Special/Reorganizational Meeting
City Council
June 28, 2016
6:00 PM – City Hall
Vice President Ulmer called the special council meeting to order at 6:00 PM with Council members Belmore, Fuher, Meidinger, Reis and Maunu present.
Absent: Mayor Thorpe.
City Employees present were: Attorney Kelly, Public Works Director Flynn and Auditor Middlestead.
Also present: Don Flaherty.
Public Works Report: Discussed the quotes to replace the cemetery mower. JD rear discharge - $4,400 with trade in; Cub Cadet - $2,999; and Husqvarna w/mulch kit - $2,760. Motion by Fuher, second by Reis to purchase the Husqvarna for $2,760. All members, aye. Motion approved.
Second Reading – Ordinance Amendments: Motion by Reis, second by Meidinger, to amend Ordinance # 6.0104.1 from 3% to 2% annual rate adjustment beginning January 2017 pertaining to water and sewer and to sunset in 2021. Roll call vote: All members, aye. Motion approved.
Motion by Reis, second by Meidinger to adopt the Second Reading of the Ordinance Amendments. Roll Call Vote: All members, aye. Motion approved.
Second Reading Zoning Ordinance: Motion by Belmore, second by Maunu, to approve the amendment to Chapter 5 - Zoning Ordinance, the nature, scope and purposes of the proposed changes are within Zone R-2 concerning minimum square footages of houses. Roll call vote: All members, aye. Motion approved.
Fuher provided a letter of non-acceptance of the 2 year term from the write-in vote during the June election. Further discussion at the July 11th regular meeting.
VP Ulmer adjourned special meeting at 6:35pm.
Matthew Thorpe, Mayor Candace Middlestead, City Auditor
(Minutes subject to corrections and approval at next regular meeting)
Reorganizational Meeting
City Council
June 28, 2016
City Hall
Vice President Ulmer called the reorganizational council meeting to order at 6:35 PM with Council members Belmore, Fuher, Meidinger, Reis and Maunu present.
Absent: Mayor Thorpe.
City Employees present were: Attorney Kelly and Auditor Middlestead.
Oath of Office was administered to Elected Council members: Eric Fuher, Tim Belmore and Justin Meidinger.
VP Ulmer, completing her final task as council member, called for nominations for President of the Council. Reis nominated Belmore. Belmore nominated Reis. Fuher motion for nominations to cease, Maunu second. Roll call vote: Maunu; Reis; Meidinger; Fuher; Ulmer voted for Belmore; Belmore voted for Reis. Motion approved Belmore for President.
VP Ulmer turned the meeting over to President Belmore. Council wished the best to Sandy and thanked her for her years of dedication.
President Belmore called for nominations for Vice President. Fuher nominated Reis. Maunu motioned nominations ceased, Fuher second. Roll call vote: All members present, aye. Motion approved Reis as Vice President.
Motion by Meidinger, second by Reis to approve the following appointments:
City Auditor – Candace Middlestead
City Attorney – Attorney Fallon Kelly
City Engineer – Interstate Engineering
City Official Newspaper – Dickey County Leader
Airport – Tom Ulmer and Kyle Glynn
Library – Elaine Redmond
Housing Authority – Sandy Ulmer
EJDA – Lana Schlecht, Butch Middlestead; Monica Mertz and Mitchell Merkel
Tourism – Kristi Gilbert; Corey Gulke and Don Flaherty
Roll call vote: All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Oath of Office was administered to Attorney Kelly and City Auditor Middlestead.
Next regular meeting will be July 11th at 5:30 PM.
Fuher motioned to adjourn meeting at 7:05 PM.
Matthew Thorpe Candace Middlestead
Mayor City Auditor
(minutes subject to corrections and approval at next meeting)