The regular meeting of the Town Council of Bar Nunn was held on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 7:00 P.M., at 4820 N. Wardwell Industrial Avenue, Bar Nunn, Wyoming.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Petty.

The roll was taken by Carol Pendley, Clerk Treasurer. Those present were John Blase, Paula Stewart, Bobby Martin, Josh Brown, and Mayor Petty.

Mayor Petty led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

John made a motion to accept the minutes of January 17, 2012. Paula seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Payable List for January, 2012 was next. Paula made a motion, seconded by John to accept the Payable List for January, 2012. Motion was unanimous.

Casper Area MPO and Dowl HKM Final Draft Salt Creek Study was next on the agenda. Matt Ruder, Dowl HKM presented the Final Draft of the Salt Creek Traffic Study.

Matt briefly reviewed the study objectives which were to evaluate and recommend improvements to existing intersections along Salt Creek Highway; and to develop a future transportation network to deal with the future growth within the town limits of Bar Nunn.

By Intersection, recommendations were made as follows:

Antelope Drive and Salt Creek Highway – Installing North bound and East bound left hand turn lanes or installation of a traffic signal when future traffic counts warrant.

There were no recommended improvements to the remaining intersections, at this time, which would be beneficial.

Development of the future network, based on current use and proposed development of the area concurs with the development of Westside Boulevard (West side of Bar Nunn) as already proposed; and concurs with the continued development of West Winds Road (North side of Bar Nunn).

The I-25 Interchange designated on the ‘future’ map was not considered nor intended to be made a part of this study.

Safety issues, specifically bus stops along Salt Creek Highway, were addressed; and WYDOT issues, concerning traffic signals and interchange recommendations by Dowl HKM. Cost estimates were included at the end of this report, but independent studies of each of these recommendations have to be done before any determinations made.

The main concern from this completed study is to determine funding to get the left turn lanes in place; and funding for a ‘Signal Warrant Study’ and an ‘Interchange Justification Study’.

There were several public questions and concerns expressed regarding the current traffic conditions and frequent delays due to congestion. Several concerns addressed need for an I-25 Interchange sooner rather than later, especially since development continues at a rapid pace in the area. There was also concern regarding need for more immediate response to growth by constructing proposed roadways soon.

It was reiterated by Matt, and reinforced by comment from Josh Deifel, MPO Director, that this particular study was to determine traffic and give options regarding intersections along Salt Creek Highway. Among the options are installing left hand turn lanes, and possibly traffic lights at a future date.

Matt also discussed the proposed Westside Boulevard as a definite aide to reduction of traffic on Salt Creek and a means to move traffic more efficiently. This would also aide future needs when other connector and arterial roadways are constructed in the area.

Mayor Petty called for a motion to approve the Final Draft of the Salt Creek Highway Study. Paula so moved, seconded by Josh. Motion was unanimous.

Attorney’s Report was next on the agenda. Charlie was present and had nothing to report at this time. There were no questions.

Engineer’s Report was next on the agenda. Bill Johnston reported the following:

Bill explained not all items included on approved Site Plans are being completed. He would like to have it required (by ordinance) that prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy (CO), Zoning and Planning will do a final inspection of the construction. There would be a stipulation included to put up surety, or agree to a delay receiving the CO until approval given.

There is an instance where Site Plan compliance was demanded by September 2010, and nothing has been done to date. Bill would like to see legal action taken at this time.

Bill attended MPO and during a discussion of upcoming projects, Linda Witko recommended Bar Nunn apply for more planning funds for designing of Westside Boulevard. Josh Deifel interjected that the (UPWP) funding is for a concept plan. A Design Consultant would be retained, at MPO expense, to provide optional designs for consideration. Then a design would be chosen for implementation.

Bill reported the Wardwell Industrial Avenue Sewer Design was submitted to DEQ in mid January. A copy of draft plans have been given to 609 Consultants for review. Upon approval from DEQ, the design plans will be forwarded to 609 Consultants to incorporate in the Wardwell Industrial Avenue completion plan. Review and response from DEQ will be 60 days out minimally.

Arena Street Design is underway. North of the existing planter, the road will loop in order to avoid a long cul-de-sac and to eliminate access from Antelope Drive. Post and cable will be put up to prevent access.

Fire Department Report was next on the agenda. Chuck Anderson was not in attendance but had submitted his written report.

Zoning and Planning was next on the agenda. Kim Kihle presented his written report. Titan Machinery is requesting a letter from the Town stating rental of equipment they sell is allowable. The State is requesting letters as part of the licensing process. Mayor and Council agreed to the request with Charlie’s approval.

Petitions and Public Comment was next on the agenda. There were none.

Council Miscellaneous was next on the agenda.

a.  Business License Renewals for 2012:

License # 2012 –

17.  17. Lil Rascals Daycare – Nancy Jaure

18.  RR Storage – Russ and Regina Hendricks

19.  Gail Welsh/Respite Care – Gail Welsh

20.  Shirk’s Enterprises – Pam Schierkolk

21.  Lil Tonka & Friends Childcare – Desiree Walsh

Paula made a motion to approve the business licenses. There was question about the type of storage RR Storage will be doing. Kim said campers, camp trailers, etc. to be stored on the back of the lot. It is zoned for such. Bobby seconded the motion and it was unanimous.

b. John made a motion to take the Playground Equipment item off the table for consideration. Paula seconded and motion was unanimous. Charlie reported the City of Casper has purchased playground equipment under the co-op provision. After discussion with the Casper Attorney, Bill Lueben, it is possible in some instances that co-op purchasing could be in violation of the ‘preference statute’. Charlie said it is up to Mayor and Council to determine which direction to go at this time, as it is probably okay, there could or could not be repercussions.

After further discussion the Mayor called for a motion to either go out to bid for playground equipment or to opt to purchase through the Houston co-op process. Paula so moved to go out to bid. John seconded the motion. Mayor Petty, Council Stewart, Council Blase, and Council Martin voted for going out to bid. Councilman Brown voted No. Motion carried by majority vote.

c. Paula voiced concern about road repairs needed on Palomino and Antelope. Mayor Petty said he would discuss with Maintenance.

There being no further business to come before the council at this time, Josh made a motion to adjourn. Paula seconded and motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:50 P.M., February 7, 2012.

Minutes approved 02-21-12 Meeting.