Please complete every section as fully and prayerfully as possible, and return the form to Also, please be assured of our prayers for you as you work on your application.

Position Applied for: / Children’s and Families’ Missioner
Return completed form to: /

Personal details

Christian name: / Surname:
Home address: / Email address:
Telephone number: / Mobile number:


Establishment / Dates / Subject / Qualifications/grades
Other relevant training, professional qualifications or work related skills
Do you have membership of any professional bodies? (If so, please give details including any offices held)

Employment history

Role / Employer / Dates / Main Duties
Please tell us about any other interests you have.
Supporting information (feel free to expand the box to include more information)
Please give any details you feel are relevant in support of your application, including:
Why are you interested in this role?
Why do you feel you are suitable for this role?
In what way do you think God might be calling you to this role?
Christian Faith
(there is a Genuine Occupational Requirement that the role holder is a Christian)
Please describe:
Your journey of faith and how it relates to this role
Your key leadership experiences and how your faith has made a difference to these
Where do you currently worship?


From the job advert and parish profiles on the website, you will see that we have places for Children’s and Families’ Missioners (CFMs) in parishes throughout the Birmingham Diocese. For each of the churches/parishes shown below, please indicate below whether you would like to be considered for a role there or not. This is to help us match short-listed candidates to parishes but please note that there is no guarantee we will be able to offer you any of your preferred parishes. If you have any particularly strong preferences, please use the comments box below to let us know.

Church/Parish / Yes / No / Maybe
All Saints, Kings Heath
St Andrew, Barnt Green and St Michael & All Angels, CoftonHacket
Aston & Nechells
St James, Hill
St Nicolas, Elmdon
St Peter, Harborne
Please add any comments you feel would be helpful to us as we match candidates to parishes.

Preferred hours

There are full-time and part-time options available. Please let us know your preference by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Full-time (35 hours per week)
Part-time / Preferably (insert number) / Hoursper week
Other details
What is the notice required in your current post?
Is your current post your only regular employment? / Yes / No
Are you a British subject or a national of any EU country? / Yes / No
-If no, do you have the right to work in the UK and a current work permit? / Yes / No
-If yes, please state the expiry date of your right to work in the UK and/or your work permit
Do you have a valid driving licence? / Yes / No
Do you have any current endorsements? If yes, please give details. / Yes / No
Do you have access to a car you are able to use for work purposes? / Yes / No
If you are invited to interview, do you require any special arrangements on account of a disability? / Yes / No
-If yes, please give details that you feel would help us to accommodate your needs during your interview and thus meet our obligations under the Equality Act 2010
Where did you see the advertisement for the post?
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? / Yes / No
If yes please give details of any unspent convictions. Please note, that employment in the role of a CFM will be dependent upon obtaining a satisfactory DBS check.


Please give the details of two referees (one employer and one Church Leader). References for shortlisted candidates may be taken up before interview unless you request otherwise.

Referee 1 / Referee 2
E-mail address:
Telephone number:
May references be taken up before interview? / Yes / No / Yes / No
Data protection
Information from this application may be processed for purposes registered by the Employer under the Data Protection Act 1998. Individuals have, on written request, the right of access to personal data held about them.
I hereby give my consent to the Church of England, Birmingham processing the data supplied in this application form for the purpose of recruitment and selection.
I declare that the information given in this application is to the best of my knowledge complete and correct.
I authorise the organisation to check on any of my qualifications.
I agree that should I be successful in this application I will undertake a DBS check. I understand that should I fail to do so or the results are not satisfactory, any offer of employment may be withdrawn or my employment terminated.
______Signature Date:______
Note: Any false, incomplete or misleading statements may lead to dismissal.

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