VIII Cavy and small rodents show in Rychnov nad Kneznou

26./ 27.09.2009

organizer:ZO ČSCH Rychnov nad Kněžnou
guarantee of the show: Ing. Jiří Dobiášovský

House of breeders, Trckova street 437, 516 01 Rychnov nad Kneznou

Show rules:


Please use only one entry formfor one kind of animals. For submission of more kinds of animals (for example cavies and rats) please use separate entry forms. Please don´t copy lines, number of entered animals is restricted for one exhibitor. Names of breeds, variety, colors and marks write complete names no short cuts please. Entry forms deadline is the 16th September 2009 (changes after deadline aren´t possible). If the capacity of the show won´t be full one week before deadline, the restriction of entered animals will be change.

Numbers of cages will be given to the exhibitor after veterinary check.

Cavies will be judged as an individual or in collection. Collection is formed by four cavies of the same breed, age class and color. In entry form please mark collection with letter “K” in column “Standard, collection, sale”.

Animals only for sale, without judging please mark in entry form with letter “P” in column “Sale”.

Number of entered cavies is restricted to 6 cavies per one exhibitor.

Cavy show will be in the days 26th and 27th September 2009 in the House of breeders, address Trckova street 437, Rychnov nad Kneznou, postal code 516 01, Czech Republic. All breeds of cavies of Czech standard (A, B and C) can be submitted to the show.

Czech standard A - self, english and american crested, rex, american teddy (US-Teddy), rosette, swiss teddy (CH-Teddy), sheltie, coronet, texel, merino, peruvian, alpaca, all breeds can be in satin as well.

Czech standard B - skinny, baldwin, lunkarya-peruvian, lunkarya-peruvian satin, cuy.

Czech standard C - cavies with or without pedigree – pets.

Course of the show will be divided into two parts:

Saturday 26.09.2009

- longhair cavies of standard A /capacity is 150/

- cavies of standard B in their own boxes /number isn´t restricted/ and cavies of standard C /capacity is 30/

- cavies for sale only with pedigree /capacity is 50 cavies/

- judging Ing. Petr Tejml, Petra Švarcová, MVDr. Denisa Vítková from 10AM.

- registrations of the cavies possible during all day

Sunday 27.09.2009

- shorthair cavies of standard A /capacity is 150/

Cavies must be present all the time of their part of the show

- longhairs of the A standard on Saturday

- shorthairs of the A standard on Sunday

- cavies of the B and C standardon Saturday

Cavies can remain in the cages for two days of the show or only for one day when will be their part of the show, cages for they will be reserved. Day (days), when your cavy (cavies) will be present on the show you must marked with letter "X" in the entry form in column "participation".

Price giving and publication of results for longhairs in the A standard, cavies of the B and C standard will be on Saturday. Results and price giving of shorthairs in the A standard will be on Sunday.


Saturday 26.09.2009 from 10AM, Sunday 27.09.2009 from 10AM


M-class3-6 months from 500g

D-class more than 6 months from 700g

Judging will be according to point system of the Czech standard. Cavies with final mark in excess of 96 points received expectance to the Czech champion. All cavies receive critic card after judging.


Best shorthair, Best longhair cavy in each class – 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Best of breed -1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Best collection – 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Number of entered mice is restricted to 4 mice per one exhibitor.

Mouse show will be at 26th September 2009 in the House of breeders, address Trckova street 437, Rychnov nad Kneznou, postal code 516 01, Czech Republic. All mouse breeds of Czech standard can be submitted to the show. Capacity of the show is 30 mice.

Mice must be present all the show time – in Saturday to 17PM.


Judging will be from 10AM, judges will be Lenka Vejlupková a Kateřina Doležalová (CzechRepublic)

Results will be published earliest 16:30PM.


Best mouse boar in each class – 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Best mouse sow in each class – 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Number of entered rabbits is restricted to 4 rabbits for one exhibitor.

Speciment and consultation of teddy rabbits will beat 26th September 2009 in the House of breeders, address Trckova street 437, Rychnov nad Kneznou, postal code 516 01, Czech Republic. All rabbits breeds of prepared Czech standard can be submitted to the show. Capacity of the show is 50 rabbits. Teddy rabbits must be present all the show time – in Saturday to 16:30PM.

Judging and consultations will be from 10AM, judge will be adept for rabbit judge Petr Kulštejn.

Results will be published earliest 16:30PM.

Honourable award in each class - 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma diplom

Number of entered rats is restricted to 4 rats for one exhibitor.

Rat show will be at 27th September 2009 in the House of breeders, address Trckova street 437, Rychnov nad Kneznou, postal code 516 01, Czech Republic. All rat breeds of Czech standard can be submitted to the show.

Rats must be present all the show time – in Sunday to 17PM

Capacity of the show is 100 rats.


Judging will be since 10AM, judges will be Ing. Eva Heinová. Results will be earliest 17PM.


M-classrat born after 07.06.2009 to 19.07.2009 (inclusive)

D-class rat born 06.06.2009 or earlier

Best rat boar in each class – 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Best rat sow in each class – 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Best rat of variety - 1st place cup, 1st – 3rd place diploma

Results will be published earliest 16:30PM.

Veterinary terms

All the animals on the show will be controlled at the veterinary check. Condition for entrance is veterinary certificate from private veterinarian, the certificate can´t be older than three days. Showing pregnant or nursing sows is strictly prohibited. Please take care of external parasites.



Longhairs cavies of the A standard, cavies of the B and C standard must be at the show place on Saturday 26.09.2009 until 08:30 AM. Take over and veterinary check will be from 07:00 AM.

Shorthairs cavies of the A standard must be at the show place on Sunday 27.09.2009 until 08:30 AM. Take over and veterinary check will be from 07:00AM

Teddy rabbits

Teddy rabbits must be at the show place on Saturday 26.09.2009 until 08:30 AM. Take over and veterinary check will be from 07:00AM


Mice must be at the show place on Saturday 26.09.2009 until 08:30 AM. Take over and veterinary check will be from 07:00AM


Rats must be at the show place on Sunday 27.09.2009 until 08:30 AM. Take over and veterinary check will be from 07:00AM


Every sale animal must have given sale price. Sale animals must pay fees for cage, no other fees or percents are charged.

Sale of the animals is in competency of breeder, not show organizer competency.

Sold animal will be given to the new owner immediately after payment.

Fees and payment

Fee of cage (for 1 animal, or 1 cage with animals for sale)50 CZK (2 €)

Mark of exhibitor or seller (with 1 ticket for show and show catalogue)40 CZK (1,5 €)

Sale place (table) 1m2/day 200,- CZK (8 €)

Accommodation in hostel 200 CZK per person (8 €)

Entrance fee adults, children, family 50 , 30, 120 CZK (2 €, 1,2 €, 5 €)

Payment must be received on the account of the show organizer until 16.09.2009. Account number is 1901217594/0600, as variable symbol please use 777 + number of your member identity card (in your breeder club), for example 7771234. Abroad breeders can pay fees on the show.

Show will be open for public on Saturday from 09:00 to 17:00,

on Sunday from 09:00 to 17:00.

All animals without payment, entry form or veterinary certificate can´t be present on the show – in all areas.

Please bring your own bottles or bowl for water for your animals.

Please send complete entry form to e-mail

Entry forms deadline is the 16th September 2009 (if the capacity of the show will be full it is possible to shorten the registration date)

Animals changed after deadline will be shown but not judged.