Smith & Georg
Training and Consulting
Policies & Procedures Manual
July 2016
Provision of Training and Assessment Services-Policy & Procedure3
Health and Safety-Policy & Procedure5
Emergency Repsonse
Access and Equity-Policy & Procedure7
Sexual harassment
Special needs of participants
AQF Qualifications Pathways-Policy & Procedure8
Issuing Statements of Attainment-Policy & Procedure8
Recognition of Qualifications/Statements of Attainment issued
by other Training Organisations- Policy & Procedure9
Mutual recognition
Credit transfer
Marketing of Courses- Policy & Procedure9
Fees-Policy & Procedure11
Refund-Policy & Procedure11
Complaints Policy(including Third Party Compaints) & Procedures12
This document incorporates the policies and relevant procedures of Smith & Georg, Registered Training Organisation(RTO) 40075, which provide the basis for good practice in the marketing, operation, financing andadministration of training services,whilst meeting regulatory requirements.
For the purposes of this document:
- Course is a distinct program of training, which may include assessment.
- Accredited courses are aligned to one or more nationally-recognised Units of Competence, and include assessments. On successful completion of an Accredited course, participants will be issued with a nationally-recognised Statement of Attainment.
- Non-accredited coursesare not necessarily aligned to Units of Competence, and do not normally include assessment. On completion of a Non-accredited course, participants may be issued a Statement of Attendance, which is not nationally-recognised.
A course may be delivered in a face-to-face workshop, online, or by correspondence; or by a combination of two or more of these modes.
- Client is a person or organisation who may enter into a contract with Smith & Georg for the delivery of training services.This is typically an employer who pays for their employee(s) to attend a Smith & Georg course.
- Participant refers to any person enrolled and participating in training delivered by Smith & Georg.
- Presenteris the person delivering the training and/or conducting the assessment.
This Policies and Procedures Manual will be reviewed annually.
Provision of Training and Assessment - Policy
This policy outlines the methodology to develop, implement and monitor training and assessment strategies, ensuring that all training and assessment complies with the Standards for RTOs 2015, in particular Standard 1, as well as meeting other legislated requirements.
Smith & Georgmaintains high professional standards in the delivery of training andassessment services, safeguarding the interests and welfare of participants and/or clients by:
- Documenting and reviewing strategies for training and assessment, using methods and materials appropriate to the learning and assessment needs of participants,
- Determines the amount of training offered to each learner taking into account existing skills, knowledge and experience of the learner and the mode of delivery,
- Maintaining a learning environment that is conducive to the success of participants,
- Having learning resources that enable learners to meet the requirements for each unit of competency
- Arranging suitable venues to deliver the training,
- Having the capacity to deliver and assess the vocational qualifications for which it has been registered,
- Monitoring and assessing the performance and progress of its participants,
- Ensuring teaching staff are suitably qualified and are also sensitive to the cultural and learning needs of participants,
- Conducting assessments in a manner that meets the endorsed components of the relevant Training Package(s) and/or accredited courses, and enabling each learner to meet the requirements for each unit of competency they are enrolled in.
- Committing to access and equity principles and processes in the delivery of its services,
- Committing to providing the best possible client service.
Provision of Training and Assessment - Procedure
- Smith & Georg develops a Learning and Assessment Strategy(internal document for staff) for each Accredited course delivered. Strategiesare reviewed annually.
- Participants have access to information about courses at before, during and after enrolling.
- Participants are encouraged to discuss any particular learning difficulties or needs, before and when enrolling.
- Appropriate staff review individual training needs when participants enrol by reviewing information on their enrolment forms, including previous experience and/or training, and any learning difficulties that have been declared. The Managing Director has the final determination if additional support or training is needed, and arranges it accordingly.
- For Face to face courses, venues will have adequate heating/cooling, suitable desks and chairs, and room for comfortable participation in the course.
- Participants are allowed time to reflect on and absorb knowledge that is gained at a course; and are given time to practice their skills in different contexts, before being assessed.
For face-to-face courses this is done by providing participants with access to pre-course reading and online presentations before they attend a workshop.
Online and correspondence participants are allowed to progress through their course at their own pace, and complete assessments when they feel that they are ready to do so.
- Procedures are in place to protect the health, safety and welfare of participants.
- Smith & Georg offers support for participantsin terms of academic and personal counselling during business hours, and provides a FREEcall phone number to facilitate this.
In addition to the phone support, participants attending a face to face course can access support from the presenter at the workshop.
- Completing the course is based on meeting the standards outlined in the unit of competency. In their determination of competence, presenters comply with the:
- Principles of Assessment (Fairness, Flexibility, Validity and Reliability); and the
- Rules of Evidence (Validity, Efficiency, Authenticity and Currency)
- Participants areassessed on their ability to do tasks competently, as defined in the relevant Unit of Competence.
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)is offered to participants who believe that they are already competent at the tasks covered by a course. The process for RPL is described in the Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure.
- Assessment attempts
- Participants in face to face courses are given the opportunity to redo their assessment at the workshop with support from their presenter; or after the workshop with phone support from a presenter.
