Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)

Note to Users:
This checklist may include terms specific to Operation Enduring Freedom and should be customized as needed. For example:
For specific percentages and numbers, the user should apply the appropriate numbers; such as 70%, 80%, 90%, 99%, etc.
For periodic terms, such as “weekly,” the user should apply the appropriate period, such as daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, annually, etc.
Quality Assurance
  1. Verify that the contractor is performing QA/QC checks IAW the contractor’s quality plan and schedule for this service.
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Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) / Hazardous Waste (HAZWASTE) Management
  1. Verify that the Contractor receives, stores, accounts for, and prepares for shipment HAZMAT/HAZWASTE in accordance with the SOW, regulations, Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document (OEBGD), Chapter 5 Hazardous Materials, and Department of Transportation / International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.
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  1. Is the contractor capable of accepting and storing HAZMAT/HAZWASTE no later than 30 days after a request for service or IAW a coordinated schedule
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  1. Validate that the contractor complies with all HAZMAT procedures in disposing of biomedical waste and other HAZMAT products generated IAW DoDI 4160.21-M, Chapter 10, and other appropriate regulations.
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  1. Verify that the contractor complies with HAZMAT procedures 100% of the time.
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  1. Verify that the contractor picks up Level III medical waste no less than once every three days.
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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  1. Verify that the contractor uses personal protective equipment (PPE) that includes protective gloves (disposable latex, butyl rubber, or other types impermeable to blood), masks/safety goggles/safety glasses when working with Regulated Medical Waste.
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  1. Verify/validate that the contractor uses a respirator when burning or incinerating medical waste.
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Spill Kits
  1. Is a spill kit readily available to decontaminate any surfaces in the event of a leak or spill of hazardous material?
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  1. Verify that the spill kit includes the following: appropriate PPE, a disinfectant, absorbent material, and equipment used to gather spill residues.
Note: The kit may be assembled at the local level or purchase commercially. /  /  /  / 
  1. Verify that the contractor disposes of Level III medical waste using a regulated medical waste incinerator 100% of the time.
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  1. Does the contractor transport and dispose of all medical waste IAW Title 49 CFR and other appropriate regulations 100% of the time?
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  1. Verify that commercial incinerators are capable of subjecting the regulated medical waste to a minimum burn temperature of 1500 degrees F (816 degrees C) for at least 1 hour.
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  1. Are Regulated Medical Waste incinerator operators trained on proper operating and maintenance procedures, safety measures (to include PPE use), emergency response, and local environmental requirements?
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  1. Verify that Regulated Medical Waste incinerator bottom ash and air pollution control ash (if applicable) is tested for HW properties prior to disposal in a solid waste landfill.
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  1. Verify how the contractor ensures that aerosol cans, gas cylinders, and batteries are never incinerated.
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  1. Validate how approval is sought from the local commander prior to operating field-expedient devices such as the inclined-plane incinerator with vapor burner.
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Burning in Barrels
  1. For burning medical waste in barrels or pits, validate how the contractor gains approval by appropriate command personnel and local officials, and conform to regulatory policies for the specified region.
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  1. Does the contractor follow these procedures to ignite the burn?
  1. Mix one part gasoline with five parts JP-8.
  2. Use a stick or pole to light the fuel from a distance of at least 3 feet.
  3. Mix medical waste with regular solid waste (approximately 50/50 mixture) to ensure the hottest and cleanest burn possible. Note: The remaining ash may be buried in a solid waste landfill.
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RMW Training
  1. Validate how the contractor trains applicable personnel in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1030(g)(2).
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