
Schoolofthe TwinTiger

Karate - Novice Intermediate, Fall 2016, PEX 143, 1001, 91137 (2 Credits)

ClassSchedule:TuesdaysThursdays, 6:45-8:00p.m.

Home: (775) 768-7942Cell:(775) 340-9008


Email: ollege email:

GBC Fitness Center: 775-753-2113

Catalog Description:An introduction to martial arts for beginners and a continuation of training for more advanced students. Students will learn martial art skills through the practice of basics, forms, and sparring. Together, with the self-defense aspect, the student will develop a sense of well-being through the self-confidence produced by disciplined training.

Additional Course Information: Kyokushin karate is known as the strongest karate has afull/rich history starting with Master Oyama in the first half of this century. Pronounced phonetically as "Key-oh-ku-shin-kai", it translates as: Kyoku means ultimate; Shin means truth;Kai means to meet, join, or associate. Kyokushinkai is made up of powerful techniques such as strikes, kicks, blocks, throws. Famous for its spirited kumite breaking techniques, Kyokushin is also a well-rounded art. Beginner Kata have their origin in the Shotokan tradition while later kata have their origin in Goju Ryu tradition. There are also several kata unique to Kyokushin, some of its offshoots. Traditional Japanese Kyokushin has an emphasis on discipline, adherence to karate etiquette, repetition of basics, hard training, Kata, Kumite, realistic self-defense, the Budo philosophy of the martial arts. Over 12 million individuals practice this art internationally. It is reportedly the 5th largest Japanese karate style (after Gojuryu, Shotokan, Wado Ryu, and Shito Ryu). Prior to the death of Sosai Oyama (1923-1994), Kyokushin was the largest unified style in the world organized under the direction of one man.

Also included in this Karate class is the art of Aikijujutsu. Aikijujutsu is a form of jujutsu, a system of unarmed fighting,minor weapons techniques to defeat both armed unarmed opponents. It is noted, as the name suggests, for emphasizing the principles of aiki (some aspects of aiki are also referred to as kuzushi). Today, Aikijujutsu is a cultural heritage of the Japanese warrior class with a long history and tradition. It was developed as a means of self -defense against unprovoked violence, with the ultimate aim of neutralizing violence, not causing it. This is one of the reasons why Daito-ryu relies on using forms (kata) to train in the art, but doesnot include any kind of competitive matches. Further, as a classicalJapanese martial art, Daito-ryu goes beyond mere self-defense, offering the way to temper one's body and spirit, with the aim of developing personal character and contributing to the greater social good.

Method of Instruction:

Students receive orientation & training in the physical, mental, and practical applications of techniques required in Kyokushin & Jujitsu. Instructor demonstrates in a group environment, then students practice and demonstrate; students will have personal contact in their application of each technique required to perform Throws, Hold-downs,Chokes, Strikes,Kicks, Blocks and Arm Bars. The student will, to the best of their ability, apply their training by competing on a limited basis with other students, in class under the guidance of the instructor.Students will get individual coaching as needed.

Self-Protection and competitive training films are shown to the students to expose them to a wider range of available study. There will also be reading assignments from suggested books and handout materials.

The student will learn how the mind plays an important role in the physical arts as well as in everyday living. The class environment is that of traditional martial arts and etiquette. Professionalism is one of the highest standards in the class at all times! Safety is the number one respect of all students involved in the class.

Expected Student Outcomes:

The successful studentwill be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the fundamentals of Kyokushin and Aikijujutsu technique.
  2. Demonstrate the proper w arm ups and stretches before and after classes.
  3. Demonstrate the forms and application (Bunki) for self-protection.
  4. Demonstrate the meditation and breathing exercises for better health and w ell being.
  5. Work with others and teachwhat they know to others.
  6. Increase muscular strength and flexibility.
  7. Demonstrate confidence in physical and mental demands.
  8. Demonstrate safety and control of physical movements while working with anotherstudent, as well as

personal safety when practicing the physical arts.

  1. Keep a binderof all handouts and notes taken during class; a format will be provided.


Student Outcome Measurements:

  1. A student does not have to compete to receive a passing grade.
  2. At least 80% class attendance with full participation is mandatory for a satisfactory (S) grade.
  3. The student will demonstrate the fundamentals and technique through class participation.
  4. The student will have to show his/her class binder organized with (a) the information that the

instructor has handed out, (b) the materials from the web site that are to be printed out, and

(c) any notes taken.

  1. Attitudeand participation will be the biggest factors for success.This class cannot be failed when student attends and participates.
  2. All belt promotions require a fee of $25 in order to be registered with the AKKO.

