Foundations for Early Learning and Development—NC Standard Course of Study Crosswalk
June 2014

Domain: Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)

Subdomain: Curiosity, Information-Seeking, Eagerness
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES)
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-1: Children show curiosity and express interest in the world around them.
  • APL-1m: Communicate interest to others through verbal and nonverbal means (take teacher to the science center to see a new animal).*
  • APL-1n: Discover things that interest and amaze them, and seek to share them with others.*
  • APL-1o: Show interest in a growing range of topics, ideas and tasks.
  • APL-1p: Demonstrate interest in mastering new skills, (e.g., writing name, riding a bike, dance moves, building skills).
/ NCES K-2 Arts Education preamble
  • Analyze nonverbal communication, make informed judgments about products and issues; and, communicate effectively
  • Because movement as a form of self-expression is intrinsic to our existence as human beings, dance is a natural vehicle that children use to help them understand themselves and the world in which they live.
NCES Social Studies K-2 preamble & introductory paragraph
  • Students acquire and perfect knowledge, understanding, and skills of individual and group inquiry and examine a broad range of peoples and cultures.
  • K-2 students develop geographic awareness of their surroundings by using geographic representations to process information about locations using maps and globes
NCES for K-2 and 3rd Grade Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Document)
  • If interests arise as a result of the use of the Science Inquiry Method, students would perform task in a manner that allows for the exploration of phenomena in the natural world posing questions and seeking answers as they arise
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • The Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice are observable behaviors that students can exhibit when problem solving is designed to allow critical thinking and perseverance
CCSS English Language Arts Introduction
  • Students are to engage and be open-minded—but discerning—readers and listeners. They work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, but they also question an author’s or speaker’s assumptions and premises and assess the veracity of claims and the soundness of reasoning

Subdomain: Curiosity, Information-Seeking, Eagerness
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES)
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-2: Children actively seek to understand the world around them.
  • APL-2l: Ask questions to find out more about the things that interest them, including questions about future events.
  • APL-2m: Choose among different ways to explore the environment based on past experience (use a magnifying glass that the class used before to explore something new).
  • APL-2n: Use what they know from past experience to understand what is happening now (get an umbrella to go outside because it is raining).
/ NCES K-2 Arts Education preamble
  • Analyze nonverbal communication, make informed judgments about products and issues; and, communicate effectively
  • Because movement as a form of self-expression is intrinsic to our existence as human beings, dance is a natural vehicle that children use to help them understand themselves and the world in which they live.
NCES Social Studies K-2 preamble & introductory paragraph K-3
  • K-2 students develop geographic awareness of their surroundings by using geographic representations to process information about locations using maps and globes
  • By looking at communities from a geographic perspective, students become aware of some of the cultural, political, geographic, historic, environmental and economic factors that help bind communities together through both time and space
  • In history, students begin to develop the ability to think like a historian as they acquire knowledge of history to understand the past and present.
  • Building upon experiences that demonstrate chronological thinking, students begin to expand their ability to think like a historian by asking questions that historians ask.
NCES for K-2 and 3rd Grade Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Documents)
  • Allows students to be actively involved in exploring phenomena in the natural world posing questions and seeking answers as they arise. During investigations, students must have opportunity to use tools such as magnifiers, thermometers, rulers, or balances to gather data and extend their senses.
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Mathematically proficient students exhibit perseverance, use of appropriate tools, and the opportunity to solve problems in a variety of ways
CCSS English Language Arts Introduction
  • Students should actively seek to understand other perspectives and cultures through reading and listening, and they are able to communicate effectively with people of varied backgrounds.
  • Students should employ technology thoughtfully to enhance their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use.
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
  • Students demonstrate curiosity by seeking opportunities-whether independently or in collaboration with peers and teachers to extend their knowledge.

Subdomain: Play and Imagination
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES) Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-3: Children engage in increasingly complex play.
  • APL-3r: Develop and sustain more complex pretend play themes in cooperation with peers.
  • APL-3s: Use more complex and varied language to share ideas and influence others during play.
  • APL-3t: Choose to use new knowledge and skills during play (add features to dramatic play scene related to class project, write list, build structure like displayed picture).
  • APL-3u: Demonstrate their cultural values and “rules” through play (tells another child “that’s not what mommies do.”)
/ NCES for Arts Education
  • Teamwork and collaboration adapting to and respecting others' diverse ways of thinking, working, and expressing themselves
  • Children use pretend play as a means of making sense of the world
  • Visual arts education is a multifaceted creative process which includes the development of perceptual awareness and the ability to use materials expressively
  • Dance education helps students use movement to creatively express meaning. Through creating music, students are able to be imaginative, think critically, and approach tasks in new or different ways.
NCES Social Studies K-2 preambleintroductory paragraph K-3
  • Students are introduced to an integrative approach of Social Studies by exploring aspects of self, others, families and communities across the world in developmentally responsive ways.
NCES Kindergarten Social Studies- Civics and Government
  • K.C& G.1.1 Exemplify positive relationships through fair play and friendship
NCES for K-2/3-5 Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Documents)
  • Collaboration with peers, use of language, and the application of knowledge and skills
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Modeling mathematics through play (blocks, dramatic play, etc.)

