The Essex County Athletic Directors Association invites your team to the2010Essex County OutdoorTrack Individual Championships. You must be a member of the ECADA and in good-standing and have your roster and entry forms in no later than Thursday, May 6.

1. Eligibility:

All schools must be members of the ECADA in good standing to be eligible to enter the 2010Outdoor Track Individual Championships. The tournament will be held on the following dates:

Friday, May 14, 2010 at Montclair Woodman Field – 4:00 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2010 at Montclair Woodman Field – 10:30 AM

The Tournament Director shall oversee any necessary rescheduling.

If there are extreme weather conditions on Friday, call 201-953-9052 after 12 Noon or go to

. On Saturday, call after 7:30 AM or go to web site.

2. Entry Fee

The entry fees are $9.00 per individual for running events (maximum of 3 entries per event) and $21.00 per relay (maximum one team) with a $75.00 Minimum. Please make the check payable to the Essex County Athletic Directors Association or “ECADA”.

Mail entry fees to:

**Hugh Albanesius, 194 Smull Avenue, West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006

3. Tournament Director

Mr. John Tonero, 11 Hillside Avenue, Livingston, New Jersey 07039

(H) 973-994-7188 (after 6:00 PM but before 9:00 PM) Cell: 201-953-9052

4. Entry Procedure

Complete the entry forms (Statement of Agreement, Entry Form, and Sportsmanship

Form) and mail to: Mr. John Tonero

11 Hillside Avenue

Livingston, New Jersey 07039

To enter, rosters must be submitted electronically using the Hy-Tek Team Manager program via attaching the roster file to an e-mail addressed to . Please note that if you do not have the Hy-Tek Team Manager program, go to the Essex County Track Coaches website for directions on how to download a free “Lite” version of the program. There is no “Mac” version of the program. The free version is all you need to do your rosters for any track meet in New Jersey. The roster should include each competitor’s first and last name and his/her grade in school (9, 10, 11, 12). Your roster and entry must be submitted as directed above no later than Thursday, May 6, 2010.

You are encouraged to e-mail your roster as soon as possible. There is no need to wait until the deadline and send it in with the other material. You can add a name or two on the day of the meet at no charge. Entry fees are determined by the events you enter, not the size of your team’s roster. You do not have to notify me of any athletes deleted from your roster. If you e-mail your roster to the NJSIAA, put a cc: . And your roster will be sent to both the NJSIAA and the County meet at the same time.

The results of the meet will be available on the worldwide web by Saturday evening following the meet. The address for this meet’s results as well as other county meets is .

5. Awards

Championship and runner-up teams will receive trophies.Individuals who score will be awarded individual metals.

6. Seeding

There will be no seeding meeting. All seeding will be done at the meet by the clerks using the performance list on the Essex County Track Coaches website. Seed cards will be filled in for each athlete the day of the meet and will be submitted to the clerks. The performance lists used for seeding at the meet will be posted on the Essex County Track Coaches website shortly after the County Relays. They will be updated on a regular basis using the Star-Ledger and various results posted on the web. Remember; we do not accept dual meet results for seeding purposes. Invitational and league/conference championship results only will be considered. No relay splits will be accepted. However; intermediate hurdle relay performances will be considered where individual performances can be documented.

7.Site Procedures

All buses, including minivans, shall drop off teams at the entrance to Woodman Field on Essex Street. The buses shall then proceed to Chestnut Street and turn right in front of the Clary Anderson Skating Arena, proceed under the rail trestle and proceed two blocks north to Fullerton Street. The bus driver should then turn right and proceed approximately 200 yards and enter the parking lot on the left at the Montclair High School Annex. No buses shall park on the streets around the field. Tickets will be issued. There will be Montclair personnel who will call for your team’s bus when you inform them that your team is finished for the day and needs to be picked up.


