Harmony Board of Education

Regular Meeting

Monday, November 18, 2013, 6:00 p.m.

Agenda, Page 2

Harmony Public School

Mark Thomas, Superintendent

490 South Bentley Road

Atoka, OK 74525

Telephone: 580-889-3687

FAX: 580-889-4631

Harmony Board of Education

Regular Meeting

Harmony School Library

Monday, November 18, 2013, 6:00 p.m.


1.  Call to order and recording of members present and absent.

2.  Consent Agenda:

All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion and possible board action with regard to the following items:

(a)  Minutes of the October 21, 2013 regular board meeting;

(b)  Activity Fund Report for October 2013;

(c)  Treasurer’s Report for October 2013;

(d)  General Fund purchase orders #155-167 for the school year 2013/14;

(e)  General Fund warrants #391-488 for the school year 2013/14;

(f)  Building Fund payroll purchase orders for the school year 2013/14;

(g)  Building Fund warrants #2-9 for the school year 2013/14;

(h)  Child Nutrition Fund purchase order #18 for the school year 2013/14;

(i)  Child Nutrition Fund warrants #58-76 for the school year 2013/14;

(j)  Purchase order changes for the school year 2013/14

3.  Review and discussion of certified annual site dropout report for the school year 2012/13.

4.  Discussion and possible board action on approval of Indian Education Policy and Procedures.

5.  Discussion and possible board action concerning the following policies for Harmony Public School:

New Board Member Workshop (BBH-R1)

Safety Drills (CKC)

Disaster Plans (CKCD)

Records Investigation (DABB)

Teacher Evaluation (DNA)

Leader Performance Evaluation Procedures (DNAA-P New*)

Weapons-Free Schools (FNCGA)

Use of School Property (GK)

Request For Use of School Property (GK-E1)

Use of School Property-Regulations (GK-R1)

6.  Discussion and possible board action to approve or not approve a resolution calling on the Oklahoma Legislature to create a Special Funding Situation for pension liability in the State of Oklahoma.

7.  Discussion and possible board action to establish the following Activity Fund Sub-Account: Library II (812).

8.  Discussion and possible board action on approval of the following Activity Fund Fundraiser for the school year 2013/14: Library II Book Fair.

9.  Superintendent’s Report

10. Discussion and possible board action on safety issues at Harmony Public School.

11. New business

12. Adjourn

This agenda was posted on the south door of the Harmony Public School Upper Elementary Building on November 15, 2013 at 12:25 p.m.


Superintendent’s Secretary