Buchanan Garden
Featuring a Local Vineyard tasting
Festival Call for Vendors
Greetings from the Town of Buchanan,
You are invited to participate in the third annual Buchanan Garden Festival scheduled on Saturday, May 21, 2016. Event activities will focus on Garden Vendors with complimentary Art and Antique Vendors.
The day’s activities will also include music, food, kid’s activities, a Main Street sidewalk sale, a Wine Garden featuring a local vineyard. This event is sponsored by the Town of Buchanan and we are working to ensure that the event provides a little something for everyone.
Buchanan’s Garden Festival builds on the Town of Buchanan’s revitalization efforts and its Community improvements. Home and yard improvements continue to be an important part of our community’s revitalization efforts, and the Festival is a natural outgrowth of that effort.
Set up for the outdoor art show is Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 8:00 am through 9:59 am with the event opento the public from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Enclosed is an application for this year’s event. Registration is $25.00. You may also register on line at the Google Docs Link. Outdoor VendorDisplay Spaces consist of a ten foot by ten foot space. Vendors need to provide their own canopies, tables, backdrop or other display units.
For additional information contact the Buchanan Downtown Revitalization Program at 540-254-1212 extension 4.
Harry Gleason,
Revitalization and Events Coordinator
Buchanan Garden,
Featuring Local Vineyard Tasting
Saturday, May 21, 2016; 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Downtown Buchanan, Virginia
To be held on the Buchanan Town Park &
Historic Wilson Warehouse/Community House Gardens
Located at 485 Lowe Street
Sponsored by the Town of Buchanan
The Buchanan Garden Festival is a new highlight of the Town’s downtown revitalization spring Calendar of Events. The show provides an opportunity for Garden Themed Vendors to show and sell their products and services.
Check In Set Up Booth Fees
Saturday, May 21, 2016; 8:00 am till 9:59 am Register - $25.00 Fee per Space Non Refundable
Registration due by Friday, 6, 2016
For information call the Buchanan Downtown Revitalization Program at (540) 254 – 1212 extension 4
------Please Mail the bottom portion of this form with registration fee.------
MAIL ENTRIES TO: Town of Buchanan, P.O. Box 205, Buchanan, Virginia 24066
Primary Contact:______Company or Organization: ______
Day Phone: ______Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Number of 10’ x 10’ spaces Needed: ______
Type of Garden Related Products or Services: ______
Email Address: ______Amount Enclosed: ______
Note: Vendor agrees that participation the Buchanan GardenFestival is entirely at own risk and assumes total responsibility for accidents, damages and other claims that result from or during their activities in the festival or in transit to/or from the event, whether such occur to the owner or third parties. Owner understands that the Town of Buchanan does not assume any responsibility for such liabilities, and Owner agrees to release and hold the Town of Buchanan harmless. Owner further agrees that participation in the Buchanan GardenFestival is strictly voluntary and is completely unrelated to work with the Town of Buchanan, VA. Signature of owner denotes agreement to these terms.
Accepted and agreed, SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______