Camp Abilities Maryland at MSB Ages: 9 to 17 years old

June 28-July 2, 2015

Camp Abilities Maryland at MSB is an overnight sports and recreation camp for children and youth with visual impairments between 9 and 17 years of age. The goal of Camp Abilities is to provide campers with an authentic summer camp experience while providing instructional development in the area of adapted sports. The camp will be held on the campus of MSB under the direction of MSB’s Athletic Director, Beverly Schmitz, and APE Instructor, Matthew Mescall. Staff from both in-state and out-of-state APE or PE programs will be providing hands on instruction in several sports, including, goalball, beep ball, and swimming throughout the day and evening. Field trips to other sports venues will be included.

Thecost for Camp Abilities is $150 for the week. As in the past, there may be scholarship opportunities through foundations like ICAN Foundation and service organizations such Kiwanis, Optimists, and local Lions Clubs. An application for the ICAN Foundation is also included in the packet. For more information about the Camp Abilities at MSB, contact Bev or Matt at 410-444-5000, ext. 1312.


Please note: The Music and Education Enrichment Program and Regional Summer Programs listed below are FREEto Maryland students through funding from MSB and partial funding from MSDE.

Music and Academic Enrichment Program (Residential)

July 6-July 24, 2015

Elementary program week: July 6-July 10 Ages 6-11 (1st-5th grade)

Middle/High program weeks: July 13-July 17 and July 20-July 24 Ages 12-18 (6th-12th grade)

MSB’s 2015 Summer Short Course program will continue to merge the Expanded Core Curriculum with a theme based curriculum aligned with the College and Career Readiness Standards. This year’s program will focus on the wonderful benefits of music in education. Research shows that learning the “do-re-mis can help children excel beyond the ABC’s” by facilitating learning of other subjects, improving spatial temporal skills, and improving verbal recall. These skills come into play in solving multistep problems students can encounter in all areas of STEM. Children also relate well to music not only as a form of self-expression and identity but as a tool for learning. Whether you listen to rap, country, hip hop, etc., music is a part of who we are and our culture. Led by MSB’s music teacher, Melissa Kutkowski, and taught by TVI’s, students will explore a variety of topics, including the “science” of sound, the ways in which music can be used to understand other cultures and eras, and the ways in which music can be used to create and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about daily life as well as global issues. Join us for a fun filled program of music including fieldtrips, musical guest performances, and special student performances! Students will utilize accessible technology to research and create projects. Orientation and Mobility skills will be integrated during off campus field trips. Local students can chose to participate daily.

For more information about the Music and Academic Enrichment Program, contact Sara Borlie at 410-444-5000, ext. 1319 or Amy Morrell at ext. 1220.


Regional Summer Short Course Programs

July 6-July10, 2015 Ages 12-18 (6th-12th grade)

Accessible Sailing Program with the Downtown Sailing Center (DSC)Limited to 16 students

Baltimore Inner Harbor

The DSC offers an accessible and adapted sailing program for children and adults with disabilities. In collaboration with MSB, the DSC is offering this one week course for visually impaired students to learn basic sailing skills as well as develop teamwork and communication skills. The DSC program uses sailing to “broaden horizons, stimulate the mind, and engage young people actively with learning and their environment”. Through the “classroom of the sailboat”, students work together to overcome obstacles, plan and execute maneuvers, develop self-discipline and strengthen self-esteem as they explore Baltimore's rich historical waterfront. Chaperoned by MSB staff, students will spend 3 hours each day on accessible sailboats in and around the Inner Harbor. Please note: MSB staff are trained to administer basic First Aid and will take all necessary precautions to ensure student safety in the heat and sun during this program. However, as with any summer activity, physical stamina and endurance are important considerations for participation. Due to the nature of this program, close monitoring for chronic medical conditions that may be exacerbated by heat and medication administration cannot be provided by MSB staff during the actual sailing course. Students can choose to participate daily or stay overnight in dorms on the MSB campus.

July 13-15, 2015 or July 20-22, 2015

Social/Recreational Day Program

Children who are blind or visually impaired need the same kind of social interactions, interpersonal communication, and interpersonal skills that sighted children need. But visual impairment can cause significant differences not only in how they learn, but also in how they view their world and their interaction with others. This can result in a lack of confidence that can lead to social isolation and limited participation in social and recreational opportunities they can enjoy like their sighted peers. This 3 day short course will focus on strategies to improve interpersonal skills while participating in fun and challenging fitness activities and games. The course will end with a family picnic that will provide parents a chance to learn and discuss ways they can promote their child’s social skills.

To schedule a regional summer program in your area for one of the above dates, contact Susan Vanderhoff at 410-444-5000, ext. 1221.

