
Aztec Art

1.)Did the Aztecs find art important? How do you know?




2.)What types of art did the Aztecs create?




3.)What did they use to create the artwork?




4.)What type of people collected the art?



5.)What was so special about Montezuma II’s headdress?



6.)How has this information helped you better understand the culture of the Aztecs?



Aztec Farming

1.)Where was Tenochtitlan built?



2.)Explain how a Chinampa was built?





3.)What types of crops did they grow?



4.)What types of farming tools did the Aztecs use?



5.)What did fishermen catch, how?




6.)How has this helped you understand Aztec culture?




Aztec Music

1.)What were Aztec music and dancing closely linked to?


2.)What were the most common instruments?




3.)Were children taught music and dancing? If so, at what ages?



4.)What were the different sounds the instruments made?




5.)Describe what an Aztec play was?




6.)Was music important to the Aztecs? How do you know?




Aztec Merchants

1.)What were Aztec Merchants called?


2.)What types of things did they sell?



3.)Why was merchant life hard?



4.)How did the merchants live differently than others? (religion, where they lived)




5.)How did the rich merchants show off their wealth?




7.)For many being a merchant wasn’t their only job, what else did they do? Why were they qualified?




Aztec Military

1.)Did the Aztecs fear war, or enjoy it? Explain.




2.) What did Aztec soldiers do when there was no war?




3.) Why didn’t the Aztecs kill all of their enemies on the battlefield- only injure them?




4.) What has this taught you about Aztec culture?




Aztec Schools

1.)What types of schools did the royal boys go to, what did they learn?



2.)What schools did the “worker’s” children go to? What did they learn there?




3.)What was the difference between a calmecac and a cuicacalli school?




4.)How were girls mostly educated?




5.)What was one form of punishment the father’s would give to a misbehaving child?



Aztec Writing

1.)What was the Aztec language called?


2.)What did their language look like when it was written down, give an example?




3.)Why did the Aztecs write?




4.)What is a Codice? Explain what it looked like.




5.)How has learning about the Aztec writing system and language helped you understand their culture?

