Dear Group Leader:

Below you will find sample Invitation Letters for the following destinations:

·  Italy

·  Holy Land

·  Ireland

·  France

·  Greece & Turkey

·  Turkey Only

·  Spain & Portugal

·  Spain Only

·  Germany & Austria

·  Eastern Europe

·  Marian Shrines

Please feel free to copy or borrow from any of these letters when constructing your Invitation Letter for your group’s brochure.

Thank you.

Catholic Travel Centre


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Come and see! Jesus’ invitation to his disciples is given to us as well to come and see why the ancient tradition of making a pilgrimage remains so important in our Christian faith.

For nearly two millennia Christians have traveled to holy sites to walk the paths that our ancestors-in-faith walked before us, to see what they saw. That is why I will be leading a pilgrimage in (Insert Date) to enjoy the beautiful sites of (List Sites).

We would like you to join us on this sacred walk of faith. You will assuredly experience the presence of God in the many holy places that have played a central role in the life of the Church. Our pilgrimage is planned as a spiritual journey with daily Mass at various historic altars. Together, we will pray, discover new places, experience good Christian community, and deepen our awareness of the grace of God in our lives.

And on the earthly plane, great experiences await as well! Each day will offer new vistas, memorable experiences, and many new friends. Of course there will be ample time to relax over good Italian food, explore local sites on our own, and experience great shopping opportunities too.

Whether you’ve been to Italy three dozen times, or this is your first trip abroad, this pilgrimage is sure to make memories of a lifetime. We promise you that it will also expand your knowledge of the Church and deepen your faith. We hope you’ll join us in journeying through one of the most beautiful countries on earth, and visiting the heart of the Catholic Church - Rome.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Dear Friends,

I am pleased to invite you to join me on a pilgrimage to beautiful Italy. What a wonderful opportunity this will be to journey together in faith. A pilgrimage is defined as a journey to a sacred place to deepen our faith through prayer and experience. Pilgrimages lead us closer to God by leading us along paths of new discovery.

Our pilgrimage will take us to (List cities of tour). In each of these localities we will share in the Italian culture and hospitality. We will pray and celebrate the Eucharist as we explore the wonders of amazing Basilicas such as St. Francis and St. Peter. There will be ample opportunity to taste many Italian delicacies from gelato to pasta; of course with some nice Italian wine to toast the journey together.

This pilgrimage is designed specifically to allow us ample time to take in all the grace and sites without feeling like racing. We will visit (List some sites of your tour)

Our pilgrimage will be a great blend of religious experiences and cultural richness. It will be a time to pray and to be immersed in our faith. It will be an opportunity to learn and to relax. It will be a time to feast and shop. It is a chance to be surrounded by the beauty of Rome and all it has to offer.

Peace & Prayers,


Dear friends in Christ:

I invite you to join me and other parishioners as we visit and embrace the incredible country of Italy. We will enjoy some of the most beloved sites in Rome, Assisi & Vatican City on our pilgrimage. You will also have the opportunity to visit other beautiful and inspiring locales in Italy, including (list other locations)

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Come and experience something truly special: a pilgrimage to places of historic significance, physical beauty and spiritual richness. Our pilgrimage will offer the General Papal Audience at Pope Paul VI Audience Hall (subject to the Holy Father's schedule), daily mass, wonderful meals and excellent guides. Of course there will be free time for exploring and yes, even shopping!

I hope that you will be able to join me and others from (your parish or city) as we journey to enrich our Catholic foundation.

In pace Christi,


Dear Fellow Pilgrim:

The term “pilgrim” refers to a person on a journey in search of God. In a real sense, this can describe each of our journeys toward God as we live our lives through our daily experiences.

We would like to invite you to join us in this special pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Since we are people of faith, we travel as pilgrims tracing the footsteps of Our Lord and walking in the footsteps of so many others who have gone before us in a journey of faith. During this pilgrimage to the Holy Land, we discover the roots of our faith as we see the sites, touch the stones, and pray the prayers which have helped form the faith we hold as sacred.

The experience of the Holy Land is like no other in your life. At each location, we will read and reflect on the Gospels. You will never again see or hear these words of Scripture without vividly recalling the places where Jesus walked and taught.

Finally, know that pilgrimages are joyful experiences where not only do we spend time in prayer and reflection, but we also have fun as we experience each other as a Christian community, making friends that last a lifetime.

We want you to have the most meaningful and spiritual journey of faith possible, all within this spirit of joy, and so we strongly encourage you to join our pilgrimage by signing up as soon as possible for this special experience.

Yours in Christ,


Dear Pilgrim:

There is something very special and sacred for Christians in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the land of Jesus. Within the boundaries of present day Israel is a history of God’s revelation to mankind that extends from the days of Abraham, some 4,000 years ago. It was the land of promise for Moses, the site of the Temple in the time of Solomon.

It is the land where Jesus was born, lived and died. And it is the one place on earth where God has walked among us. I would like to invite you join me and members of our parish in pilgrimage to this Holy Land.

We will visit Nazareth, walk the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and climb Mount Tabor where He was transfigured before His disciples. We will journey down the Jordan Valley and up the mountain to Jerusalem. There we will visit and pray at the sites of His final days – the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane. We will follow the Via Dolorosa (the Way of the Cross) and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site of both Calvary and the Tomb where He was buried and from which He rose from the dead.

