Scale Phase

Adjust, Enhance and Expand

?Questions To Ask At Scale Phase

●  What areas of UDL are we doing well with? How can we expand on that?

●  What areas of UDL do we still have gaps? How can we target these specific needs?

●  Are there current initiatives (Educator Effectiveness, Common Core State Standards, Multi-Level System of Support, etc.) that need to be more effectively aligned to UDL?

●  What results do we have to support continued expansion of UDL implementation?

●  How will we fund the continued enhancement and expansion of UDL implementation?

●  What are our commitments for on-going professional development relative to UDL?

UDL Resources For Scale Phase


●  National Center on UDL: Videos from the field


●  UDL Book Builder

●  UDL Curriculum Self-Check

●  CAST Science Writer

●  UDL Exchange

●  UDL Studio

●  UDL Connect

●  UDL Series: Lead

●  Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation Professional Development Questionnaire


●  UDL Look Fors

●  Self Reflection on UDL Implementation

●  Follow on Twitter for UDL

Books & Articles

●  A Policy Reader in Universal Design for Learning Edited by David T. Gordon, Jenna W. Gravel, and Laura A. Schifter (Harvard Education Press, 2009)

●  Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age - David H. Rose, Ed.D., & Jenna W. Gravel, Ed. M.

●  Perspectives on UDL & Assessment:: An Interview with Robert Mislevy

Systems Resources & Tools For Scale Phase

General Resources

●  SAMHSA Full Implementation Stage

●  PBIS Fidelity Tools

●  Equitable Classroom Practices


●  Automated Tracking Tools

●  Risk Ratio Calculator

●  Equitable Classroom Practices Self-Assessment

Possible Next Steps

District/School Level:

●  Develop a long-range plan working towards systemic change (E.g. Leadership, funding, professional development, collaboration, etc.

●  Build capacity (UDL Coaches/Coordinators, etc.)

●  Use funding strategically to ensure UDL

●  Incorporate UDL into teacher evaluations; Principal observations should include UDL “look fors”

●  Provide professional development in UDL and model UDL principles in all professional development

●  Monitor UDL classroom implementation, provide feedback, coach

●  Educate and involve parents

●  Identify where effective practices are already occurring and create a plan to build on this

Classroom Level:

●  Invite a colleague or coach to observe in your classroom and provide UDL related feedback

●  Educate your students in UDL and then engage them in providing you with feedback on how you are doing with UDL

●  Share lessons that went well with colleagues

●  Consider presenting at a UDL related conference

●  Keep data/document student engagement & feedback on universally designed lessons

●  Self assess using Self Reflection on UDL Implementation

●  Self-Reflection using the Equitable Classroom Practices Self-Assessment