Forfeiture proceduresinclude starting and completing of contests. The ECADA shall rule on all forfeiture conflicts. A team or individual can forfeit when the opposing team/individual fails to start the contest within thirty (30) minutes after a scheduled starting time; when a team/individual fails to complete a contest when directed to do so b y officials and/or when a team/individual is disqualified by the officials. The site manager and/or Tournament Director shall rule on all conflicts in the aforementioned guidelines. Teams are reminded of the importance to alert the site if there is a transportation problem.


Security includes the securing and payment of security if needed, is the responsibility of the host team with the exception of those contests conducted at a predetermined site. The ECADA assumes responsibility for those contests at a predetermined site.

10.Notification of Change of Original Intent-to-Enter Decision

If a school has signed the Intent-to-Enter Form and decides to change their mind in regard to entering or not entering, the Director of Athletics is requested to contact the Tournament Director as soon as possible of the change from the original intent.

11.Procedure Before a Game is Terminated

The host school or site manager has full responsibility for determining whether or not conditions are such as to postpone or start a game/event. Schools must know that once a game/event has started, the officials have jurisdiction for terminating same prematurely. Termination, once the game/event has started, is not the prerogative of a coach or school management, and the action of removing a team from the event prior to the conclusion of the game/event, regardless of the circumstances, will result in severe punitive action by the ECADA and NJSIAA.

The following procedure should be implemented prior to termination of the event by the officials:

  1. Coaches and/or players should be penalized for misconduct as provided for in the playing rules.
  2. Continued misconduct should result in the coaches of the teams being advised to correct the situation or be faced with possible termination of the event.
  3. Officials should confer and, if they consider the circumstances warrant, teams should be directed to their respective bench areas while the coaches, Athletic Directors, site managers and Tournament Directors discuss, in the center of the playing area or in a private area, an attempt to restore control of their teams and/or spectators.
  4. When it is apparent to the game officials and the game administration that to continue the event would present a clear and present danger to the safety and welfare of any party, the event should be terminated and the head coaches advised accordingly. This should not be a unilateral decision; however, if the responsible parties are unable or unwilling to control their teams and/or spectators, the officials must inform the head coaches of the teams that the game is terminated.
  5. Officials must not rule on forfeiture of any prematurely terminated events; only the ECADA and/or NJSIAA have the jurisdiction to determine forfeits. The ECADA will rule on forfeiture.

12.Failure to Show for Event

If a team enters and is seeded in the tournament and fails to show for their game/match, they will forfeit the entry fee and game/match, pay for officials and have the conflict reviewed by the Grievance Committee.

13.Availability of Tournament Rules and Regulations

All coaches, officials and site directors must have the tournament rules and regulations available on game day.

14.Emergency Medical Procedures

It is mandatory that for school officials and coaches to have in place a procedure to obtain medical care and treatment for emergencies. When predetermined neutral sites are used, the host site school’s plan must be known to the event administrators. Some sources of assistance that may be utilized when a physician is not available are certified athletic trainers, emergency medical technicians usually on emergency vehicles or ambulance vehicle with trained personnel.

Recommended procedures that may be followed in successful emergency care are:

  1. Immediate, on the spot first aid by an individual with adequate training.
  2. A communication system with available non-pay telephone with an outside line to contact necessary personnel and/or ambulance service. Arrangements should be made in advance to insure availability and that the communication system is in place.
  3. Notification of the facility to which the injured player is being transported should be immediately informed of the injured player’s status.
  4. Ambulance, emergency vehicle, first-aid vehicle or rescue vehicle, with appropriate equipment and personnel may be parked at the game site. If this arrangement is not feasible, prior arrangements should be made to have equipment on call when an emergency develops.

The plan of action specified above should be carefully covered in advance with the responsibilities of all concerned defined. When an emergency does occur, everyone involved can function as an informed, effective team.

Local plans of action to meet emergency situations will vary depending on availability of medical personnel and facilities, location of the playing site and communications. Understanding is the key to an effective emergency care plan. Everyone involved must know exactly what is going to be done in an emergency and who will be responsible for carrying out the various tasks involved.

When this procedure has been completed, the players, coaches, administrators, parents and medical personnel will know that everything possible has been done to protect the health, safety and welfare of a player who may be injured.