For more information please contactVickyWatt at 410-444-5000, ext. 1249 or


Mail or fax registration 410-319-5708by by May 31, 2015

Some programs are limited in space; please reply as soon as possible

The Maryland School for the Blind

Outreach Services Department

3501 Taylor Avenue

Baltimore, Maryland 21236-4499

The Maryland School for the Blind MSB Short Course Program

3501 Taylor Ave., Baltimore, MD 21236-4499 REGISTRATION FORM

REGISTRATION INFORMATION (Please check the program(s) for which you are registering)
Camp Abilities Maryland at MSB Ages: 9 to 17 years old
June 28-July 2, 2015
Music and Academic Enrichment Program Ages 6-11 (1st-5th grade)
Elementary program week: July 6-July 10 __ Day __Residential
Music and Academic Enrichment Program Ages 12-18 (6th-12th grade)
Middle/High weeks: July 13-July 17 and July 20-July 24 __ Day __Residential
Accessible Sailing Program with the Downtown Sailing Center
July 6-July 10, 2015 __Day __Residential Ages 12-18 (6th-12th grade)
(Regional Day Programs – Social/Recreation Program – To Be Determined)
July 13-15, 2015 or July 20-22, 2015
Participant’s Name:______Nickname ______
DOB:______Age:______Sex___ M ___F
City:______County ______State:____ Zip:______
Home #:______Cell #:______Work #:______
Email: ______(PRINT CLEARLY)
Home #:______Cell#:______Work #:______
Student Email: ______
Reading Level______Math Level ______Vision Teacher: ______
EMERGENCY CONTACTS (You must provide a minimum of 2 contacts with at least 2 phone numbers each)
Emergency Contact #1______Relationship:______
Day #:______Night #:______Cell #:______
Emergency Contact #2______Relationship:______
Day #:______Night #:______Cell #: ______
VISUAL INFORMATION (Students are required to bring portable low vision or Braille devices and canes)
Eye Condition:______Eye Dr.:______
Level of Vision: ___ Totally Blind ___ Partially Sighted ___ Legally Blind ___ Wears Glasses
Field Loss: ___ Yes ___ No
Child uses the following for learning: Regular Print:___ Large Print:____ Braille:__ Auditory Skills:___
Please list technology currently used: Low Vision Devices ___(Type: ______)
___Tapes ___Digital Books/CD’s ___Kurzweil ___Braille Notetaker ___Jaws ___Screen Enlarger ___Computer ___Other (Please list) ______
Travel Skills: ___Independent ___Needs Supervision ___Uses Cane ___Prefers Sighted Guide
ADDITIONAL DISABILITIES/MEDICAL CONDITIONS (additional medical documentation may be required):
Check any additional diagnoses that apply:
____ Learning Disability ____ Multiple Sclerosis ____ ADD/ADHD
____ Intellectual Impairment ____ Brain Injury ____ Autism
____ Speech Impairment ____Spina Bifida ____ Seizures
____ Hearing Impairment ____ Down Syndrome ____ Diabetes
____ Orthopedic Impairment (including Cerebral Palsy); please specify ______
____ Other ______
Emotional/Behavior Concerns
____ Anxiety ____ Depression
____ Difficulty coping with frustration (please specify below):
____ Displays aggression (i.e., hits others) ____ Tantrums ____ Uses loud or abusive language
___ Other ______
Social Skills:
____ Interacts easily with peers/sociable ____ Difficulty interacting with peers ____ Shy
Does your child take medication? ____ Yes ____No
If yes, please list medications or attach a printed list: ______
Does your child have food allergies? ____ Yes ____ No
Please list: ______
Does your child have environmental allergies or sensitivities? ____Yes ____ No ______
Does your child have any dietary restrictions? ____ Yes ____ No
Please list: ______
Indicate your child’s level of independence:
____ Completely Independent _____ Needs minimal assistance/supervision in some areas
____ Needs total assistance in one or more areas listed below
Specify type and degree of assistance required in each area, if any:
Eating ______
Dressing ______
Grooming ______
Bathing ______
Toileting ______
Has your child attended an overnight camp or program before? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, please list previous overnight programs attended and your child’s experience: ______
Please check any concerns that apply:
____Bedwetting ____ Sleepwalking ____ Difficulty sleeping through the night
Please share any additional information you would like us to know about your child:
Please check the appropriate t-shirt size for your child:
_____ Youth Small _____ Youth Medium _____ Youth Large _____ Youth XL
_____ Adult Small _____ Adult Medium _____ Adult Large _____ Adult XL _____ Adult XXL


(Must be signed by parent/guardian)

Student Name: ______

Authorization to Release Information

I give The Maryland School for the Blind permission to release written reports from the Summer Program on my child to our local school system.

___ Yes ___ No

Authorization to Transport

During our Summer Program there may be some opportunities for off-campus activities. We believe these activities are important to a well-rounded program. Sometimes they may be of an educational nature, such as field trips to a museum or place of business. Other activities of a recreational nature, but equally important, might involve a baseball game, trip to a theater, etc. I grant permission for my child to participate in all off-campus activities of which the School approves.

___ Yes ___ No

Authorization to Utilize Image or Photograph

Many pictures are taken during the summer program of various activities. These pictures are sometimes used, along with press releases, to provide public relations information to television stations, newspapers and other publications. I grant permission for my son/daughter to be photographed for the above purposes.

___ Yes ___ No

Authorization to Participate in Orientation and Mobility Experiences

During the Program your child will receive exposure to mobility concepts which will facilitate the awareness or development of skills needed to become a safe, independent traveler in the community. Training may include basic overview and instruction in crossing city streets, using public transportation, and various other activities in an attempt to reach the above-mentioned purpose. Your child will be transported in the MSB vehicles by the mobility specialist(s) or MSB staff to the various travel sites. All safety precautions will be observed during this training period to safeguard your child who will be under the direct supervision of one of the Mobility Specialist(s) or MSB staff. I grant permission for my child to receive these services.

___ Yes ___ No

Permission to Apply Sunscreen and/or Insect Repellent

I give permission for MSB staff to apply or assist with the application of sun screen and/or insect repellent which has been provided by me or MSB while my child is participating in summer program activities at MSB. Furthermore, I attest, to the best of my knowledge, my child is not allergic to sunscreen and/or insect repellent.

____ Yes ____ No

Legal Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______