You will never again see or hear these words of Scripture without recalling the places where Jesus walked. Two thousand years of history have passed since the time of Jesus. Many changes have transpired. Yet the hills of Galilee, the peaceful Sea where the disciples fished, the rugged terrain and the holy mountain that is Jerusalem will provide images and memories to last a lifetime.


Dear Friends,

It is a joy to invite you to join me on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Certainly we are all familiar with the idea of a pilgrimage and perhaps have been privileged to make such trips to shrines all over the world. But a pilgrimage to the Holy Land is one beyond compare. When we consider holy sites in our own country and overseas, the possibilities are many. What is unique about the Holy Land is that it is the place from which each and every one of us can trace our spiritual ancestry.

The land made holy by God’s revelation to the patriarchs and prophets, the land of promise for Moses and of fulfillment of God’s word for his people, is, in short, the only place on earth where God literally has walked among us. Join us as we visit those very sites made holy by Christ, his Virgin Mother and St. Joseph, the apostles and disciples. Accompany us to the places where the Lord began and completed the mission entrusted to Him by His Father. From Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee, from Mt. Tabor to the Holy City of Jerusalem itself, we will be blessed to see with our own eyes the places hallowed by all that Jesus said and did for our redemption.

Each day will be steeped in prayer, especially reflections upon the Gospel texts appropriate to each place we visit. And of course each day we will celebrate the Holy Eucharist. I look forward to being with you on what promises to be a graced-filled journey and invite you to discover with me the land from which has come our salvation.



Dear Friend,

Come and let’s ramble through the enchanting land of Ireland. Let the centuries of rich history resonate in our hearts as we mosey from Gothic cathedrals which will make your spirits soar to ancient ruins which will whisper to your very soul.

We’ll lift up our hearts in prayer on sacred ground and in ancient churches. We’ll enjoy leisurely strolls through green countryside and wander the shops of a city or two. And, to be sure, we’ll sate our hunger and thirst with the traditional fare of local pubs!

One thing I can promise: it’ll be a grand trip and all the better if you come along!

Yours in Christ,


4) Dear Friends in Christ:

It is with great enthusiasm that I invite you to join us for our pilgrimage journey with Catholic Travel Centre to the Emerald Isle of Ireland. Ireland is so important to the history of the universal Church and to our Church in America -- Irish priestsliterally built our Church in this country from the ground up, and our debt to them is enormous.

There will be so many highlights to our trip. This is an exciting time for Ireland, as the nation experiences newfound prosperity and greater integration into Europe. (list highlights here of your tour) We begin and end in Dublin and see the famous Book of Kells at Trinity College, visit the Shrine of St. Valentine, and visit Our Lady's shrine at Knock. We will kiss the Blarney stone, and see the famed seascapes of the Ring of Kerry. The Guinness brewery factory will also be on the itinerary.

As always, frequent Mass and time for prayer and reflection will be a vital part of our journey, and leisure time is also built into the schedule at various points for you to rest, shop, or pursue your own places of interest. We will enjoy the expert assistance of Catholic Travel Centre to attend to every detail and to assure us a comfortable, inspiring, and memorable pilgrimage. Please take some time to review this brochure, and explore theopportunity to come to know personallythe beauty and faith of Ireland: bulwark of the faith, emerald of the seas, and source of so much of our own American heritage.


Dear Friends,

Ireland is a land of enchantment. She is full of history, laughter and song. There truly are forty shades of green. And they are all waiting to embrace you!

Our “Journey to Ireland will take us to some of the better known sites like Blarney, Killarney, Galway and Dublin. But you can be assured that you will also visit the “real” Ireland as we stop in out-of-the-way villages to meet the Irish people. You just might meet relatives of yours along the way!

Get ready for the world-famous Irish breakfasts that provide everyone with enough to get them through a day or two. Prepare yourself to down a cup of tea or a pint of Guinness while being musically entertained by your fellow travelers. Open your hearts to the lilt of Irish laughter because your eyes will smile through this wonderful journey to the Emerald Isle of which we are all citizens, at least on St. Patrick’s Day.

Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to catch a leprechaun or find a pot of gold. You can be assured that the blessings God has showered on the Irish people will touch your lives long after you return home.

May the road rise up to meet you and May the wind be always at your back,


Dear Friends in Christ,

“Peace is My gift to you.” With these Gospel words, Jesus invites us to share His gift of peace, a gift only He can give. Through the centuries many have stepped back from the hectic world and have gone on pilgrimage to seek this precious gift.

A pilgrimage is an ancient walk in ancient places. In ancient shrines we will celebrate the Eucharist, renew our oneness in faith, and reflect upon the mystery of what the presence of God calls us to become. We shall enjoy new sights and the experience of community.

We visit Lisieux, home of St. Therese the Little Flower; and Lourdes, where we have the opportunity to participate in the Evening Procession of the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessing of the Sick. We will also see the beaches of Normandy, including the museum and memorial, and spend four days in Paris. There will be organized tours and plenty of time for you to explore on your own. (or the sites of your tour)

Art, Architecture, History and Faith will be a part of the Feast we celebrate together in a country of great cuisine and tradition. We invite you to join this pilgrimage. It will be an experience of a lifetime.

Yours in Christ,


Dear Friends in Christ,

Imagine what it would be like: standing on the beaches of Normandy, celebrating Mass.. Imagine what it would be like: going to Chartres, which has been a Christian pilgrimage site since the year 876. Imagine what it would be like: visiting Paris, the “City of Lights,” being surrounded by the beauty of Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, and countless other churches and museums. Imagine what it would be like: to go on a pilgrimage to France! (or sites on your tour)