Chellaston Infant School PTFA

Minutes from AGM Meeting Held on Thursday 8thMarch 2018 at 1930 in the Rose & Crown


Chloe Adams, Amy Goodman, Debbie Jackson, Abbie Evans, RavLimbert, Lianne Wallis, Janine Stevens, Karen Fitzpatrick, Claire Fisher, Emma Baker.


Kieran Howell (Chair), Catherine Cheung (Vice-Chair), Rhiann Monteith (Vice-Chair), Jenny Burton (Finance), Emma Bourke, Lindsay Galley (Head), Sarah Reader, Kat Haines.


KH welcomed everyone to the AGM. KH went through the annual report which had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Finance Report – Delivered by Jenny Burton

A letter has been sent to close the HSBC bank account. No communication has been received as yet. Between March 2017 – June 2017 there are gaps of knowledge with regards to what happened during this period. KH is now in receipt of a handover document that may help with this.

ACTION: Check whether any communication has been received regarding this. EB.

ACTION: KH to brief on this at next meeting. KH

PTA Insurance – This has now been set up on the Barclays bank account.

Current Balance - £3695.17

Since March 2017 – end of Feb 2018 the PTFA have received roughly £6,000, spent around £5,000.

The school has been reimbursed for the traverse wall.

Lottery –Currently 37 tickets, it has made £700 for the school PTFA so far.

ACTION: Flyer to be created to promote lottery to parents. KH / EB.

Valentine Disco Wash Up

The Valentine disco was held on Monday 12th February 2018. Uptake with lower than the previous disco. Reception disco - 100tickets were sold (83% uptake). Year One disco – 75 tickets (62% uptake). Year Two disco – 83 (70% uptake). In total we had an 72% take up across the school, down by around 10% on previous disco.

Monday night was not a good night for the disco to be held due to lots of after school activities taking place in Chellaston and surrounding areas and lower volunteer numbers. Monday was picked due to hall availability. The popcorn snack was a success again.

We discussed that two classes piloted keeping school bags and water bottles at school. This did help with dismissing children, but needs to be better communicated to staff and parents if we are going to do this again in the future. Again, Monday wasn’t a good day for this due to reading books being changed on a Tuesday. Noted that we need to give ourselves more time within reception disco to get belongings to children at the end of the event. It helped that reception were in non uniform for the day and did not affect behaviour at school during the day.

Parent Pay was used for the first time numbers were as follows:

Reception – 31

Year 1 – 26

Year 2 – 21

We discussed in future due to the school wanting to be cash less by Sept 2018, parent pay being the only way to pay for events, however would accept payment on the day / door. Parent pay would then be used as the consent form so no paperwork would need to be returned to the school. We would then be able to use the contact details for pupils the school has in the office if we needed to contact a parent.

We also discussed the issuing of tickets at the discos. It was agreed that we wouldn’t issue tickets for reception again as they come straight from class and lists can be checked with teachers on the day. We will continue to issue tickets for year 1 and year 2.

ACTION: Transfer money from parent pay to PTFA bank account. – EB

Mother’s Day Event - Friday 9th March 2018

Daffodils were purchased from Adsa in the end due to the wholesaler not having any due to the bad weather. This actually worked out cheaper at £1 a bunch (around 18 stems in a bunch). £124 bunches were purchased. 2,232 stems in total each child had 6 stems, 72 spares. Spares were given to classes.

ACTION: Money to be collected from school. EB / SR

Easter Bonnet – Thursday 22nd March 2018

Janine agreed to be Panda. Agreed to look at the books from Christmas to see if we could use any of those. One winner per class, 12 books needed in total. LG also said that there were some books that we could use for the prizes too.

There was discussion about refreshments to be provided and having different volunteers for different years. May need a contingence due to bad weather. Query whether we needed to get a dairy free alternative to chocolate for pupils.

ACTION: EB to do volunteer flyer.

ACTION: EB and RM to check books.

ACTION: SR to go to Costco to look for lidded cups etc.

ACTION: KH to check prices of chocolate gifts for all pupils.


All members were re-elected, apart from the Secretary which was vacant due to the previous post holder not being able to continue with the role anymore.

EB was nominated by KH and this was seconded by RM. SR was nominated by JB and this was seconded by CC.

ACTION: SR to be added to the email access.

Everyone to help out with banking money so as not to burden JB with it all.

Diary Dates for Upcoming Events

Thursday 22nd March 2018 – Easter Bonnet Parade – See above

Monday 9th April 2018 – 140th Commemorative Evening – LG asked if PTFA could provide refreshments.

Friday 15th June 2018 – Father’s Day Event– JB to order keyrings from Baker Ross.

Saturday 23rd June 2018 – Summer Fayre – Big event to organise. Special year for 140th anniversary. Raffle prizes to be gathered. Will attempt to get 140 prizes. KH to start emailing past donators. Raffle to be drawn during the fayre. EB already secured a previous stall holder. Charmaine’s Cakes. More details to be discussed at future meetings.

Tuesday 26th June 2018 – Sports Day – PTFA run an event. It was decided to use the school snack instead of buying extra in. Details to be discussed at future meetings.

Thursday 19th July 2019 - Leavers Disco – DJ Billy has been booked.EB to ask about medals.

Fundraising Ideas

There has been no response from the Facebook post. We would still like to go into the school council meetings to see about ideas from the children.

Possible ideas – outdoor stage, sun shade, playground equipment.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 12th April 2018 evening

It was decided to stop day time meetings as we don’t get anybody different. Daytime gatherings will be used for preparation of events.