Individual Professional Growth Plan

Name: XXXXXXXXXXXX Date: May 2012 School Year: 2012-2013a___

Identified School/District Improvement Plan Goal and/or Objective

(Individual Growth Plan must align with specific goals and objectives of school/district improvement plan.):

My goals for the 2012-2013 school year are to enhance student performance on MAP and K-Prep Assessments through implementation of Common Core Standards and Core Content Curriculum and fully implement data used through professional learning communities within my school.

Present Professional Development Stage:
  • Our school is currently focusing on deconstructed standards, learning targets posted and formative and summative assessment continues to be implemented to the fullest extent.
  • I have developed a PLC schedule to improve communication and discussion between myself and the staff and focus on data and implementing PLC strategies that will enhance student achievement.

  • Increase Student Achievement based on new goals set by new testing system.
  • Enhance instruction within the class and implement the PLC strategies

  • To improve accountability index through implementation of Senate Bill 1 requirements – deconstructed standards, learning targets posted/reviewed daily, and formative/summative assessments implemented to the fullest
  • Implement PLC strategies through our daily PLC meetings with teachers leading more PLC’s

Procedures and Activities:
  • Monitor teacher’s lesson plans, common assessments throughout the school year, ensure Flashbacks, Exit Slips and/or Drops in a Bucket are being implemented in the classrooms; instruction is being changed to focus on individual students needs and posted learning targets through weekly walk-throughs utilizing my iPad.
  • Meet with grade level teams, itinerants and special education PLC teams during our scheduled PLC times and then collect collaboration logs weekly to ensure “conversations” focus on deconstructed standards, learning targets posted, and formative/summative assessment data is being analyzed.

Additional Support:
  • Faculty support with implementation of deconstructed standards, posted learning targets, continuation of formative/summative assessments with data being analyze through MAP and new K-PREP testing
  • All faculty participation in PLC meetings.

Expected Impact:
  • Increase in KCCT Academic Index, ITBS performance and improved instruction within the classroom through implementation of Senate Bill 1 requirements and implementations of common core standards, learning targets and on-going assessments.
  • Increase in School Culture and Atmosphere

Target Dates for Completion or Review:May 31, 2013

Employee’s Comments: My goal is to successfully lead this school by implementing strategies that will increase student academic performance and enhance the educational opportunities of our students. By becoming involved in my school’s data analysis, scoring and teaching, I hope to model an effective instructional leader to my faculty and staff. With implementation of state requirements, I believe that our school will successfully increase our performance on state mandated tests and MAP.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Individual Growth Plan Developed: / Annual Review: ___ Achieved: ___ Revised: ___ Continued: ___
Employee’s Signature Date / ______
Employee’s Signature Date
Supervisor’s Signature Date / ______
Supervisor’s Signature Date

* Professional Growth Plan Stages:

O/A = Orientation/Awareness

P/A = Preparation/Application

I/M = Implementation/Management

R/I = Refinement/Impact