15.Procedure in Event of Lightning

Termination or temporary suspension must always take place when an electrical storm is imminent. The decision to terminate or suspend a game/event when an electrical storm is imminent may be made by the host school, site manager and/or officials. If a site has the early warning detection system, the event shall immediately be suspended upon the first warning.

16. Entry Form Signatures

The “Tournament Information & Statement of Agreement” form must be signed by the Head Coach, the Athletic Director andthe School Principal. The signatures indicate the school’s agreement, awareness and compliance with all rules and regulations governing the 2010 ECADA Outdoor Track Individual Championships.

17.Trainer’s Services

A trainer will be present to assist in immediate care and first aid. They are also available for taping. For those in need of taping; we ask that you bring your own tape to be used. You provide the supplies; we provide the service.


Any questions can be directed to John Tonero (973-994-7188) and any Hy-Tek questions directed to John Schwarz (973-338-6451). Please call only between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM. It is important for you to fully comprehend the procedures and adhere to all the rules and regulations. Please follow the bus parking procedure as instructed.

Good Luck throughout the remainder of your season,

John Tonero

2010Essex County Spring Track Individual Championship

Friday – 5/14 at 4:00 PM **Do not arrive at Woodman Field prior to 3:00 PM

Order of Running Events

1.Boys 400 M Low Hurdles Finals on Time

Girls 400 M Intermediate Hurdles Finals on Time

2.Boys 100 M Dash Trials (top 8 to Final on Saturday)

3.Girls 100 M Dash Trials (top 8 to Final on Saturday)

4.Boys 1600 M Run Finals on Time

5.Girls 1600 M Run Finals on Time

6.Boys 400 M Dash Finals on Time

Girls 400 M Dash Finals on Time

Order of Field Events

1.Girls Triple Jump and Boys Long Jump

2.Boys Pole Vault

3.Boys Javelin and Girls Javelin

4.Girls High Jump

Saturday – 5/15 at 10:30 AM **Do not arrive at Woodman Field prior to 9:00 AM

Order of Running Events (11:00 AM)

1.Boys 100 M High Hurdles Trials

Girls 110 M High Hurdles Trials

2.Boys 800 M Run Finals on Time

3.Girls 100 M High Hurdles Finals

Boys 110 M High Hurdles Finals

4.Girls 800 M Run Finals on Time

5.Boys 100 M Dash Finals

Girls 100 M Dash Finals

6.Boys 3200 M Run on Time Finals

7.Boys 200 M Dash Finals on Time

Girls 200 M Dash Finals on Time

8.Girls 3200 M Run Finals on Time

9.Boys 1600 M Relay Finals on Time

Girls 1600 M Relay Finals on Time

Order of Field Events (10:30 AM)

1.Girls Long Jump followed by Boys Triple Jump

2.Girls Pole Vault

3.Boys Shot Put followed by Girls Shot Put

4.Girls Discus followed by Boys Discus

5.Boys High Jump

**If there are extreme weather conditions on Friday, call 201-953-9052 after 12 Noon or go to

. On Saturday, call after 7:30 AM or go to web site.

Essex County Outdoor Track and Field Championships

2010 Entry Form

Montclair Woodman Field, May 14 and May 15, 2010


Coach Phone (H) (S)

Phone where coach can be reached early Saturday morning

Enter number of entries next to the event – Maximum of 3 entries per gender per event and 1 per relay

Event# of Boys Entries# of Girls Entries

100 Mx $9.00 =

200 Mx $9.00 =

400 Mx $9.00 =

800 Mx $9.00 =

1600 Mx $9.00 =

3200 Mx $9.00 =

110 / 100 Hx $9.00 =

400 Hx $9.00 =

High Jumpx $9.00 =

Long Jumpx $9.00 =

Shot Putx $9.00 =

Discusx $9.00 =

Javelinx $8.00 =

Triple Jumpx $9.00 =

Pole Vaultx $9.00 =

4 x 400 (1 team max)x $21.00 =

Total Enclosed $ Mail entry fees to:**Hugh Albanesius,

194 Smull Avenue,

West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006

Mailthis Entry, the signed Statement of Agreement and your Sportsmanship Form by the deadline of Thursday, May 6 to: John Tonero

11 Hillside Avenue

Livingston, New Jersey 07039

(Make copy of your entry for yourself)Forward Hy-Tek roster to rior to deadline.


