Dan Ben-Zion Amroch M.D. born on the 28 April 1950 Bucharest (Romania).

Current address Via Appiani 6 31027 Spresiano (TV) Italy

Tel: 0039-0422881544,

Cell: 0039-3282160795

Languages Hebrew –very good

English – very good

Italian - very good

German- good

Married with 3 children.

Citizenship Israeli and Italian.

Immigrated in Israel in 1958, Elementary school “Bialik” Natanya up to 1964, High school “Tchernichovski”, Natanya up to 1968

Military service from 1968 t0 1971 finished as Lieutenant in the Artillery.

Service in the (Yom Kippur-war as Artillery officer) and the Shlom hagalil war as Medical officer (Pluga Chirurgit).

Medical studies in the University of Bologna (italy) where I graduated on the 28 July 1977

Professional experiences:

1)  E.C.F.M.G. examination on the 21 July 1976 and in posses of the E.C.F.M.G. certificate.

2)  Internship from 1 October 1977 to 31 October 1978 at the Assaf Harofeh Medical center affiliated with the Sacker school of medicine of the University of Tel-Aviv, Israel.

3)  Worked and specialized in Kaplan Medical center (1 surgery ward) – Rechovot, affiliated with Hadassah Medical center Jerusalem, where I got the specialization in General Surgery, from the Israeli Medical Association on the 1 December 1985.

4)  Worked as E.R. Doctor in the American Army Hospital (caserma Ederle, Vicenza Italy), from 1 February 1987 to 30 September 1988 where I qualified as ACLS provider.

5)  From 3 October 1988 worked as house staff in the Pediatric surgery wards General Hospital of Treviso (Italy) up to 16 January 1996.

6)  From 17 January 1996 worked as house staff in the 4th Surgery ward Regional Hospital of Treviso (Italy) up to 21 April 1997.

7)  From 21 April 1977 and up to date as a consultant in the Department of 1st Surgery Azienda Ospedaliera “S.Maria degli Angeli” Pordenone (italy), where I am responsible for the Pediatric Surgery section in this General surgery department and Specialized in Laparoscopic Surgery for adults and children.

8)  Specialized again in General Surgery on the 7 December 1993 in the University of Pad ova, Italy.

9)  Course on Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery from 2 July 1989 to 15 July 1989 in Manchester, U.K. made by the British Council.

10)  From 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991 as a research fellow in the department of Pediatric Surgery, Schneider Children’s Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New-Hyde Park, New-York, U.S.A., during this period participated as faculty in two courses for the surgical treatment of Ano-Rectal malformations.

11)  In possession of the diploma in Laparoscopic and Mini invasive procedure given on the 8 June 1996 by the Special school of the A.C.O.I. (Italian hospital surgical association) in the Fatebenefratelli ed Oftalmico hospital in Milano Italy.

12)  Member since that date of the E.A.E.S. (EUROPEAN SOCIETY ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY).

13)  Participated on the advance Laparoscopic course, in the center of sperimental surgery Elancourt Paris, France, from 12 to 14 February 1997.

14)  Participate on the course of “Advanced laparoscopic colorectal, hernia and Thoracic procedures” held in the European Surgical Institute Hamburg Norderstedt, (Germany), on the 25 & 26 February 1977.

15)  Organized and been the director of the International course held in Pordenone Italy from 16 to 18 of July 1998 of “The treatment of complex Ano-Rectal Malformations and continent urinary diversion and the management of functional sequela”.

16)  Participated in the professional up to date program for Advance Laparoscopic Surgery for the year 1998 at the “S.Camillo” hospital Treviso, Italy.

17)  Participated in the Intensive course of Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic surgery held from 20 to 25 September 1999, at the IRCAD institute (institut de recherché contre le cancers de l’appareil digestif) Strasbourg, where I got the diploma for Laparoscopic Surgery from Mount Sinai Hospital New-York, U.S.A. and the certificate for formation of the technique for laparoscopic digestive surgery given by the French association for Digestive Surgery.

18)  Participated on numerous course and conventions in Italy and abroad and especially in the last 7 years the American College of Surgeons Meetings Chicago (3 times) San –Francisco ( 2 times), Orlando and New-Orleans.(2 times).

19)  Participated as a moderator on the 12th international congress and endo-expo of the society of laparoscopic surgeons in Las Vegas Nevada U.S.A. September 22-25, 2003.

20)  Participated as a moderator and presenter on 13th international congress and endo-expo of the society of laparoscopic surgeons in New-York, U.S.A. September 2004.

21)  Participated as faculty and speaker in the 2nd multidisciplinary Euro-America congress Miami U.S.A. February 2005.

22)  Participated as speaker in the international E.A.E.S international congress Lido Of Venice June 2005.

23)  Participated as a moderator and presenter on the 14th international congress and endo-expo of the society of laparoscopic surgeons in San Diego California, U.S.A. September 2005.

Surgical Procedures


1) Inguinal canal (hydrocell inguinal hernias, undescended testis acute scrotum) 810

2) Abdomen (appendectomies, intestinal intussusceptions, piloromiotomies, laparotomies for various procedures, 210

3) Umbilical hernioplasty 46

4) Circumcisions 185

5) High legation of left spermatic veins 15

6) Median cyst of the neck 2

7) Pretragal appendices 2

8) Cavernous hemangiomas 3

9) Jugular cyst 3


1) Inguinal canal Hernioplasty (prosthetic and normal) 185

2) Thyroidectomies 15

3) Breast (mastectomies Modified radical quadrantectomies) 75

4) Biliary ways (laparotomic cholecistectomies choledocotomies) 91 5) Alimentary canal (esophagus stomach and duodenum) 40

6) Alimentary canal (intestine, resections anastomosis miles operations) 115

7) Laparotomic splenectomy 22

8) Explorative laparotomies and lyses of adhesions 34

9) Thoracoscopies and insertion of talc 13

10) Thoracoscopies and wedge resection for Spontaneous Pnx 3

11) rt surrenalectomy 1


1) Laparoscopic cholecistectomies 225

2) Diagnostic Laparoscopies + biopsies 30

3) Laparoscopic appendectomies 52

4) Laparoscopic duodenorapphy and omentopexy for perforated ulcers 18

5) Laparoscopic lyses of adhesions 8

6) Laparoscopic fundoplications (nissen) 2

7) Laparoscopic colon resection 4

8) Laparoscopic splenectomy (urgent) 1