PRESENT: Leilani Moleschi, Shawn Rice, Alec Hartney, Joyce Hards, Rod Quiring, Bill Van Helvoirt, Dawn Bursey, Kevan Brienen, , Gary Young, Paul Goyer, Sean LeBrun, Mark Barlow, Crystal Hicks, Sonya Urbanski, Marcel Albinati, Audrey Foster

ABSENT: Alex Schmeisser, Trish Lazar

M/S/C Leilani - Joyce- -to adopt the minutes of the Jan. 17, 2011 meeting.


Ice – City complaint regarding teams chewing up the ice.

BC Hockey Skills Development Camp – Not enough interest for us to pursue

FINANCIAL REPORT: M/S/C Dawn – Alec – to adopt the treasurers report as presented.

Genevieve is looking into some problems with the debit deposits that have been deposited into the

wrong account since October.


One midget player has been suspended for twelve games.


1.  Liza Arnold – Thank you to PGMHA for sponsoring player

2.  Cariboo Amateur Hockey – PGMHA agrees with printing Referee evaluation forms

3.  PGMHA parent – email regarding Spring Hockey. PGMHA coaches not to use our player contact information for spring Hockey

4.  NICA regarding loss of gaming funds. Rob to take care of this

5.  Brandi Brodsky – Minor Sports Night Feb. 19. PGMHA will purchase sticks to be signed by Brett Connolly to be used for a draw for players participating.

6.  Female Hockey player – Dawn will send an email to Women’s Hockey regarding PGMHA players in the dressing room

7.  Norm Goetken – Female hockey – Female teams travelling at Spring Break can pick up relief players.

8.  Atom division Manager- The Shane Davis Tournament will be permitted to replace the Atoms House 2 visiting teams with teams for the Club level.

9.  Cathy Mason – District Director – OK to pick up atom goalie

10.  Pee Wee parent – Frustration regarding Pee Wee Division

11.  Pee Wee Division Manager – Regarding possible restriction on exhibition games. Coaches are not permitted to change practice and game times around. Division Supervisors are the only ones permitted to request referees.

12.  Bantam team manager – Suggesting an all-star team. Shawn to respond. Allstar teams not permitted in Minor Hockey. The new player replacement rule may be helpful if the team is short players.

13.  Midget Division Manager – The Ice Coordinator will do his best to try to find ice time to replace the game that was cancelled tonight due to no referees. If a scrimmage is played and a game sheet is kept then it is still considered a game.

14.  Manager Pee Wee Tier 1 – Rules regarding suspensions. In the Cariboo League Fair Play rules the Fair Play co-ordinator refers to the Cariboo League co-ordinator. Games need to be pre scheduled in order to count towards suspensions.

15.  Manager Bantam Tier 1 – exhibition games need to be approved by both Midget Supervisor and Rep Supervisor. Ice time to be used will be rep ice.

16.  Division Manager Midget Club – exhibition games need to be approved by both Midget Supervisor and Rep Supervisor. Ice time to be used will be rep ice.

17.  Manager Midget Female – exhibition games need to be approved by both Midget Supervisor and Rep Supervisor. Ice time to be used will be rep ice.

18.  Hockey Canada Survey. Audrey to forward to Sonya to complete.

19.  Atom Parent – Shawn will address the issue with the parent and Division Supervisor


1.  Tournaments : PGMHA will run an advertisement for rep tournaments that failed to recognise their tournament sponsor. To be paid from the sponsorship funds with the remainder to go to the team.

2.  This years Volunteer appreciation will be held at the Coast Inn. March 16, 2011

3.  Head Coach position – Sean, Alec and Gary to meet with Brian Toll to discuss this.

4.  2011 – 2012 fees. To be discussed at the next meeting

Next meeting Tues. Feb. 15, 2011 at 7 p.m.