Parrot breeding stimulation program
Dr Ockert Botha (BVSc)
The aim of this program is to effectively treat one of the most common underlying sub clinical diseases that will cause poor breeding or hatchability in parrots and parakeets.
Psittacosis caused by Chlamydophylia (Chlamydia) is endemic in many aviaries and is often impossible to eradicate fully. Regular preventativetreatment is recommended to reduce the incidence and symptoms of this disease.
It is imperative to treat this disease for 40 days. The product of choice is Aviodox used at 5 gram per kg of soft food and 5 gram per liter of drinking water. Aviodox contains 5% Doxycycline and is an extremely affordable brand name.
In the program we combine Aviodox with Avio-gel to prevent Candida and E coli overgrowth via the Apple Cider vinegar and grape fruit seed extract that it contains.
Poor breeding performance and hatchability may also e as result of marginal deficiencies of certain key nutrients.
Fertical is an amazing supplement that supplies 3 different forms of Calcium as well as Vitamin D3 and Magnesium for maximal Calcium absorption. It also contains Co- Enzyme Q10 that has been proven to stimulate the sperm production and libido of birds and 2 x plant extracts that has a very specific stimulatory effect on breeding and fertility. Over and above these it also contains Beta Carotene and Vitamin E that are known to stimulate fertility as well as Whey protein and Colostrum to ensure perfect health and growth of chicks.
Multibreed is an exceptional combination of vitamins and other key elements to ensure healthy birds and optimal breeding results.
Iodine is the most important regulator of the reproductive hormones via the action of the Thyroid gland. Addition of Bludform to the drinking water will ensure that birds receive the correct amount of the most bioavailable and safe Iodine as well as the other extremely important trace elements.
The program:
First 40 days
Treat all birds with 5 gram of Aviodox per kilogram of soft food and 5 gram of Aviodox per liter drinking water continuously.
Combine the Aviodox with Aviogel and Multibreed on Mondays and Wednesdays in the soft food at the recommended dosage.
Combine the Aviodox with Fertical on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
Follow up for the rest of breeding season
Add Aviogel and Multibreed to the soft food on Mondays and Wednesdays
Add Ferticall to the soft food on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Add Bludform to drinking water every Friday.