Prospective Member Questionnaire

(revised October 2007)

Please note that you must return the completed questionnaire in paper form. Each response should include the complete question and question item number. To request the Prospective Member Questionnaire on diskette or as a file attachment, contact the UCIEP Central Office (c/o Language Institute, 151 6th St. NW, O*Keefe Building South Wing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0374, email: )


1. Name of program:

2. Date established:

3. Name of accredited university or college where the program is located:

4. Program address:

5. Telephone:

6. Fax:

7. Web site:

8. Name and title/rank of the chief administrator (herein referred to as "director") of the IEP:

9. Email address of director:

10. Is the IEP or host institution currently a member of NAFSA-Association of International Educators?


1. Is the IEP administered by the university/college named in Section A3 above? If not, please explain.

2. Is the university/college currently accredited by its regional accrediting agency? If not, please explain.

3. Are the faculty and/or staff of the IEP directly employed by the university/college? If not, please explain.

4. Where is the IEP administratively housed within the university/college? To which office and person (title) does the program report?

5. In terms of its administrative reporting channel, is the program sufficiently independent to permit the smooth functioning of its activities? Please elaborate.

6. How does the university/college explicitly recognize the role of the IEP in terms of the international education program of the institution? Also, in what ways does the university/college support the program? Please discuss facilities, funding, technical support, etc.



1. In what month and year was the director hired (for the position of director)?

2. What are the director's academic and administrative qualifications? If the director does not meet the qualifications specified in the UCIEP Guidelines (noted below), please provide a justification

UCIEP Guidelines specify that program administrators hired prior to July 1999 must have at least a master's degree in TESL/TEFL, linguistics, applied linguistics, or a related field; TESL/TEFL or related experience; and administrative experience or training. Program administrators hired July 1999 and after must have at least a master's degree in TESL/TEFL, or a master's degree in a related field with coursework in the areas of linguistics and English linguistics, culture and society, educational foundations, second-language pedagogy, second-language assessment, and language teaching practicum; substantial prior ESL/EFL teaching experience; and administrative experience or training.

3. What are the director's other responsibilities, if any, in addition to directing the IEP?

4. Does the director receive a formal agreement of full-time employment on at least an annual or academic-year basis? If not, explain.

5. Is the director's appointment renewable? If not, please explain.

6. Is the director eligible for the institution's benefits program? If not, please explain.

7. How does the position of the director fit into the classification system of the university/ college as a whole?

8. Is the director evaluated on a regular basis? If so, how? If not, please explain.

9. What professional growth opportunities are available to the director?

Associate/Assistant Directors

10. Does the program have one or more assistant/associate directors? (If NO, go on to section D; if YES, answer questions 10-18 about each position, using additional paper if necessary.)

11. Name, title, and month and year hired (in administrative capacity):

12. What are the administrator's academic qualifications? Please list post-secondary degrees and certificates, including academic fields.

13. What are the administrator's administrative qualifications? Please include education/training in administrative areas as well as past administrative experience.

14. What are the administrator's responsibilities?

15. Does the administrator receive a formal agreement of employment on at least an annual or academic-year basis? If not, please explain.

16. Is the administrator's appointment renewable? If not, please explain.

17. Is the administrator eligible for the institution's benefits program? If not, please explain.

18. How does this position fit into the classification system of the university/college as a whole?

19. Is the administrator evaluated on a regular basis? If so, how? If not, please explain.

20. What professional growth opportunities and support are available to the administrator?


1. Please provide information about core faculty in the IEP. Core faculty are defined as those who receive appointment for a minimum of an academic year, who are offered full-time employment (but may choose part-time appointment), whose appointments are renewable, and who are eligible for the institution's benefits package.

a. Number:

b. Qualifications of currently employed core faculty. List the name of each core faculty member, with year hired, degrees held, and degree fields. If a core faculty member does not meet the qualifications specified in the UCIEP Guidelines (noted below), please provide a justification.

