LCHC Diabetes Outreach and EducationApplication

The Latino Coalition for a Healthy California (LCHC), a statewide advocacy group dedicated to improving Latino health across California, is continuing ourLCHC Diabetes Outreach and Educationinitiativein 2015. We would like to partner with experienced health educators across the state to increase our community’s awareness of issues related to the causes of type 2 diabetes.

Ideal LCHC Diabetes Outreach andEducationcandidates have experience making presentations on issues related to health and health equity in diverse communities and are preferably bilingual in English and Spanish or monolingual Spanish speakers.

Successful candidates will participate in one six-hour training session that will be held on a Saturday in late Marchor early April, 2015. Training locationswill be based on interest, but we anticipate hosting up to six trainingsacross the state. Travel assistance to the trainingmay be available for those who qualify.

Upon completion of the LCHC Diabetes Outreach and Education training, participants will receive a formal Certificate of Completion from LCHC. Training participants will also receive a binder with presentation slides, handouts, and background research reports, as well as a USB flashdrive loaded with Spanish and English versions of all presentation materials.

Participants who successfully complete the LCHC Diabetes Outreach and Education training will be eligible to receive a$100 incentive (cash or gift card)per completed community presentation that they complete, provided that these presentationsmeet four specific requirements:

  1. Minimum of 15 participants in the presentation;
  2. Sign in sheet/photo release is fully completed with signatures and contact information and sent to LCHC;
  3. Presentation evaluations submitted to LCHC; and
  4. At least one phone of the event are submitted to LCHC.

The first 100 trainings that meet these four criteria will be eligible for the $100 incentive.

The presentation is designed to raise awareness about diabetes in the Latino community. In the training, we will review literature on the growing number of diabetes cases in the Latino community, the complex roots of diabetes, and highlight how communities are starting to address this preventable disease.

This is not a job offer. Presenters will not become employees of LCHC or become eligible for employee benefits, but rather will receive a special volunteer status with LCHC.

We anticipate high demand for this training. Please submit your applications to Brenda Diaz, Health Policy Associate, by March 1,, 2015 via e-mail () or by regular mail to 1225 8th Street, Suite 375, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Latino Coalition for a Healthy California

Diabetes Outreach and Education PresenterApplication

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______


Languages Spoken Fluently:______

Please describe your experience making presentations on health or health equity related issues to community members:

Please describe why you are interested in becoming an LCHC Diabetes Outreach and Education presenter:

If you are selected to participate in the LCHC Diabetes Outreach and Education training, are you available to make presentations in your community? Can you list three groups to whom youcould make a presentation?

Circle the two cities that are closest to your home:

Redding Santa Rosa Oakland Salinas Fresno Los Angeles San Bernardino Santa Ana San Diego

Will you require financial support to travel to a training location? Yes No