Morris & District
Chamber of Commerce


Monday Feb11, 2013

Santa Lucia

In attendance:, Pat Schmidtke(President)Bruce Third(Vice-President) Susan Chartier(Treasurer), , Cheryl Crick(Administrative Assistant),Lisa Wiebe(Director), ,Ed Voth(Director), Ruth Murray(Town of Morris), Bill Recksiedler,Janice Mulder,Yvette

Executive Minutes

Meeting Called to order at 11:45 P.M

Agenda Presented By Pat

Motion Moved by Ruth Murray

Motion to accept agenda as presented by Lisa Wiebe CARRIED


Moved by Bruce Third

Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting by Ed Voth CARRIED


-Payments for membership and adverting coming in mail.

General Meeting

Treasurer Report by Susan Chartier

- All is good; membership money was half in by January but slower for the month of Feb

Moved by Susan Chartier

Motion to accept Treasurer Report – Lisa Wiebe CARRIED

Administrative Assistant Report- Cheryl Crick

-Reported on updates to website and Facebook.

-General office duties

-Strategic Planning Session


Moved to accept assistant report by Lisa Wiebe

Motion to accept Report by Susan Chartier CARRIED

SMCC- Report- Hand out provided .Lots of new events coming up. Feb 23 Those Guys

March 17, Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir and April 19, Winnipeg Boys Choir

Old Business

1)Maps- Bruce Third reported that 23 out of 25 advertising spots for the town maps have sold. Meeting with Shane at Graphic Intuitions as soon as all spots are filled to start to get map ready. Will take about 2 weeks. If we sell all 25 spots the Chamber will make $1000.00

2)Website Membership Benefit Page- Should we be selling advertising on the front page of our website like the Niverville Chamber does?

3)RBC Wealth Management- Not enough time for advertising and to get our members to attend this meeting. We will postpone it till March and talk to Mabel when she gets back about doing different ways to advertise.

New Business

1)Morris Grad- Susan Chartier has been in contact with the school to change our scholarship. Cheryl, Susan and Lisa are to work on a proposal to give to the school on the new scholarship of $250.00

2)Strategic Planning Session- Went over the session and discussed what needed to be done for the month of Feb, 2013

3) Where is Ginger? Contest to start in October for small business week.

4)Bridge on Hwy 23- Government is coming out on March 11, 2013 to speak about the highway closing.

5)55Plus Passport- Ruth has started working on this to see if this is something we can do.

6)PVT Report- Ed Spoke about the Pembina Valley Tourism and will have 2 main programs this year. 1) Amazing Race 2) Museum Passport

Adjournment of meeting at 12:53 P.M

Next meeting will be at March 11, 2013