School Context September 2017 -2018
Pupil Premium Budget 2017 -2018 £340,391 (based on Jan 17 Census)Proposed Overall Spend 2017-2018 £340,391
Leadership – Deputy and Assistant Head teacher / Staffing for intervention (before and after school, holidays)
Reading teacher and LSA reading support / Revision guides and resources including text books
Small group intervention literacy and numeracy / Exam training and costs for additional designated subjects VCert)
Overstaffing English and Maths to support setting in each year group and extra set in Year 11 (1 main scale teacher) / Reprographics
Damascus Centre staff / Literacy resources (Accelerate)
Directors of House (6) / Numeracy support resources
Achievement Managers (5) / Alternative provision off site
Attendance officer / CPD costs – INSET
Faith in Families social care support / Software for booking parents’ evening
Campus support / PiXL subscription
Careers Support / Transport costs (free bus after school and for parents’ events)
School Nurse / Rewards systems – planners, postcards; phone calls
Brighter Futures (TLR PSHE & Careers) / Brighter Futures resources
EAL support / Provision of uniform, resources and transport
saint benedict cva pupil premium strategy statement / 15
Pupil premium strategy statement (secondary)
Academic Year / 2017- 2018 / Total PP budget / £425,694 / Date of most recent PP Review / Jan 2017
Total number of pupils / 1177 / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 427 (Jan 2017 census) / Date for next internal review of this strategy / Sept 2018
2. Current attainment
Pupils eligible for PP (your school) / Pupils not eligible for PP (national average)
% achieving 5A* - C incl. EM (2015-16 only) / n/a
% achieving expected progress in English / Maths (2015-16 only) / n/a
Progress 8 score average / -0.25 / Not currently available (28/09/2017)
Attainment 8 score average / 37.36 / Not currently available (28/09/2017)
3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)
In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills)
A. / Leadership and Management of Disadvantaged Students. The school’s use of pupil premium funding is monitored efficiently and addresses well the needs of eligible pupils by ensuring:
· All leaders have a clear focus on disadvantaged students and micro manage students closely to ensure progress is good or better by identifying, addressing and removing barriers to learning.
· Ensure disadvantaged students are a “Golden Thread” running through all areas of school priorities and improvement plans.
· Establish tracking system to monitor progress and measure impact and cost of support for disadvantaged students.
· Ensure published reports demonstrate effective expenditure of PP funding and financial transparency.
B. / The outcomes for all students improves and the gap between disadvantaged students and all students closes to be in line with or better than national average by ensuring that:
· Accuracy, rigour and consistency of assessment will ensure accurate identification of disadvantaged students requiring additional support in all year groups
· Review curriculum to ensure suitability of qualifications and courses
· Effective and prompt literacy support in Years 7 and 8 through Accelerate programme will ensure sound foundations for future progression
· Raise profile of whole school literacy and buddy reading to support progress of reading of disadvantaged students
C. / High quality Teaching and Learning supports the progress of disadvantaged students:
· High quality lessons are planned with differentiated learning objectives and levelled/graded outcomes which are used effectively in all lessons; with appropriate challenge for the more able as evidenced by work scrutiny and analysis of lesson observations and learning walks
· Techniques that help to deepen learning including planning to meet the needs of all pupils, deep targeted questioning and personalisation are evident in lesson plans and more widely used in all lessons, especially for the key identified groups including PP, SEND, Most Able
· Staff able to plan more effectively for SEND and disadvantaged learning by using prior attainment data. Information sharing on strategies for all SEND and disadvantaged pupils is shared more effectively enabling teachers to plan effectively and provide detailed feedback which enables these groups to make rapid progress
D. / The Academy supports and improves the personal safety, behaviour and welfare of disadvantaged students through curriculum, House, school nurse and other agencies.
