AIMS 1. To consolidate, reinforce, and enhance each pupil’s knowledge and
2. To identify weaknesses with a view to remediation.
3. To encourage a structured, disciplined approach to learning.
4. To stimulate interest in mathematics.
A variety of resources are used in S1/S2 Mathematics but the main resource is the “Teejay” textbooks. These textbooks are not taken home by the pupils and remain in the classroom, but each pupil can expect to be set differentiated homework on a regular basis. Pupils may also be set tasks on the ‘Manga High’ website which is fun to do and consolidates the work of the class. Homework exercises will also be issued for completion at the end of a topic. We expect our S1/S2 pupils to at the very least review at home the work of the day’s Mathematics lesson.
(a)National 5. Those pupils in National 5 Mathematics can regularly expect to receive “finish off” type homework, which will vary on a period by period basis. In addition to this each pupil can expect a minimum of one homework exercise per topic in mathematics.
(b)National 4. Those pupils in National 4 Mathematics will receive “finish off” type homework on a regular basis, but again as a general rule within the department each pupil will receive a minimum of one homework exercise per topic in National 4 Mathematics.
(c)National 3. All the course work for National 3 is attempted within the classroom and often no homework is given. Additional homework can be made available to any pupil who requests it.
Pupils in S3/S4 may also be set tasks on the ‘Manga High’ website which is fun to do and consolidates the work of the class.
(a)Intermediate 1. Those pupils attempting Intermediate 1 Mathematics will
receive “finish off” type homework which will vary on a period by period
basis, but as a general rule each pupil can expect to receive a minimum of one
homework exercise per topic.
(b)Intermediate 2. Those pupils attempting Intermediate 2 Mathematics will
receive “finish off” type homework which will vary on a period by period
basis, but as a general rule each pupil can expect to receive a minimum of one
homework exercise per topic
(c) Higher. A pupil attempting Higher Mathematics can expect a considerable
amount of period by period “finish off” type homework as well as an end of
topic homework exercise which may take an hour to complete..
(d)Advanced Higher. A considerable amount of homework on a daily basis will
be given at AH level as well as end of topic homework exercises which may
take more than an hour to complete.
Pupils in S3/S4 may also be set tasks on the ‘Manga High’ website which is fun to do and consolidates the work of the class.
The department has available a considerable amount of resources to our S3/S4 pupils and to those in S5/S6, which are specifically used as revision for an examination. Some of this may be attempted in class but each pupil is expected to spend a considerable amount of time on this away from the classroom.
The parent/guardian of a pupil who fails to complete their homework will be alerted via a text message. A ‘demerit’ will also be entered in ‘Click & Go’.
D. Johnstone
October 2012