- For online participants, most assessments are auto-marked, however some must be marked by a presenter.Participants who do not pass an online assessment will be contacted by an assessor, usually by phone, to give support to the participant andprovide the participant with the opportunity to explain/amend their answer. The decision of the assessor will be communicated to the participant and will be recorded.
There is no limit on how many times a participant attempts their assessment(s); and there is no charge for extra attempts.
- If a participant does demonstrate competence in a course (ie has not passed all the assessments) within 6 months of enrolling, they are considered not yet competent(NYC); and will be required to re-enrol if they wish to continue in the course. In this situation additional fees may apply.
- Statements of Attainment (and Accreditation cards, where applicable) will be posted to participants within 5 days of them completing all the requirements for the course. In situations where a participant urgently requires their Statement of Attainment or Accreditation card, they should contact the Smith & Georg office to discuss an alternative arrangement.
- All participants are asked to provide feedback by completing a Course Evaluation form. Summaries of feedback are reviewed at staff meetings to identify opportunities for improvement.
Health and Safety Policy
Smith & Georgrecognisesits obligations under theWorkHealth and Safety Act2012,and ensures that risks to the health, safety and welfare of all persons within the workplace are minimized.
Smith & Georg is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all persons under its control in the event of emergency situations.
Health and Safety Procedure
Smith & Georg’sWork Health & Safety(WHS) Management Manual describes how we manage our WHS responsibilities.
Management will:
1. Provide and maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe
2. Provide sufficient information, training and supervision to ensure staff and participants are safefrom injury and risks to health.
Staff will:
1. Cooperate with management and follow instructions on safe work practices
2. Take care of the health and safety of themselves and others
3. Report any hazards and accidents to management.
Emergency Response Policy
In the event of an emergency the safety of participants and staff are our highest priority.
Fire & Emergency Procedure
At the start of each face to face course, presenters discuss fire and emergency responses with participants. Where Smith & Georg staff have been notified of a specific fire procedure or emergency plan for a course venue, the presenter familiarises themselves with it, and ensures that participants are also familiar with it. If there is no known existing plan, the presenter and participants agree on a plan in the event of fire or emergency, considering the following:
- If safe to do so, assist any person in immediate danger
- If safe to do so, attempt to extinguish the fire.Circumstances must dictate whether attacking the fire should take priority over reporting.In most instancesthere will be other people at hand who can raise the alarm whilst initial firefighting is being performed.
- If unable to safely contain the fire, RAISE THE ALARM by dialling 000 to request fire service. Be prepared to give the following information or similar:
Your name
Location of incident
Nature of fire
- If possible, designate someone to meet the fire appliance so as to direct it to the incident as quickly as possible.
- Evacuate to designated assembly area as instructed (see Evacuation Procedure)
- Do NOT move away from the assembly area unless instructed by a supervisor, police or fire authorities.
- Notify Smith & Georg Pty Ltd on 1800 991 985 as soon as possible
Evacuation Procedure
Evacuation may be required for emergencies such as fire, gas leak, bomb threat or violence.
In the event of an evacuation being required, go to the designated assembly area as arranged at the start of the course, unless unsafe to do so.
Take the list of participants to the assembly area.
At the assembly area, notify emergency authorities eg fire, police, ambulance.
Log names and report the names of any absentees.
Do NOT move away from the assembly area unless instructed by police or fire authorities or a site safety officer.
Notify the Smith & Georg office of the evacuation as soon as possible, on 1800 991 985.
If safe to do so:
- Switch off all appliances and shut all windows and doors; after first checking that no-one is trapped. The presenter should be the last person to leave the building.
- Check wind direction. If there is a possibility of smoke or fumes reaching the assembly area move to an alternative assembly area.
Access and Equity Policy
Smith & Georgis committed to the goals of Equal Opportunity and will work towards achieving an environment free of discrimination in relation to:
- The way we recruit and treat our staff, and
- The access to, and the delivery of training, and
- The respect we show to our clients and course participants.
Access and Equity Procedure
Smith & Georg is committed to not discriminating against any person, as required in law,on the basis of any of the following:
- age
- disability
- industrial activity
- lawful sexual activity/sexual orientation
- marital, parental or carer status
- physical features
- political beliefs or activity
- pregnancy
- race
- religious belief or activity
- sex
- status
- reason of private life
- personal association with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above attributes.
Expected behaviour:
- Any unsafe, aggressive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated.
- If any such behaviour occurs, the presenter will ask the person to stop it.
- If the person continues with the behaviour, the presenter will ask that person to leave the course, and leave the training venue.
- In extreme situations (eg assault), the presenter will call the police.
- As soon as practicable the presenter will report the incident to the Managing Director.
- The Managing Director will contact each participant involved, and anyone else that could have been affected by the incident.
Sexual Harassment
Smith & Georg does not tolerate sexual, or any other, harassment from or towards staff or participants.
Under the Equal Opportunity Act it is unlawful for an organisation to make it appear that a person will be disadvantaged in educational or training activities if that person does not accept or tolerate sexual advances, suggestions or innuendo.
