@Participants: CHI Eve Target_Child, MOT Sue Mother, FAT David Father, GLO Gloria Investigator, SAR Sara Child
@Age of CHI: 2;3.0
@Sex of CHI: Female
@Time Duration: 10:00-11:00
*CHI: hi, David .
*MOT: hi # Eve .
*MOT: how are you # this morning # dear .
*MOT: hmm ?
*MOT: you alright ?
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: good .
*CHI: is de xxx # . [+ bch]
*GLO: it's a nice big glass # isn't it ?
*CHI: yeah .
*GLO: and what's in the nice # big glass ?
*MOT: what does it taste like ?
*MOT: that's a lot of thinking .
*CHI: yeah .
*GLO: what are you thinking about ?
*CHI: the Fizzie .
*MOT: the Fizzie ?
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: are there different kinds of Fizzie .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: or just one Fizzie ?
*CHI: in xxx . [+ bch]
*MOT: what kinds of Fizzies ?
*CHI: in .
*MOT: orange ?
*MOT: orange Fizzie ?
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: and you had an orange Fizzie ?
*CHI: yeah .
*CHI: yes(ter)day .
*MOT: yesterday .
*MOT: did you like it ?
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: what kind of Fizzie do you have today ?
*CHI: grape .
*MOT: you have a grape Fizzie ?
*MOT: which do you like better ?
*CHI: a # grape !
*MOT: you like the grape .
*CHI: a big glass a cold .
*MOT: it's a big glass of cold # isn't it .
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: what else is inside your glass ?
*CHI: Fizzie .
*MOT: what else ?
*CHI: ice+cube .
*MOT: ice cubes .
*MOT: do you like ice cubes ?
*CHI: yeah .
*CHI: 0 [=! quiet laugh] .
*FAT: now let's not be so squirrely # pumpkin .
*CHI: 0 [=! sigh] .
*FAT: does she know that she's taking a trip ?
*GLO: are you going somewhere ?
*CHI: dat's Becky on de truck .
*CHI: see .
*MOT: that's Becky on the truck ?
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: and what's she doing there ?
*MOT: what kind of truck is she on ?
*CHI: a blue truck .
*MOT: a blue truck .
*MOT: is it a big truck or a little truck ?
*CHI: a little truck .
*CHI: and dat a pencil .
*MOT: that's my pencil # yes .
*CHI: you can <write a other w(ay)> [//] do it the other way .
*MOT: the other way ?
*CHI: yeah .
*CHI: hi # David .
*MOT: hello # Eve .
*CHI: hello # David .
*MOT: how are you # Eve ?
*CHI: oh [=! laughs] .
*CHI: xxx .
*FAT: what's that she's sitting on ?
*CHI: a (s)tool xxx mm: [?] a xxx glass a cold . [+ bch]
*MOT: a glass of cold .
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: a glass of cold grape fizz .
*CHI: xxx a grape Fizzie . [+ bch]
*MOT: grape Fizzie .
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: a glass of cold grape Fizzie ?
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: is that your little girl crying ?
*CHI: hmm ?
*CHI: no .
*MOT: is that your little baby crying ?
*FAT: Eve # please don't chew on your dress .
*CHI: xxx .
*GLO: www .
*FAT: we have this difficulty in the apartment building .
*FAT: in fact # there's a new baby I've not seen but only heard xxx .
*CHI: see my little baby .
*CHI: dat who crying xxx . [+ bch]
*FAT: no # it's not her crying .
*MOT: Eve .
*CHI: what ?
*MOT: you stay down here # please # Sarah's +/.
*CHI: I'm going to see my baby # xxx . [+ bch]
*MOT: Sarah is sleeping # Eve .
*CHI: her crying .
*FAT: no # she's not crying # she's +...
*CHI: yes .
*MOT: Eve .
*CHI: Mommy .
*MOT: Eve # dear .
*MOT: please come down the stairs .
*CHI: no # I wanna # to my Mommy .
*MOT: Eve # please come here .
*CHI: xxx go to my Mommy . [+ bch]
*GLO: I want to speak to you please .
*GLO: Eve # what's this over here ?
*CHI: Mommy [/] Mommy .
*FAT: Eve # honey xxx .
*FAT: I think she's wet .
*CHI: hi .
*FAT: there's old fat Sarah .
*CHI: dere's old fat Sarah .
*FAT: hi # fat Sarah .
*FAT: xxx can you peek with Sarah ?
*FAT: can you peek with Sarah ?
*CHI: peekaboo .
*FAT: www .
*MOT: oh # Sarah # isn't that a wet diaper .
*CHI: yeah .
*MOT: it certainly is .
*MOT: xxx Sarah's rubber pants .
*CHI: m:hm .
*MOT: that's your big sis # Sarah .
*CHI: m:hm .
*MOT: m:hm alright .
*GLO: xxx .
*MOT: would you like to use this ?