Essex County Athletic Directors Association

Tournament Information & Statement of Agreement

You are invited to apply for entry into the Essex CountyOutdoorTrack Individual Championship

Tournament for the school year of2009-2010

The following is pertinent information in regard to the tournament:

Dates and Times:Friday, May 14 (4:00 PM) and Saturday, May 15, 2010 (10:30 PM)

Sites:Montclair Woodman Field **Do not arrive prior to 3:00 PM on Friday and 9:00 AM on Saturday

Entry Fee and Deadline Information: $9.00running event(3 max)and $21.00 (1 max) relay event. May 6, 2010

Mail entry fees to: **Hugh Albanesius, 194 Smull Avenue, West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006

Comparable date(s) for next year’s tournament (Tentative)Tentatively, May13 - 14, 2011

(Specific rules are listed under a separate cover)

Statement of Agreement

National Federation and NJSIAA rules and regulations, NJSIAA Bylaws, Article V and NJSIAA rules and regulations govern all schools participating in all ECADA sponsored tournaments. For NJISAA member schools, NJISAA start of season dates are approved. The following are specific sport rules for NJISAA member schools:

Baseball and Softball

29 games & 1 tournament plus 1 tournament comparable to the state tournament.


21 games & 2 tournaments & 1 tournament comparable to state tournament.

23 games & 1 tournament & 1 tournament comparable to state tournament.

28 games & 1 tournament comparable to state tournament.


20 games & 1 tournament & 1 tournament comparable to the state tournament.

22 games & 1 tournament comparable to the state tournament


26 meets including championship & 1 tournament comparable to the state

tournament. All championship meets count for a total of 27.


25 matches to week of team championship & 2 or 3 week of team championship

& state tournament (not to exceed 25 matches at conclusion of county tournament).

Participation in national tournament is permitted.


Maximum of three meets per week.

High School hereby agrees to abide by the aforementioned Statement of Agreement and all other tournament rules and regulations.


Principal Athletic Director Coach


(To be read to your team prior to the start of the tournament. Retain a copy for that purpose.)

Congratulations. Shortly, you will compete in the Essex County Tournament. We hope that you are aware of the honor of competing in a county tournament. The initial Essex County Tournament was conducted in 1947 with the start of the Boys Basketball Tournament as compared to our most recent addition; the Boys Volleyball Tournament that began in 2005. Besides these two (2) tournaments, there are twenty-six (26) others for a total of twenty-eight (28) Essex County Tournaments conducted by the Essex County Athletic Directors Association. (ECADA)

Along with the honor of competing in the county tournament comes a responsibility that each and every student athlete, coach, administrator and spectator has; the duty to honor the traditions of the sport and to treat the other participants with respect. As a member of a team you are expected to conduct yourself in a matter that will bring respect to you, your teammates, coaches, parents, school and community. May no act of yours bring shame to the important things we have just mentioned.

Sportsmanship is about attitude and behavior. Always keep in mind that as a student athlete your actions and behaviors are being observed by everyone around you. Unsportsmanlike conduct has a very damaging effect on your team’s reputation. With this in mind the ECADA requests that all participants:

  1. Demonstrate respect at all times for coaches, opponents and event officials.
  2. Avoid offensive gestures or language.
  3. Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
  4. Accept officials’ decisions and abide by them.
  5. Demonstrate a helping hand to other competitors as fellow athletes.
  6. Show respect for public property and equipment.

As a competitor and student of the game, play the game with the highest forms and standards of sportsmanship, respect and discipline no matter the outcome. Participation in this tournament is one of the most exciting experiences of a young person’s life. Keep it positive.