Special Needs of Participants
Smith & Georgpromotes and facilitates equal training opportunities for people who have disabilities, we endeavour to remove any barriers which may prevent people who have disabilities from having access.
- It is the right of any participant who has a disability to choose to inform Smith & Georg of their disability, in confidence and without fear of discrimination.
- Applicants’ needs are considered by staff prior to and during enrolment for a course,with only relevant staff being informed.
- At the beginning of each face to face course presenters invite participants to let them know (in confidence) if they need any assistance.
- Participants are invited to ring the office if they feel they need further support.
- Trainers cannot be held responsible for not giving special allowances if a participant chooses not to disclose a disability.
- All participants will be treated with respect and consideration, and confidentiality will be respected at all times.
- The wellbeing and best interest of participants under 18 years of age will be given paramount consideration as outlined in the Children’s Protection Act 1993, and in Smith & Georg’s Code of Conduct for Training Youth.
Smith & Georg is committed to the ongoing examination of its structures and processes with the goal of eliminating any inequities which may arise as a result of direct or indirect discrimination.
AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy
Smith & Georg offer units of competence within each course. Wedonot offer enough units for a qualification, but we encourage participants to combine units obtained from various accredited courses, to gain a qualification from a suitable Registered Training Organisation.
Issuing Statements of Attainment Procedure
Smith & Georgissues Statements of Attainment to participants who meet the required outcomes in accordance with all appropriate national guidelines. Statements of Attainment and Accreditation Cards are issued to participants within 5 days of them completingall of the requirements for a course (including: passing all assessments, providing a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI), and full payment of course fees).
Smith & Georg is registered with AQSA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) to deliverUnits of Competence that are on their scope of registration. For a list of Units of Competence on our scope of registration, visit body”search for Smith & Georg.
A yearly review of units of competence occurs to ensure that units on Smith & Georg’s scope of registration are being delivered and are current.
TemplateStatements of Attainment are used to ensure consistency. The Administration Officer and Business Manager have been approved by the Managing Director to issue Statements of Attainment. Templates are reviewed annually.
As an RTO, Smith & Georg is required to be able to re-issuea Statement of Attainment, up to 30 years after completion of the course.
Every three monthsSmith & Georg sends a report of participants’ results to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research(NCVER), where it is stored. Participants are able to retrieve their results from the NCVER – go to
Recognition of Qualifications/Statements Issued by other RTOs – Policy
Smith & Georg recognises Qualifications/Statements of Attainments issued by other RTO’s.
Recognition of Qualifications/Statements Issued by other RTOs – Procedure
Mutual Recognition
Smith & Georg recognises AQF Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Participants must present their original Qualification or Statement of Attainment to Smith & Georg to have them recognised. Smith & Georg may contact the issuing RTO to verify that the documents are authentic. A copy of the Qualification/Statement of Attainment will be stored in the participants file.
Credit Transfer
Smith & Georg assesses other training qualifications/certificates against Units of Competence on our scope of registration; and we will recognise those qualifications/certificates where equivalence can be demonstrated. The process for Credit Transfer is described in Credit Transfer – Procedure, Application Form and Checklist. For more information, or to apply for Credit Transfer, contact the Smith & Georg office.
Marketing of Courses - Policy
Smith & Georgmarkets and advertises its courses accurately and factually, in an ethical manner.
Marketing of Courses - Procedure
Course marketing material isdeveloped, and checked by Management, to ensure that:
- It is accurate, factual and ethical
- Smith & Georg supplies accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to prospective participants and clients; via our website, registration forms, and brochures about the course; before they enter into written agreements for courses.
- Information is reviewed at least yearly, to ensure its accuracy and relevance.
- Our marketing accurately represents the course(s) offered and the units of competence on Smith & Georg’s scope of registration as a RTO (Registered Training Organisation),
- Marketing material includes
- The units of competence the course includes (where applicable)
- Smith & Georg’s RTO Code, 40075
- If a licensing outcome is possible, that this has been confirmed with the government regulator,
- Estimated duration of the course
- Expected locations at which it will be provided (for face to face courses)
- Expected modes of delivery
- Name and contact details of any third party that will provide training and/or assessment
- Any work placement arrangements
- Conditions of payment of fees, which is usually expected before the course commences (ie (1) for face to face courses, before or on the first day of training; (2) for online and correspondence courses, before theparticipant is given access to the training and assessment materials).
- Participants understand that there is no guarantee that they will successfully complete the course; and that the training cannot be completed in a manner which does not meet the requirements of the Standards Clause 1.1 and 1.2(Comprehensive Training and Assessment Strategy)
- Participants have access to advice about courses before enrolling; including Smith & Georg’s responsibility for the quality of the training and assessment, and for issuingthe AQF certification documents
- Permission has been gained from a participant or client before using information about that individual or organisation in any marketing materials
- Participants and clients are provided with full details of conditions in any contractual arrangements
- No false or misleading comparisons are drawn with any other training organisation or qualification
Enrolment Procedure