USFS-Rocky Mountain Region Engine Committee Tech Tips

USFS-Rocky Mountain Region Engine Committee Tech Tips Process:

Intent of the Tech Tip Page:

The Tech Tip page is for the RMA-engine bosses/operators/crewmembers to share information, issues, or ask advice from engine community in the region. This will allow the Regional Engine Committee to help track trends, solve problems, and share information about our engine fleet.

Process to submit a question or possible concern:

1. Draft the question/concern: Make sure to include (Operator Name/Home Unit/Make / Model/Year/Issue), if you have a possible solution as well please attach at this time.

2. Send the information to Scott Sugg (Regional Fire Operations Specialist) and Ken Watkins the USFS Engine Committee Chair via e-mail.

3. Scott or Ken will post the information on the USFS Engine Committee Website.

Process to submit a possible solution to a posted question:

1. Copy the question… then draft the possible solution

2. Send the information to Scott Sugg (Regional Fire Operations Specialist) and Ken Watkins the USFS Engine Committee Chair via e-mail.

3. Scott or Ken will post the information on the USFS Engine Committee Website.

A review of submitted topics/concerns/questions/ will always be an agenda item on RMA-Engine Committee Conference Calls or Meetings.

Contact(s): Scott Sugg () Ken Watkins ()

Regional Fire Operations Specialist Chair of the USFS RM Engine Committee

This is a working document for the RMA-Engine Group to communicate about issues/questions/or concerns dealing with engines and equipment. Your peer group will supply answers to your questions and the running dialogue will be posted utilizing this web-link.

Identifier / Date / Name & Home Unit / Make/Model / Year / Issue/Question/Concern/Answer
1 / 7/16/10 / Lance Robinson
Shoshone National Forest / The regeneration cycles on the diesels for the exhaust needs to be researched we have installed a high idle switch in our engine to try and prevent regeneration while idling in efforts to stop these trucks from shutting down.