Subdomain: Play and Imagination
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES) Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-4: Children demonstrate creativity, imagination, and inventiveness.
  • APL-4l: Plan play scenarios (dramatic play, construction), and use or create a variety of props or tools to enact them.
  • APL-4m: Expand the variety of roles taken during dramatic play and add more actions, language, or props to enact roles.
  • APL-4n: Use materials or actions in increasingly varied and resourceful ways to represent experiences or ideas.
  • APL-4o: Make up stories, songs, or dances for fun during play.
/ NCES for Arts Education
  • Children use pretend play as a means of making sense of the world
  • Visual arts education is a multifaceted creative process which includes the development of perceptual awareness and the ability to use materials expressively
  • Dance education helps students use movement to creatively express meaning. Through creating music, students are able to be imaginative, think critically, and approach tasks in new or different ways.
NCES Social Studies K-2 preambleintroductory paragraph K-3
  • Students are introduced to an integrative approach of Social Studies by exploring aspects of self, others, families and communities across the world in developmentally responsive ways.
NCES for K-2 and 3rd Grade Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Document)
  • Use of appropriate tools and taking an active role in discovering scientific phenomena
  • Engage in “hands on/minds on” activities that are exemplars of scientific inquiry, experimentation and technological design
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Modeling mathematics through play (blocks,dramatic play,etc.)
  • Familiar with tools appropriate for their grade to make sound decisions about when each of these tools might be helpful, recognizing both the insight to be gained and their limitations.
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
  • Students can effectively solve problems by defining goals, describing steps, and evaluating alternative strategies in both academic and social interactions.

Subdomain: Risk-Taking, Problem-Solving, and Flexibility
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES) Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-5: Children are willing to try new and challenging experiences
  • APL-5o: Approach new experiences independently.
  • APL-5p: Ask to participate in new experiences that they have observed or heard about.
  • APL-5q: Independently seek new challenges.
  • APL-5r: Express a belief that they can do things that are hard.
/ NCES for K-2 and 3rd Grade Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Document)
  • Engage in “hands on/minds on” activities that are exemplars of scientific inquiry, experimentation and technological design
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Monitoring and evaluating one’s own progress and changing course if necessary
CCSS English Language Arts Standards Introduction
  • Become self-directed learners, effectively seeking out and using resources to assist them, including teachers, peers, and print and digital reference materials
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
• Students demonstrate curiosity by seeking opportunities- whether independently or in collaboration with peers and teachers to extend their knowledge.
Subdomain: Risk-Taking, Problem-Solving, and Flexibility
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES) Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-6: Children use a variety of strategies to solve problems.
  • APL-6n: Describe the steps they will use to solve a problem.
  • APL-6o: Evaluate different strategies for solving a problem and select the strategy they feel will work without having to try it.
  • APL-6p: Explain how they solved a problem to another person.
  • APL-6q: Seek and make use of ideas and help from adults and peers to solve problems (“how can I make this paint get off my pants?”).
/ NCES for Arts Education
  • The intellectual demands of the arts help students develop problem-solving, critical, and creative thinking abilities.
NCES Social Studies K-2 preamble & introductory paragraph K-3
  • Students gain from social studies the attitudes and values that enable them to be effective problem‐solvers, good decision makers, and wise planners.
  • As a result of an effective social studies education, they are prepared to deal with present, recurring, and unforeseen problems at the local, state, national,
and global levels
NCES First Grade Social Studies - Civics andGovernment
  • 1.C & G.1.3: Summarize various ways in which conflicts could be resolved in homes, schools, classrooms and communities
NCES for K-2 and 3rd Grade Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Document)
  • Students should be encouraged to employ oral language, drawings and models to communicate results and explanations of investigations and experiments. In a cooperative learning environment, students learn that when people give different descriptions of the same thing, it is better to make new observations instead of debating about who is correct.
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary.
  • Check their answers to problems using a different method, and they continually ask themselves, “Does this make sense?”
  • Understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondences between different approaches.
CCSS English Language Arts Introduction
  • Students adapt their communication in relation to audience, task, purpose, and discipline. They set and adjust purpose for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use as warranted by the task. They appreciate nuances, such as how the composition of an audience should affect tone when speaking and how the connotations of words affect meaning. They also know that different disciplines call for different types of evidence (e.g., documentary evidence in history, experimental evidence in science).
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
  • Students can effectively solve problems by defining goals, describing steps, and evaluating alternative strategies in both academic and social interactions.

