Atomic Structure/Nuclear Chemistry Unit Test Review

Name______period ______- date______

1. Cobalt-60 has a half life of 5.3 year. Starting with 10.0 g of this isotope, how many grams will

remain after 21.2 years?

2. Calculate the weighted average atomic mass of potassium:

Isotope: Abundance (%): Mass(g):

K-39 93.12 38.964

K-41 6.88 40.962

3. Identify each of the following as nuclear changes or chemical changes:

. A. 131I ® 131Xe + 0e-

B. 2KClO3 ® 2KCl + 3O2

C. H2CO3 ® H2O + CO2

D. 226Ra ® 222Rn + 4He

4. Which type of reaction (nuclear or chemical)

A, is affected by environmental conditions such as temp, pressure, etc.

B. releases the greatest amount of energy?

C. results in a new element

5. What happens to the nucleus of a radioisotope during fission? During fusion?

6. Compare the laws of definite proportions and multiple proportions.

7. Which subatomic particle is responsible for

A. the identity of the element –

B. the chemical reactivity of the element –

C. the electrical charge of the element’s ion -

8. Match the atomic model with the name of the man who developed it:

_____ “Plum pudding” A. Schroedinger

_____ Probable location of

electrons in cloud B. Bohr

_____ Centrally located nucleus

with positive charge/atom is

mostly empty space C. Thomson

_____ Concentric rings (energy levels)

around the nucleus D. Rutherford

E. Dalton

9. Write the 5 postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory:

10. Which of the following BEST illustrates the law of multiple proportions:

A. HCl and HNO3 B. CO and CO2 C. NaCl and NaClO3 D. H2SO4 and CuSO4

11. For these isotopic symbols: 65Zn+2 31P-3 How many protons, neutrons and electrons do they

each have? 30 15

12. What is the unit of mass for the subatomic particles (and the atom itself)?

13. Write a balanced nuclear equation for

a. the alpha decay of Americium – 241.

b. the beta decay of Cesium – 137.

14. Define half life:

15. Which of the following nuclear processes will result in an atom with a higher mass number?

A.  alpha decay

B.  beta decay

C.  gamma decay

D.  nuclear fusion

16. Which of the following nuclear processes will result in an atom with a lower atomic number?

A.  alpha decay

B.  beta decay

C.  gamma decay

D. nuclear fusion

17. Complete this chart:

Subatomic particle electric charge location in atom

(+, --- , 0)

18. An particle has 9 protons, 10 neutrons and 10 electrons. What is the net charge on the particle?


______19. All atoms of an element have the same A. Neutrons

number of these particles.

B. Protons

______20. Isotopes have different numbers of these

particles in their nucleus. C. Electrons

______21. Only these particles are involved in chemical


Matching: (Continued – A. neutrons B. protons C. electrons

______22. The atomic number of an element is made of


______23. The atomic mass is the sum of the protons and

these particles.

______24. These particles determine the identity of the element.

______25. An atom of Mg has a mass of 24 while another atom of Mg

has a mass of 25. The difference in the mass of these 2 atoms

is due to a different number of these particles.

Look at these symbols of elements (with the atomic mass and atomic number):

24W48 24X50 24Y51 24Z53

26. Of these 4 elements, which has an equal number of neutrons and protons? ______

27. Of these 4 elements, which has the greatest number of neutrons? ______

28. Which of these elements are isotopes of the same element? ______

29. What is the atomic number of element W? ______

30. What is the identity of the element(s)? ______

31. Plutonium-239 (Pu-239) has a half-life of 24,000 years. How long would it take for a 100.0 g

sample of Pu-239 to decay to 25.0 g?

A.  12,000 years

B.  24,000 years

C.  48,000 years

D.  72,000 years

32. Copper has two isotopes: Cu-63 (present in 69.2% with a mass of 62.930 amu) and Cu-65 (present in

30.8% with a mass of 64.928 amu). Calculate the atomic mass of Copper. (Show all work, no naked

numbers and circle final answer).

33. Nitrogen has two naturally occurring isotopes: N-14 and N-15. The atomic mass of Nitrogen is

14.007 amu. Which isotope is present in the greater amount? Explain your answer.