Prevention Works! A Community Coalition of ClallamCounty
ClallamCounty Community Network
Our Mission: Prevention Works! A Community Coalition of ClallamCounty advocates, educates and invests in our children. Through prevention efforts, we work to end child abuse and neglect, substance abuse and violence.
General Membership Meeting
Olympic MedicalCenter
November 10, 2008
4:00-5:30 pm
1.Welcome and Introductions:
Chair Minnie Whalen called the meeting to order at 4:05. She apologized for the delay
in the start of meeting, because the length of the preceding Board of Directors meeting. Those present were Lauri Turkovski, Mark Baumann, Norma Turner, Cynthia Martin, Ellen Fetchiet, Yvette Cline, Karen Meyer, Barbara Clampett, Gwen Cole, Nancy Martin, Jill Dole, Jennifer Charles, Sandi Saltiel, Jennifer Haugland, Minnie Whalen, Nita Lynn and Florence Bucierka.
Review PW! Minutes September and October 2008 – Jill made a motion to accept the
Minutes from the October General Membership meeting held on October 13, 2008. Jim seconded the motion and it passed by an affirmative voice vote with no one opposed. Jill made a motion to accept the minutes of the September General Membership meeting held on September 8, 2008 with the correction that the cost of kits for the Parent-Child classes being held in Sequim and Forks were $250 rather than $50 noted in the original draft of the minutes. Jim provided a second for the motion and the amended minutes were passed by an affirmation voice vote with no one opposed.
Treasurer’s Report - Nita presented the report and offered an explanation on how to
understand the information. The organization has spent $801.93 more than it has taken in as revenue, Year To Date (YTD). The figures represent 51.72% of the Actual YTD in Revenues and 58.16% of the Actual YTD in Expenses for the current budget year. Nita also answered a number of clarification questions related to the report. Jim made a motion to accept the report as presented. Ellen provided a second and the motion was passed by an affirmative voice vote with no one opposed.
3. Lauri Turkovsky:
Social Norms Marketing – Creating Cultures of Hope: Through the Social Norms
Approach to Prevention: An Overview and Ideas for Local Application
Karen Meyer introduced Lauri by noting that she had graduated from Port Angeles High
School and had recently returned to Washington to work for the State Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse (DASA) as the Technical Assistance Consultant for the Port Angeles Healthy Youth Coalition (PAHYC) underthe Strategic Prevention Framework – State Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG) project to reduce underage drinking among 8th graders in Port Angeles.
Lauri presented a Power Point entitled, Marketing For Health – An Introduction to Social
Marketing and Positive Community Norms. She explained that Social Marketing is based on Product Marketing which is seeks to make a connection between a product and something
that people want. She offered the equation that; Air Time equals promotion and promotion
equals gratification. She presented several examples and stressed that the positive approach works best because it motivates individuals. One was a campaign done in Kansas that used the slogan, “I Love You Mom, But I Hate Your Smoke. Let’s Take It Outside.” Another example was the “Truth” campaign from Florida. Lauri offered to send a copy of her Power Point Presentation to anyone requesting it.
Lauri talked about campaign efforts to reduce unsafe drinking on college campuses. A
Social Norms Marketing approach has proven to be effective. Such an approach focuses
on teaching students the reality of alcohol consumption. Students generally
overestimate the levels of various drinking behavior and thus drink to excess because they
believe that it the real norm. The reality is that the actual rates are much below the perceived behavioral rates that student have about drinking. By educating them about the
correct reality, they are more likely to change their unhealthy consumption behaviors to
comply with the real norm.
4. Jennifer Haugland:
Speaking on children’s mental health issues related to early learning that she went
to a conference on representing Clallam and JeffersonCounties
Florence Bucierka introduce Jennifer as a former member of the county’s Health and
Human Services Department. She is currently working at OlyCAP (Olympic Community
Action Programs) on Children Mental Health Issues related to social and emotional needs.
The Community-Based Strategies for Providing Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
was held at the SeaTac Marriot September 23-25. It was sponsored byseveral state agencies and programs. The work group for the conference identified thatcurrently
our state has a mental illness system instead of a mental health system. State
Representative Mary Lou Dickerson, D-36 from Seattle, talked about Second Substitute
House Bill (SSHB) 1088. There were also other legislators who spoke at the conference.
Jennifer presented her notes from conference. She said that a son or daughter bill to
SSHB1088 is expected to introduce in the coming legislative session. She outlined
some of the issues and strategies being considered by the various state agencies.
Information was provided on what needs to happen at the Macro, Meso, and Micro
levels. Jennifer attended because the issue is so important for children, families, and
communities. She brought back the information from the conference in hopes that
interested individuals, groups, programs, and agencies in Clallam and Jefferson counties
can get involved in the process. She mentioned that David Brenna, Senior Policy Analyst
with the Governor’s Office and Ken Stark, Director of DASA, may be willing to visit with
interested parties on the Olympic Peninsula.
WA State Prevention Summit, Oct. 17-18, 2008 in Yakima
A report on the conference will be made at a later PW! General Membership meeting.
PW! Committee Announcements:
Education/Outreach - Jim Borte, Report on Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign; Update on 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Jim reported on activities undertaken by members of the STOP Grant Committee and
Prevention Works! to promote Domestic Violence Awareness in our county. The efforts
have led to the creation of a Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Task Force by the two
groups. The efforts produced a proclamation by the Board of County Commissioners
designating October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, three Silent Witness Vigils in the county, yard signs with DV prevention messages, an interview on the Todd Ortloff Show (KONP Radio) and the sale of Forget Me Not flower seed packets as a fundraiser for the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Task Force.
Tobacco Prevention and Control - Jill Dole. Update on Tobacco Coalition requests for $250 PDN pullout section for 11/20/08 focusing on tobacco prevention and youth access.
Jill reported that the Annual Great American Smokeout will take place on November 20th. Olympic MemorialHospital will be going Smoke Free. There will be a 12 page Pull Out section in the Peninsula Daily News on November 20th. It will contain articles, information, and ads related to non-smoking issue, including tobacco prevention and youth access, as well as resources to help people to quit.
Parenting Education -Cynthia Martin
Cythnia discussed a new card that she developed which acknowledges positive parenting. The business card size acknowledgements can be given to parents who
are observed doing something positive for their children. PW! members can give them
to parents as they think it is appropriate. Packets of the card are now available for use
by members.
Executive Committee -Minnie Whalen, 2009 Goal Setting; Considerations for Sustainability and Development
Minnie announced that the Board of Directors will meet on Friday, November 21st at Renaissance from 8 – 10 am to discuss considerations related to sustainability and development issues. The Board will also consider the selection of two goals for 2009 at their next meeting on December 8th from 3 until 4 at Olympic Medical Center.
6.Sharing Information
Due to the lack of time, there was no sharing of information. The meeting was
adjourned at 5:42 pm by Minnie Whalen, Chair.
Next Prevention Works! Meeting: Monday, December 8, 2008OMC at 4 pm
Prevention Works! A Community Coalition of ClallamCounty PO Box 1913, Port Angeles, WA98362
(360) 417-2366