Subdomain: Attentiveness, Effort, Persistence
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES) Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-7: Children demonstrate initiative.
  • APL-7j: Show increasing independence and purpose when making choices (“I’m going to the block area to make a track for my race car”).*
  • APL-7k: Independently identify and seek things they need to complete activities or tasks (gathers supplies and makes a birthday card with a message).
  • APL-7l: Set simple goals that extend over time, make plans and follow through (“Let’s make a rocket ship. We need blocks”).
/ NCES for Arts Education
  • A comprehensive, articulated arts education program engages and helps students develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperative skills, and self-motivation necessary for success in life.
  • Arts education includes applying life and career skills, including flexibility and adaptability; initiative and self-direction; social and cross-cultural skills; productivity and accountability; and leadership and responsibility
NCES for K-2 Social Studies Preamble
  • Develop young people who are knowledgeable, critical, and capable of making informed decisions about the world and their place in it.
  • Prepare young people to participate actively and responsibly in a culturally diverse, democratic, and increasingly interdependent world.
  • Prepares studentstobeactive,informed,andresponsible
N NNCES for K-2 and 3rd Grade Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Document)
  • Students are expected to meet the expectations of these standards through independent performance task
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary.
  • Check their answers to problems using a different method, and they continually ask themselves, “Does this make sense?”
  • Understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondences between different approaches.
E CCSS English Language Arts Introduction
  • Engage and be open-minded—but discerning—readers and listeners. They work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, but they also question an author’s or speaker’s assumptions and premises and assess the veracity of claims and the soundness of reasoning
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
  • Students can effectively solve problems by defining goals, describing steps, and evaluating alternative strategies in both academic and social interactions.

Subdomain: Attentiveness, Effort, Persistence
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES) Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-8: Children maintain attentiveness and focus.
  • APL-8k: Sometimes able to ignore irrelevant information when focusing on a task (sort multi-colored wooden beads by shape).
  • APL-8l: Consistently remain engaged in self-directed activities.
/ NCES for Arts Education
  • Arts education engages and helps students develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperative skills, and self-motivation necessary for success in life.
  • Arts education includes applying life and career skills, including flexibility and adaptability; initiative and self-direction; social and cross-cultural skills; productivity and accountability; and leadership and responsibility
NCES for K-2 and 3rd Grade Science: Science Inquiry Approach (Introductory Statement in the NCDPI K-2/3-5 Science Documents)
  • Be actively involved in exploring phenomena in the natural world posing questions and seeking answers as they arise.
  • Develop simple skills of observation, measurement and number sense as they actively participate in simple investigations
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Engage with the subject matter as they grow in mathematical maturity and expertise
CCSS English Language Arts Standards Introduction
  • Engage and be open-minded—but discerning—readers and listeners. They work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, but they also question an author’s or speaker’s assumptions and premises and assess the veracity of claims and the soundness of reasoning.
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
  • Students can maintain focus and persevere to accomplish collaborative and individual tasks whether those tasks are chosen by them or assigned to them

Subdomain: Attentiveness, Effort, Persistence
NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development Standards / North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES) Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
Goal APL-9: Children persist at challenging activities.
  • APL-9h: Plan and follow through on longer-term tasks (planting a seed and caring for the plant).
  • APL-9i: Keep trying until a challenging activity is complete despite distractions or interruptions (multi-piece puzzle started before lunch and completed later).
  • APL-9j: When something does not work, try different ways to complete the task (when a block tower falls, try putting the blocks together in a different way to build the tower again).*
  • APL-9k: Seek help from others to complete a challenging activity (ask a teacher for help putting a puzzle away on a high shelf; ask a friend for help in naming an unfamiliar animal in a picture).*
/ NCES for Arts Education
  • Engages and helps students develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperative skills, and self-motivation necessary for success in life.
  • Applying life and career skills, including flexibility and adaptability; initiative and self-direction; social and cross-cultural skills; productivity and accountability; and leadership and responsibility
CCSS Mathematics Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Perseverance, use of appropriate tools, and the opportunity to solve problems in a variety of ways
 The Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice are observable behaviors that students can exhibit when problem solving is designed to allow critical thinking and perseverance
CCSS English Language Arts Introduction
  • Engage and be open-minded—but discerning—readers and listeners. They work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, but they also question an author’s or speaker’s assumptions and premises and assess the veracity of claims and the soundness of reasoning.
Approaches to Learning Educational Claims for K-3
  • Students can maintain focus and persevere to accomplish collaborative and individual tasks whether those tasks are chosen by them or assigned to them.

Domain: Emotional and Social Development (ESD)