Spreading Log

The newsletter of the Professional Nutrient Applicators

Association of Wisconsin

February 5, 2004

  • New Board, Officers elected at annual meeting
  • Annual Dues Due
  • Certification &Ethics: Feb 16 meeting needs your input.

New Board, Officers elected at annual meeting

The Association welcomes one returning and three new board members for 2004. Newly elected are:

Dana Cook, North Freedom, 3 year term at large

David Eisentraut, Adell, 3 year term at large

Josh Krull, Bonduel, 2 year term, NE Region

No one ran for the 2 year central region position. After the meeting, Jerry Blenker, Athens, agreed to serve one year in this post.

A big thank you to Keith Ferfecki, Donnie Mengel and Russell Robaidek for serving on the board. Your officers for 2005 are:

President:Ernie Sundstrom, 715.962.4061

President-elect:David Eisentraut 920.528.7614

Secretary: Chris Lindstrom 715.672.7867

Treasurer: Josh Krull 715.584.2278

Board Members

Jerry Blenker715.257.7494

Dana Cook608.544.5445

Jim Mann715.569.3868

Lee McCarville608.987.2353

Jan Ruhland608.742.6658

Annual Dues Due

Association dues for 2004 are $100 for active applicators and $50 for associate members (industry/dealers/farmers). Use the enclosed form.

Those that have already renewed for 2004 include:

After All Kraus Custom Forage

Big Red L & M Industries

D & S Ag Operations Lemmenes Custom Farms

Eisentraut Ag Services Lundeen Farm Automation

Fellenz Custom Work Practical Applications

Gruetts Quad T

Hamp Haven Robaidek Liquid Waste

Hefel Scheidecker Pit Pumping

Junker Manure Hauling Sundstroms Pit Pumping

K & D Manure Handling T-K Ag Works

Tony’s Custom Work

Certification and Ethics

Certification update: Three modules were piloted at the annual meeting: Odor Management Strategies, Ethics, and Regulations. 13 WI Firms, 3 MI and 2 IL were part of the pilot. We hope to roll out the program statewide later this year.

Ethics Update: A few significant points came up during the ethics presentation.

  1. An unwritten set of ethics already exists for custom manure applicators. These are the application and business practices in use. Should an environmental group take an applicator or farmer to court, these will be determined for the entire industry by the court. It is in the best interest of the manure application industry to put these in writing first.
  1. Ethics (standards of practice) should and must vary by equipment and situation.

Continued on back page 

Summary of post-presentation discussion on a Code of Ethics

One of the breakout sessions at the 2004 PNAAW annual winter conference held in Eau Claire in January was a discussion of the use of a code of ethics by businesses and professional associations. This discussion brought forth a wide range of opinions on the importance and application of a code of ethics.

A voluntary workgroup will be meeting on Monday, January 16, 2004, to begin drafting a code of ethics for members of the PNAAW. All PNAAW members are urged to attend this meeting and provide their input into the development of this Code. This draft would be reviewed, discussed, and voted on by the full membership at the 2005 annual meeting Present workgroup members are:

Jim MannAfter All, Inc.715-569-3868

Brent Cook Cook’s Countryside Trucking877-261-0619

Dana Cook Cook’s Countryside Trucking877-261-0619

Dave EisentrautEisentraut Ag Services920-528-7614

Donny MengelQuadT LLC715-687-2352

Tim RansomT-K Ag Works, LLC608-676-5218

Josh KrullWaste Control Services715-584-2278

If members are unable to attend the workgroup meeting they can call any of the members above to comment on development of a code of ethics for the PNAAW.

The first meeting of the workgroup will be 1:00 p.m.Monday Feb. 16, 2004 at:

Dino's Restaurant & Bar (at the Ridge Motor Inn)

2900 New Pinery Road (Hwy 51)

Portage, WI. 53901


Dino's is on the north side of Portage off Highway I 39/US 51. Coming either from the north or south follow I 39 to exit #92 and take exit 92 onto Hwy 51(New Pinery Road) going south. Follow New Pinery to the 2nd stop light and take a right onto Northridge Road, Dino's is part of the Ridge Motor Inn and is on the right just off the intersection of New Pinery Road and Northridge Road.

Workgroup discussions will be held in the lower meeting room of Dino’s Restaurant.

Other Meeting Highlights

Odor Management Presentation: For surface application, use daytime heating to your advantage. Once sun warms soil, air begins to rise, dispersing odors. Odors from evening/early morning applications will pool in lower areas of the field/neighborhood (think about those areas that are hazy on humid August mornings). For injection: Wider sweeps underground/greater soil disturbance decrease odors.

Continued on next page 

Regulations: State law (ATCP 50) says that all farms in targeted areas (impaired watersheds/draining to Outstanding Resource Waters/Exceptional Resource Waters and zones around municipal wells must apply both FERTILZER AND MANURE according to a nutrient management plan by January 1, 2005. All other farms by Jan 1, 2008. Farms can not be forced into compliance unless either:

  • Cost sharing is offered, or
  • They are already in compliance as of the deadline date.

Once a farm is in compliance, (either cost share or as a result of county/township ordinance), they must remain under a plan permanently.

EPA and Winter Spreading: Wisconsin DNR is currently revising the NR 243 regulation that deals with both spills and large livestock operations. Among the changes requested by EPA:

  • Elimination of liquid manure spreading on frozen/snow covered ground from permitted farms (>1,000 animal units). President Ernie Sundstrom met with committee members in December to review how this would impact the industry.
  • Change in how animal units are calculated. Right now, animal units are based on weight (1,000 lbs = 1 AU). EPA has changed the federal guidelines to say that any calf over 400# is 1 AU. The result of this change is that many more farms will be required to operate under a DNR permit.

Manure Storage: Cost share dollars are available statewide through NRCS/USDA for manure storage. Farms must contact their NRCS office for details. The design standard for manure storage (313) is being revised. Look for your chance to comment soon.

Nutrient Management Standard Revision: The standard by which nutrient management plans are developed (590) is being revised again. PNAAW has requested that an active hauler be appointed to the rule revision committee (Dana Cook served on the committee during the last revision).

PNAAW 2004 Membership Renewal

Membership Class: ______Active Applicator ($100), _____ Associate (Dealer/Farmer $50)

Business Name: ______

Contact Person: ______

Mailing Address:______City, St, Zip: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

______Check here if you are interested in a “ email address.

Mail check (made out to PNAAW) and form to: PNAAW, % Josh Krull, Waste Control Svc, W5022 Landsted Road, BonduelWI54107