GradingPolicy: The grade will be satisfactory/unsatisfactory based on at least 80% class attendance with full participation. Attendance and participation are of most importance to benefit from instruction. Attendance will be taken, as it is the primary tool for grading the student. Class attendance is mandatory but due to shift work and situations beyond normal control, you can make arrangements with the instructor for make-up classes.

Auditing the class is also a viable option when attendance becomes a concern.

This class is based on the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory system.An “S” (satisfactory) indicates that a student has passed the course and earned the credit(s).“U” (unsatisfactory) indicates that a student has not passed the course; no credit is earned.Grade Point Average (GPA) is not affected by S/U courses. Students can withdraw from the course by the semester deadline (November 1, 2016); Withdraw (W) is reported on the transcript.No credit is earned for a (W).

Students should be aware that earning a “U” or “W” in a PEX course could affect financial aid if you fall below the required number of earned credits for the semester.

Auditing this Course:If you want to participate in this class but do not want to receive a grade/credit,you may enroll as an auditor. When you audit, you are not obligated to attend or participate in class activities. You do not get a reduced fee as an auditor. Should you wish to change from credit to audit, or audit to credit, you must obtain the instructor-signed Audit Form from the PEX Office, then take it to the Admissions and Records Office on or before November 1, 2016.

Instructional Materials:

All students should purchase a 2” white 3-ring outside-sleeve binder for class handouts, to build your karate manual. Shihan Rynearson will provide the contents of the AKKO manual. Most contents will be posted on the website for download.

All equipment and clothing can be purchased through Shihan Rynearson if needed.

For Novice, the following books/booklets are recommended but not required:

  1. Kyokushin (History) by Shihan Rynearson
  2. Jujitsu part1 (History)by Dennis Helm,Godan
  3. Jujitsu part2 (Thefounding ofKodokan Judo)by Dennis Helm,Godan
  4. AKKO(History) by FrederickSBuck8
  5. Instruction Book Kyokushin by Shihan Rynearson AKKO
  6. Instruction BookAIKI-Jujitsu by ShihanRyneason

Advanced Karate and Team:


In past years, there was an advanced class that participated in competitions.


  1. Each student had to complete PEX Beginner Karate, or have a minimum of six (6) months instruction in Kyokushin and Jujitsu.
  2. The student was required to have at least one Kyu ranking or higher with the AKKO.


  1. Advanced classes are only for students who were seeking Advancement, Promotions, Competition, or Advanced Self-Protection.
  2. All students are required to wear a White Gi with the appropriate belt. Only the patches approved by the instructor can be worn.
  3. Class instruction included:

1)Rules and Regulations

2)Schedules, Lectures, Videos, Films

3)Seminars, Drills, One on One Defense & Offense

4)Application in hand to hand & weapons technique

5)Kata: As required by the AKKO

  1. Tournament conditioning & off-campus class tournaments


-Since this is a physical arts class, students should be in good health. Any doubts should be checked by a physician. Only a doctor with your complete medical history can determine what is advisable for you. I am not able to diagnose, advise, or prescribetreatment.

-Never practice until a ½ hour has elapsed after a meal nor eat sooner than ½ hour after a session.

-If you don’t have a Gi, wear loose clothing. No shoes are to be worn on the mats during the class unless instructed to do so.

-No use of alcohol or substances will be tolerated.

-Students are to be clean and sanitary as they will be touching & interacting with other students.

-It is critical to practice your system as much as possible outside the classroom to gain any benefitsfrom the class.

-Students are to notify the instructor (by phone or email) of any future absence.

-Students are required to report all injuries to the instructor immediately.

- All personal injuries or disabilities prior to the class are to be brought to the instructor’s attention before the beginning of class.


Kyokushin and AIKI-Jujitsu is recognized worldwide, in all countries, and all walks of life,

and is practiced by all ages: boys and girls, men and women. There are no limits to the

experience, education, and satisfaction one receives from the practice of these art forms,

truly an experience of a lifetime.

Kyoshi Jon W Rynearson

BONUS VISITS to Fitness Center: For every 1 credit of PEX that you take, you may use the fitness center for 8 bonus hours at no additional cost to you. Since this is a 2 credit class, you may come in on your own for 16 hours during this Fall 2016 semester – to practice karate skills, or to use exercise equipment. Please sign in on the “Bonus Hours” sheet in the office.

CAMPUS SECURITY:GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention programs for violence on campus under the Jeanne Clery Act, Campus SaVE (Sexual Violence Elimination Act), and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act). Acts of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or violated, or if you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to me, any center director, faculty, or staff member, or directly to the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security(775.753.2115) or the Vice President for Student Services(775.753.2282).

ADA Statement: (From the 2015-2016 GBC Catalog, page 46) Services for Students with Disabilities“Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1990. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Disabilities Services Office, located in the Leonard Center for Student Life, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, For more information or further assistance, please call 775.753.2271.