· Disadvantaged students have the support to enable them to engage with the curriculum and achieve according to their potential
· Support and develop parental engagement
· Mentoring will develop aspirations and raise self esteem
External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)
E. / Reduce the proportion of pupils that still regularly fail to attend school, particularly disadvantaged pupils and pupils identified by the school who have special educational needs and/or disabilities who do not attend the enhanced provision.
· Create robust and closely monitored systems of attendance monitoring to ensure that Absence and Persistent absence of disadvantaged and SENK students rapidly improves to figures above national averages.
4. Desired outcomes (desired outcomes and how they will be measured) / Success criteria
A. / Improved and more effective tracking and monitoring of disadvantaged students will ensure actions and interventions are transparent shared with all relevant bodies. / Pupil-premium strategy report will be updated to show impact - financial cost of each intervention and its impact.
B. / Improved Progress 8 measure for disadvantaged students in all slots.
Improved reading ages and progress in English and maths for students involved in Accelerate English and Maths through in house testing and benchmark testing using external tests.
Ensure higher prior attainment key stage 2 students continue to make good progress in line with expectations. / The progress 8 score for disadvantaged students in all elements of progress 8 will be reduced from current to 0:
2016 2017 2018
Overall: -0.43 -0.25 0.0
EBacc: -0.53 -0.27 0.0
Open: -0.49 -0.21 0.0
Testing of reading ages and numeracy skills will show impact of Accelerate programme at six monthly intervals.
C. / High quality teaching will ensure good progress of disadvantaged students.
CPD will support the delivery of teaching and learning that
i. meets the needs of individual learners,
ii. establishes and maintains high expectations of learner effort and engagement,
iii. Promotes and develops oracy as a tool for learning and for positive engagement with the world of work and society as a whole.
Facilitate staff awareness of disadvantaged students through high profile, transparent and shared strategies regarding seating plans and class planning procedures. / Teaching and Learning strategies devised for individual students designated to be at risk of underachievement. These strategies to be shared with all staff.
Work scrutinies and lesson observations will demonstrate clear and effective feedback for students.
D. / Bespoke curriculum for some students in order to allow students to maximise their potential.
Support and develop parental engagement by personal contact before and after parents’ evenings to ensure parents attend events. Transport provided where necessary and non-attendance followed up through House teams.
Mentoring will develop aspirations and raise self-esteem; House teams, SLT and external mentors will mentor the most vulnerable students.
Enrichment activities – liaison with local university to enable students have access to information about further and higher education / Additional or alternative qualifications will enhance students’ self-esteem.
Increased attendance of PP parents at parents’ evenings – target 100%.
Parental attendance at House Mentoring meetings for PP students – target 100%
Creation of Pupil Premium Profiles (PPP) to monitor mentoring programmes
Identification of and participation in university planned days
E. / Improved attendance of PP students through the review of attendance monitoring procedures. / Reduction of number of students who are persistent absentees. % of PP students persistently absent to reduce to at least in line with national figures.
5. Planned expenditure to support the strategies, priorities and actions identified above
· Academic year / 2017/18
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the Pupil Premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.
i. Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Clear, responsive leadership of Pupil Premium strategy / Pupil Premium coordinator to take a strategic lead on implementing and developing Saint Benedict CVA Pupil Premium strategy. / To provide clear leadership and establish clear line of accountability for progress of PP students.
To establish an ethos of attainment for all.
To raise the profile and awareness of the Pupil Premium agenda within school. / Evaluate, in collaboration with the SLT, the impact of each strategy/funding allocation. / A Galletly
M Shenton / Review termly as part of ongoing review of PP strategy.
Improved student oracy evident in classrooms. / Teaching strategy “Thinking Hard” - Teachers improve students’ levels of oracy and literacy in lessons by giving varied and challenging opportunities to discuss responses to questions before writing them down.
“Voice” - Programme of explicit training on oracy delivered during form time. / Teaching and learning strategies to develop and express depth of understanding in response to challenges of new curricula and examination reform.