*MOT: xxx it's just like mine .
*CHI: dat's a same as Papa's is .
*MOT: it's the same as Papa's is .
*CHI: yeah .
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*FAT: how about that ?
*MOT: what is Papa doing ?
*CHI: yeah !
*CHI: hey !
*CHI: I got my pins # though [?] .
*MOT: who's that ?
*CHI: a lady .
*MOT: it looks like a lady ?
*MOT: it looks like a little girl .
*CHI: yeah .
*CHI: xxx .
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*CHI: xxx .
*CHI: what a you writing ?
*CHI: xxx .
*CHI: what a you writing ?
*FAT: xxx # Sarah .
*MOT: is that Sarah ?
*CHI: no .
*CHI: that's a man .
*GLO: that's a man ?
*CHI: yeah .
*CHI: a:h .
*GLO: that's another man .
*CHI: no .
*FAT: xxx .
*GLO: xxx .
*CHI: yeah .
*CHI: a:h [/] # a:h [/] a:h # Momma .
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*MOT: you're making it all red # how nice .
*CHI: write another one .
*CHI: write another one .
*MOT: write another one .
*GLO: what's Sarah doing ?
*CHI: she just sitting there .
*CHI: she just sitting there .
*MOT: she's just sitting there ?
*MOT: is Eve allowed to write on the table ?
*MOT: why don't you sit here and you write there ?
*CHI: no # I wanna it w(r)ite dere [?] in w(r)ite with you .
*MOT: you want to write with me ?
*FAT: where's your crayon # Eve ?
*FAT: xxx where's your writing pad # Eve ?
*MOT: let's see xxx what can we let you write on ?
*MOT: alright # you write here with me .
*CHI: w(r)ite a baby # yes !
*FAT: let's make another xxx let's make a baby .
*FAT: make a pretty little baby ?
*CHI: xxx .
*GLO: xxx .
*MOT: what's the baby doing ?
*MOT: ok # put tops on the other side .
*CHI: hmm ?
*MOT: you put the top of yours on the other side .
*CHI: yeah !
*CHI: what a baby do ?
*MOT: what's the baby doing .
*MOT: is that a green baby or a red baby ?
*CHI: a red baby .
*MOT: that's a red baby .
*CHI: a gween [: green] is .
*CHI: a [/] a red is on top <of a> [/] of a green one .
*MOT: that's right .
*MOT: the red is on top of a green one .
*MOT: then the green's underneath the red one # isn't it .
*CHI: write anuder [: another] baby on dis part .
*MOT: on this part ?
*MOT: ok .
*MOT: we'll make a fat baby .
*MOT: ok ?
*CHI: yes .
*GLO: here's the big eyes .
*GLO: here's a little tiny nose .
*GLO: and here's a nice smiling little mouth .
*GLO: how's that ?
*GLO: is that a smiling baby or a crying baby ?
*CHI: a crying baby .
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*CHI: <du@b # du@b # du@b> [/] # du@b xxx . [+ bch]
*MOT: does this baby have hair ?
*CHI: 0.
*MOT: oh # now it's a # green baby !
*CHI: dat not gween [: green] .
*MOT: what's that ?
*CHI: wed [: red] .
*MOT: that red .
*MOT: isn't that blue ?
*CHI: no .
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*CHI: you put em on top .
*MOT: you put yours on top .
*CHI: ah !
*MOT: let's put mine on yours and put yours on mine .
*MOT: now put yours on mine .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: you put the top on and I put xxx .
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*CHI: ah !
*CHI: I can't .
*CHI: you put yours on top (a)nd .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: then I can't write either .
*MOT: what's Sarah doing ?
*MOT: what does she have ?
*CHI: toys .
*MOT: what kind of toys ?
*CHI: mhm: # mhm: xxx . [+ bch]
*MOT: was that your toy first ?
*CHI: oh .
*MOT: what'd you do ?
*MOT: you wrote on yourself .
*CHI: David .
*FAT: oh # want me take it off ?
*MOT: let's see .
*MOT: oh # no # here .
*MOT: here # watch .
*MOT: magic .
*CHI: oh .
*MOT: magic .
*CHI: oh .
*MOT: magic .
*MOT: there .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: off some more ?
*MOT: goodness sakes .
*CHI: off xxx . [+ bch]
*MOT: there it goes .
*MOT: see it's going away .
*MOT: here .
*CHI: xxx it gone away . [+ bch]
*MOT: just about .
*MOT: there .
*CHI: xxx all the way off . [+ bch]
*CHI: see ?
*MOT: no more .
*CHI: dere's some more on the back of it .
*CHI: yeah !
*MOT: let's check that out # shall we ?
*MOT: oh # my xxx quite a glob .
*CHI: dat [?] quite a glob .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: tickle ?
*CHI: take it off .
*MOT: uhhuh .
*CHI: xxx dere's xxx . [+ bch]
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*CHI: 0.
