./Texas A&M AgriLife Research, College Station, TX, (979) 845-8505,

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agronomist, Texas A&M/Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center, Lubbock, TX, (806) 746-6101,

Objective: Provide sunflower crop testing under uniform conditions for producers and industry to assess hybrid performance under irrigated (High Plains) conditions.

Proposed Irrigated Locations:

1)On-farm Dallam Co.., northern Panhandle (annual precipitation, ~18”, July mean temperature for high/low @ 92/65° F, elevation ~3,800’, 30” rows, sprinkler irrigated),target planting date depends on producer, but likely no sooner than the first week of June;

2)On-farm Lubbock-Hale Cos., TX, Texas South Plains (annual precipitation, ~18.5”, July mean temperature for high/low @ 92/68° F, elevation ~3,300’, 40” rows, sprinkler irrigated), target planting date—as soon as late April pending farmer-cooperator.

Cost:$300. If you would like seed samples returned to you to conduct your own fatty acid oil analysis, please indicate this on the entry form. Additional seed is being requested for a possible companion dryland test alongside the irrigated test (up to two entries per company, no fee).

Sunflower type:Oilseed and confectionary; confectionary hybrids will be blocked alongside the oilseed entries.

Replications:Four, arranged by block (one rep. per block), in a RCBD design; Means separation conducted by analysis of variance at α = 0.05 (e.g., 95% confidence interval)

Plot size:Four rows X 25’, harvest middle two rows; short stature hybrids either grouped or planted with additional border rows to eliminate shading.

Seeding rate:Based on Texas A&M AgriLife research for optimum seeds per acre: oilseeds @ 27,000 seeds/A; confectionary @ 22,500seeds/A, then all doubles thinned (target population ~67% of seed drop)

Target fertility:Yield goal ~2,000 lbs./A at both sites, hence soil + fertilizer N ~100 lbs. N/A as well as 30 P.

Insect control:Sunflower head moth control with Prevathon using a backpack sprayer as needed to bracket farmer sprays for either early or late bloom relative to the surrounding field hybrid. Minimum two sprays.

Trial parameters reported: Seed yield, %oil content, oil yield per acre, plant population, %lodging, test weight, plant height, days to half bloom; for confectionary--%seed > 22/64” and > 20/64”; for all hybrids crop value at early season new crop contract prices. Additional notes reported for insect or disease incidence as needed.

Harvest method:High Plains, hand harvest and stationary thresher.

Seed Requirements:Oilseed, minimum 3,000 seeds/site; confectionary, minimum 2,500 seeds/site. If seed is limiting, we can plant a standard 4-row/4-rep test with ~30% of the requested seed. The requested seed number allows enough seed to replant if a poor stand is achieved, rabbit damage, etc. as well as plant a dryland trial if the opportunity arises. We request fungicide and insecticide treated seed to minimize trial differences due to seed treatment.

Reporting:Preliminary report (less oil analysis and confectionary grading), by January 8; final report as soon as oil and grading are complete. Reports e-mailed to collaborator as well as posting at and

Sunflower Entry Form—Texas A&M AgriLife Research Crop Testing Program, 2016

Public Address & Info.Corresponding Address & Info.






Send seed to: Calvin Trostle, Texas A&M AgriLife, 1102 East FM 1294, Lubbock, TX 79403

Send entry form & payment to: Dennis Pietsch, Soil & Crop Sciences,370 Olsen Rd., College Station, TX 77843-2474

If prior / REQUESTED / LOCATION / Return
HYBRID LINE / entry was / Sunflower Type / Texas / Texas / oilseed
an experi- / (check / one) / S. Plains: / Panhandle: / Number / samples
Commer- / Experi- / mental, / Oilseed / Lubbock / Dallam Co. / Of / for fatty acid
cial / mental / note / Short / Confec- / Tradi- / High / Entry / Seed / analysis?
Entry / ID / ID / past ID / Stature / tionary / tional / NuSun / oleic / Irrigated / Irrigated / fee / Sent / Yes/No


Entry form, payment, and due date—April 18, 2016.

For questions regarding this form contact Dennis Pietsch, Texas A&M AgriLife Research Crop Testing Program, (979) 845-8505,