By improving opportunities for student talk in the classroom, all students, including disadvantaged students will have the opportunity to articulate their responses before they respond to questions. This will develop vocabulary and model written responses to questions. / CPD and INSET on ‘Thinking Hard’ teaching and learning strategy and on ‘Voice’ form-time oracy programme.
Time allocated in Department and House meetings to sharing best practice of these strategies.
Monitoring through learning walks; lesson observations; Quality Assurance documentation provided by Curriculum Directors. / A Galletly
V Hall
M Brailsford / Review termly as part of ongoing review of PP strategy.
Teachers use questioning to monitor learning effectively throughout lessons and to respond to needs of individuals. / Ensuring questioning is effective in the classroom. / By using questioning to check that students have understood teachers will be able to offer additional support where needed and re-shape the lesson in order to respond to that feedback. Disadvantaged students will be prioritised; the school’s seating plan strategy will facilitate this. / CPD and INSET; learning walks; lesson observations; Quality Assurance documentation provided by Curriculum Directors. / V Hall
M Brailsford / Review termly as part of ongoing review of PP strategy.
Teachers improve quality of individual support through their verbal and written feedback. Resulting pupil progress is evident in pupil books. / Ensuring written feedback is prompt and effective and that students receive verbal feedback during lessons. / When written feedback is a “dialogue” between teacher and student all students are able to receive individual support to help them progress.
Teachers should aim to give PP students verbal feedback at points throughout the lesson. / CPD and INSET; learning walks; lesson observations; work scrutinies; Quality Assurance documentation provided by Curriculum Directors, regular ‘book checks’ by SLT. / V Hall
M Brailsford / Review termly as part of ongoing review of PP strategy.
Reduce class sizes in KS4 English and Maths to enable more targeted support for Disadvantaged students. / Create additional staff capacity in both subjects to create 6 sets across each half of the year group. / Sutton Trust EEF toolkit shows that this strategy can add can add / Monitor choice of students in these groups.
Ensure setting based on prior attainment for disadvantaged, not recent testing or attitude to learning.
Monitor quality of teaching. / M Brailsford
A Galletly / Monitor through school quality assurance systems.
% salary AHT
% salary DHT
% salary supernumerary English and maths teachers / £9,840
CPD & staff cost:
Total budgeted cost / £81, 499
ii. Targeted support
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Improve outcomes in core and option subjects for PP students; gap narrowing throughout year groups. / Hone the Academy’s identification of students and develop bespoke intervention in all core and optional GCSE subjects. / Through diagnostic testing and identification of gaps in skills, subsequent teaching and additional support will target areas where the student does not have a secure understanding to enable them to achieve at least their expected level.
Intervention is a bespoke programme designed to meet specific needs of learners and based on data from PPE/Mock examinations. / Monitor progress from initial diagnostic test to re tests.
Learning walks, work scrutiny, student voice. / L Fenn-
A Galletly / Following each intervention cycle, using data from Assessment Points
Improve P8 and A8 score for currently underachieving Y11 PP students.
(Targeted Mentoring)
Pupil and parent voice data. / Houses to support progress of key underachievers in Y11 through assertive mentoring and engagement with parents.
Specialist bespoke mentoring of forty PP students based on need identified through diagnostic testing. / All tutors will act as mentors for their Y11 tutees. For those students with lowest Progress 8 scores, the House will assertively mentor, engaging with parents and setting specific targets for improvement. Support will be targeted to PP students.
Three staff to train to deliver specialist mentoring during weekly sessions. / Each underperforming disadvantaged student will receive their own Individual Education Plan based on the interventions, which will enable them to make rapid progress – these will be developed and monitored by house teams.
Monitor implementation to ensure consistency of approach and sharing of best practice.
Positive Support team to deliver short-course interventions in small groups. / Directors of House
M Shenton
A Galletly / At each assessment points.
Improved attainment and progress of PP students; gap narrowing throughout year groups.