*GLO: oh # want to blow it off ?
*CHI: 0.
*GLO: there .
*MOT: big # big breath # wasn't it .
*CHI: xxx can't write again . [+ bch]
*MOT: no # can't write again .
*MOT: let's make a coffee cup .
*CHI: yeah # you making a coffee cup .
*GLO: there's the coffee .
*GLO: you're putting the coffee in the cup .
*GLO: oh # isn't that awful .
*CHI: yeah !
*GLO: 0 [=! laughs] .
*MOT: you putting the coffee in the cup .
*CHI: yeah let's make another .
*CHI: cup right in .
*MOT: let's make another coffee cup here .
*MOT: put coffee in the coffee cup .
*CHI: 0.
*MOT: that's a lot of coffee .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: you made a baby !
*MOT: look at what you did .
*MOT: Eve # you drew a little baby # see .
*MOT: here are the eyes and here's the nose .
*MOT: no # that's a tongue sticking [//] xxx his tongue out .
*CHI: xxx hey # dat my xxx . [+ bch]
*MOT: that's your card ?
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: you going to put some xxx coffee .
*MOT: put some milk in your cup .
*MOT: that's Eve's cup .
*CHI: gi@b +/.
*CHI: write Eve .
*MOT: write Eve ?
*MOT: e@l v@l e@l Eve .
*CHI: xxx w(r)ite her head <and then> [/] and then dat be Eve . [+ bch]
*MOT: can you translate ?
*FAT: write for her # write her instead of draw her # draw her head and
*GLO: you want me to draw your head ?
*CHI: yeah m:hm [?] .
*MOT: here's head .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: and here's an eyebrow and here's another eyebrow and here's an eye
*MOT: and here's another eye .
*MOT: how many eyes do you have ?
*CHI: one # two # three # four # seven # eight # nine .
*MOT: that's a lot of eyes .
*MOT: I wouldn't put that +/.
*FAT: Eve # don't put the pencil in your eye # dear .
*GLO: you don't want red eyes do you ?
*MOT: (be)cause you have pretty blue eyes .
*MOT: and let's make a little tiny nose .
*FAT: Eve # do not do it again .
*CHI: yyy # yyy # yyy # yyy .
*MOT: here's a little tiny nose .
*CHI: mm: .
*MOT: and here's a very pretty little mouth .
*MOT: how's that ?
*CHI: then I put some milk in here in this cup .
*MOT: ok # put some milk in there in this cup .
*MOT: see # it even says Eve .
*CHI: 0.
*MOT: very good .
*MOT: that's very good .
*MOT: that's a nice looking now # too # isn't it .
*CHI: now # w(r)ite &ano another one .
*MOT: let's make another cup .
*MOT: and let's put some Fizzie in the other cup .
*CHI: let's make a xxx . [+ bch]
*CHI: now put some Fizzie in it .
*MOT: look at all the nice Fizzie .
*MOT: what kind of Fizzie is it ?
*MOT: grape Fizzie or orange Fizzie ?
*CHI: grape Fizzie .
*MOT: and let's put an ice cube in .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: that's an ice cube .
*CHI: xxx .
*MOT: how many ice cubes do we have ?
*MOT: she actually is xxx .
*FAT: um .
*CHI: where my Fizzie .
*MOT: I put it on your stool .
*CHI: mm: [?] I don't want you to xxx . [+ bch]
*MOT: well # bring it back in the living room then but don't be so sassy
*CHI: &wh &wh [//] hi # baby Sarah .
*CHI: hi -: !
*GLO: Sarah's answering .
*CHI: where went .
*FAT: I think # Eve # the top fell on the floor # if that's what you're
*GLO: maybe it's under the couch .
*CHI: xxx .
*FAT: d(o) you see it ?
*GLO: where is it ?
*CHI: there us is .
*CHI: xxx ah !
*MOT: ok # here's another one .
*MOT: here .
*MOT: let's draw a picture here # Eve .
*MOT: now # let's make a big bottle .
*CHI: xxx a big bottle ? [+ bch]
*CHI: a big # big # big [/] big .
*MOT: a big bottle ?
*MOT: and what'll we put in the bottle ?
*CHI: milk .
*MOT: ok .
*CHI: dere .
*MOT: that's good .
*CHI: den another bottle .
*MOT: let's make another one .
*MOT: make a very big bottle .
*MOT: what shall we put in that bottle ?
*CHI: beer .
*MOT: Fizzie .
*FAT: xxx .
*GLO: what's a matter ?
*CHI: dere .
*CHI: now w(r)ite another one .
*MOT: what're you putting in ?
*CHI: another milk .
*CHI: put another one .
*MOT: put another milk # ok .
*MOT: here's another white one .
*FAT: Sarah # Sarah .
*GLO: where's your toy ?
*MOT: Sarah can't find her rattle .
*MOT: do you want to find it for her ?