UCIEP Guidelines specify that core faculty hired prior to July 1999 must have at least an advanced degree or certificate in TESL/TEFL, linguistics, applied linguistics, or equivalent professional training, and prior ESL/EFL teaching experience. Core faculty hired July 1999 and after must have at least a master's degree in TESL/TEFL, or a master's degree in a related field with coursework in the areas of linguistics and English linguistics, culture and society ,educational foundations, second-language pedagogy, second-language assessment, and language teaching practicum; knowledge of or previous formal study of a second language; and prior ESL/EFL teaching experience.

c. Qualifications required when hiring new core faculty, including degree(s):

d. Full-time teaching load (maximum average number of contact hours per week):

e. Other responsibilities:

f. Performance evaluation procedures:

g. Benefits provided by the institution:

h. Opportunities for professional growth:

2. Please provide information about other faculty in the IEP. Other faculty are defined as those who do not meet all specifications for core faculty listed in items D.1 above.

a. Average number:

b. Qualifications of other faculty currently employed or employed during the past twelve months. List faculty names with year first hired, degrees held, and degree fields. For any faculty member who does not meet the UCIEP educational standards for other faculty (noted below), please explain how the IEP provides the specified supervision and in what manner the faculty member is working toward meeting the minimum educational requirement.

UCIEP Guidelines specify that other faculty must have education and experience equivalent to the minimal standards required for the core faculty (see item D.1.b. above). In exceptional cases temporary faculty who lack these qualifications may be hired but must be closely supervised in their IEP teaching assignments by either the program administrator or by designated members of the core faculty, and must be provided with ongoing professional training. Continued employment of such faculty is contingent upon their working toward meeting the minimum requirements. If this is not the case, please submit a detailed explanation of the situation.

c. Full-time teaching load (maximum average number of contact hours per week):

d. Performance evaluation procedures:

e. Benefits provided by institution:

f. Opportunities for professional growth:

3. Please provide information about graduate teaching assistants in the IEP.

a. Average number:

b. Teaching load (contact hours per week):

c. Qualifications, including courses the teaching assistant must have completed before teaching in the IEP:

d Pre-service orientation and training:

e. Performance evaluation procedures:

f. Supervision received:

g. Opportunities for professional growth:

4. Provide the average percentage of total teaching hours in an academic year taught by

a. core faculty (as defined in item D.1 above):

b. other faculty:

c. graduate teaching assistants:

d. IEP administrators:

(If total percentages do not equal 100%, please explain.)


1. Recruiting activities

a. Do you use educational consultants/agents? If yes, please provide a copy of the agreement.

b. Please list other recruiting activities.

2. Student Population

a. One element of program stability is diversity in the student population. Over the last 12 months, please list the number of countries represented and the percentage of students from the top five countries.

b. Are your students subject to the rules and regulations governing student conduct at your university? If yes, is this specified in the program handbook? If no, please explain.

c. Does your program adhere to FERPA regulations regarding student rights? If no, please explain.

F. PROGRAM CONTENT (IEP only; a minimum of 18 of instruction per week)

1. The IEP should have clearly established goals for the language training program it provides. What are these goals?

(Answer this question on a separate sheet of paper by providing a list of these goals and/or a mission statement for your program. Refer to UCIEP Guidelines: PROGRAM, C.)

2. How many hours of classroom instruction per week, not including language laboratory hours, do your IEP students attend?

3. How many weeks of instruction per year are offered by your intensive English program?

4. What has been the average number of proficiency levels offered each session in your program over the past 24 months?

5. What is your average class size, smallest class size, largest class size over the past 24 months? Please add an explanation if any class has fewer than 5 students or more than 25.

6. How are classes structured to recognize that language learning is an interrelated, interdependent, sequential process in which all language skills are addressed?

(Answer this question on a separate sheet of paper. Include in your answer an outline of the courses offered at each proficiency level and the number of hours per week they constitute. DO NOT send a copy of your entire curriculum document or your promotional brochure.)

7. How does your program ensure that students who are pursuing an academic program are adequately prepared for success at the university/college level, not only in terms of English proficiency, but also in terms of academic and cultural orientation?

8. What student placement and promotion procedures are used in the IEP? How do you assure that the testing instruments are valid and reliable?

9. What textbooks and other materials are used in the IEP? Please attach a separate listing of texts and materials used at each level, by class.

10. What additional or special facilities or services are available to students in the IEP?


1. On separate paper, please give a brief history of the IEP and discuss its current strengths and weaknesses.

2. Please enclose a program brochure and student application form.

Name, title, and signature of person completing this form:

Name ______Title______

Signature ______Date______

Final approval for membership is dependent upon 1) an on-campus visit by a representative of UCIEP, and 2) approval of the UCIEP Steering Committee. The applicant program will be asked to pay for the representatives' travel and lodging expenses.