
Media Browser guide



The Media Browser manages all of the media (image, audio and video) that you upload for a Xerte project. Whenever you click the Import Media button, or Browse Server(ifinserting images in the text editor), the Media Browser opens.

Inserting new media into a project

  1. You will be prompted to open the Media Browseras shown above.

Tip: Note that some browsers will allow you to drag and drop images directly into the text editor. These images will still be saved in the Media Browser for later access.

  1. Click Upload Files(disk icon).
  2. Find the file you would like to upload and click Open. Note that the maximum size is 8MB.

Tip: If you would like to use a larger video file, either chunk it into smaller clips or upload it to another server (e.g. Kaltura) and embed it in your Xerte project.

  1. Your file will appear in the Media Browser.

  2. Double-click the file to insert it into the project (or right-click and choose Select files).

Editing and inserting existing media into a project

  1. You will be prompted to open the Media Browseras shown above.
  1. If you can’t see the media file you want, use the Searchbox.
  2. Click or right-click on the file. You can now use a number of functions…
  3. Preview: shows a larger view of an image or plays an audio or video file
  4. Download: download the file to your machine
  5. Copy:copy the file (it is recommended that you use Duplicate instead)
  6. Cut: cut the file (currently not functional)
  7. Duplicate: duplicate the file
  8. Delete: permanently delete the file from the Media Browser AND project
  9. Rename: rename the file
  10. Resize & Rotate: resize, crop and rotate an image (see below for details)
  11. Get info: show media metadata
  12. Double-click the file to insert it into the project (or right-click and choose Select files).

Tip: If you would like to use a file that you have uploaded to a different project, see Managing Project Media below for instructions on getting the hyperlink to that media. You can then use it in your project via the text editor’s image or media embed tools.

Resize & Rotate

  1. To resize:
  2. If you do not wish to keep the current image proportions, untick Aspect ratio.
  3. Enter a new width and/or height.
  4. To revert to the original size, click the Backbutton.
  1. To crop:
  2. Enter X and Y values (as on a graph) to move the crop area. The portion of the image that is inside the box will be saved.
  3. Enter width and/or height values to resize the crop area. The portion of the image that is inside the box will be saved.
  4. To rotate:
  5. Enter degrees to rotate the image clockwise, OR
  6. Use the 90° rotation buttons OR
  7. Use the slider to rotate clockwise

Managing project media

  1. To manage media without inserting it into a project, go to the Xerte home page, click on your project and then clickProperties.
  2. Click Media and quota.
  3. You have the following options:
  4. Click Choose Fileand then Importto upload media.
  5. Review whether uploaded media is currently being used in the project.
  6. Click on the name of an uploaded file to view its hyperlink and to download it.
  7. View how much memory the project is using.