Beginning with the fall 2015 semester, these important changes will take place for Master of Arts students who are hired as graduate assistants in the Mayborn School of Journalism. At this point, there is no tuition benefit for assistants enrolled in the Master of Journalism degree.
The Toulouse Graduate School will pay for six of nine credit hours each fall/spring, currently $2502.05 per semester, to students in .5 FTE graduate assistant positions. In order to receive the tuition support, the students must meet the following requirements:
- They must be enrolled full-time (nine (9) graduate credit hours)in each long semester.
- They must be employed by the census date in a benefits eligible graduate assistant position (TA, RA or GSA) for each long semester.
- They must maintain a minimum 3.0 graduate GPA every semester and comply with any departmental criteria for satisfactory performance and progress.
- The following degrees will be supported: PhD, DMA, EdD, MFA, MA, MS and MM.
The student’s account will not be credited until after the 12th class day (like any scholarship) to make certain that all criteria are met and that verification of employment and enrollment is made.
How this affects health insurance. In the past, the State of Texas and UNT have shared the cost of insurance for a student assistant who elects the university plan. With the advent of the new tuition benefit program however, UNT will use funding that would have paid for health insurance to help pay for partial tuition for MA students instead.MA students may choose to continue with their current plan by paying the UNT half of their policy with UnitedHealthcare (currently $251.57) or purchase another plan from the Health and Wellness Center. This planwith Aetna is currently $143.67. Paying for family members would increase these amounts and the cost is likely to go up next year. Of course, eligible students can also purchase plans through the Affordable Healthcare Act at
MJ students are not eligible for the tuition benefit, but can purchase health insurance through the university. The bottom line is that health insurance will no longer be free for any graduate assistant.
It is also hoped that stipends for these position will be higher over time. Right now, fall 2015 salary amounts have not changed.
The other two differences are that no undergraduate hours can be used to fulfill fulltime enrollment. On occasion a student will take a 3000 level undergraduate class along with six graduate hours. These will no longer count towards full time enrollment for the assistantship tuition support program. Also, students writing a thesis must still enroll in nine hours to be eligible. Having a reduced course load form on file will not allow a student to be in fewer than nine hours.
FrankW.MaybornGraduate InstituteofJournalism
Graduate AssistantPolicyandProcedureManual
The Frank W. MaybornGraduateInstituteoffers employment opportunities within the Frank W. and SueMayborn SchoolofJournalism each longsemester. Thesepositions provide an opportunityto learnwhileworkingcloselywith facultyandearningcompensation to encourage thetimelycompletion ofamaster’s degree. TheMayborn GraduateInstituteexpects excellence in all aspects ofworkand collaboration with supervisingfacultyand staffmembers. The Mayborn and UNT expect ethical behaviorin all areas ofastudent’s life andrequire all students to adhereto theMaybornCodeofConduct, signedupon admission. Student assistants will gain knowledgethrough research orteachingassignments – experiencethat willbenefit thestudentin futurejobs.
Within this manual areseveral documents to outlinetheprogram and to assist aprospectiveor enrolled student in decidingwhetherto applyornot. Mayborn students will havepriority placement within theprogram, howeveragraduatestudent from anotherprogram mayfill a position.
Graduateassistantship job descriptions
Theofficial descriptions ofthevariousgraduate assistantships offered at UNT arelisted below. Forthe full ComprehensiveGraduateStudent Recruitment &Retention Plan, seetheOfficeof theProvost and VicePresident ofAcademicAffairs website at
Assistantships:An assistantship is offered byadepartment to providefinancial support to a student who is pursuinggraduatestudies andwhoagrees toenterinto an employment relationship withtheuniversity. Theuniversityhasfourtypes of assistantships as described below. Thesalaryreceived is consideredemployment income and is subject to employment- related taxes.
Students with an assistantship for at least 0.5 FTE(full-time equivalent), that is, halfofa full- timeposition, are eligibleto participatein theState’s Uniform GroupInsurancePlan (UGIP), which is administered bytheEmployeeRetirement System (ERS)ofTexas.However, in lieu of participatingin theState’s insuranceplan(UGIP),graduateassistants havetheoption of participatingin theuniversity’s StudentInjuryandSicknessInsurancePlan,which is administered byUnitedHealthcare. Student insurance costs will varydependingon theplanand thelevel of coverageselected in eitherplan. Again, a student electing this plan will have to pay the UNT half. The state pays the other half. There are other options for benefits, including dental.
Teaching Fellow(TF)
Teachingfellows havedirect student contact in a formal instructional settingandarecharged with primaryresponsibilityforteaching a coursefor credit underthedirectsupervision ofa facultymemberor chair,receivingregularin-servicetrainingand planned and periodic evaluations. Teachingfellows arelisted astheinstructorofrecord. The Mayborn does not hire Teaching Fellows.
Teaching Assistant (TA)
Teachingassistants aregraduatestudents who do not haveprimaryresponsibilityforteaching a course for credit; theyperform undertheinstructor’s direct supervision and providegeneral assistanceto theinstructional process, suchasgrading, tutoring,etc. Teachingassistants may not belisted as instructorof record.
Research Assistant(RA)
Researchassistants aregraduatestudents whoare engaged in research activities underthe direction and supervision ofaprincipal investigatoror facultyworkingon research.
GraduateServices Assistant (GSA)
Graduate assistants aregraduatestudents whoseresponsibilities maybe administrativein nature or consist ofother activities that do not generallyfit within theTF, TA orRA job responsibilities.
Application process
A student applies for anassistantship position bycompletinganapplicationfound on the
Mayborn website at Thoseinterested in teaching assignments will find UNT’s Guidelines forRecruitingandSelection ofTeachingFellows and TeachingAssistants at
All graduate applicantsmust completetheGraduateAssistant TeachingExam(GATE) for knowledgeofgrammar, spelling, punctuation, basicgradingandAPstyle.Thisexam is administeredthroughBlackboardLearnandgraded bynewsfaculty.In addition, a face-to- face orphoneinterviewwith facultymayalso be required. Test results andtheinterview will help determineplacement within theprogram.
Thedeadlines for applications are:
•July1 forthefall semesteroruntil thepositions are filled
•December1 forthespringsemesteroruntil thepositions are filled
Themajorityofpositions filled in thefallcarryoverto thespringsemester,dependingon course schedules, positive evaluations and student availabilityforboth semesters.
- Selection of TAs/RAs/GSAs will be bycommittee to include
- Dean, Mayborn School of Journalism
- Director, Mayborn School of Journalism
- Graduate student advisor
- Faculty, as needed
Graduate assistants
TheMayborn GraduateInstitute currentlyhas 16graduateassistant positions, funded partiallyby theprovost’s office. A studentassistant maybesplit between two assignments(10 hours each)and/or can besplit betweenateaching and research assignment. Teaching assistants will only be assigned to undergraduate classes and cannot work on graduate-level classes or with the graduate version of a “meets with” class. Research assistants can be assigned to a specific faculty member or to a research project. Notethat Mayborn students will havepriorityplacement within theprogram, howeveragraduate student from anotherprogram mayfill aposition.
Criteriaforclasses eligible forTAs:
•Multiple-section classes with required writinglabs (e.g., 2310, 3321).
•Mega classes 150+(e.g.,1210)
•Largeclasses 75+ (e.g.,Principles of…)
•Multiple-section classes with overall large enrollment (e.g., 3210)
•Any other request must be approved by the Mayborn dean and Graduate Institute Director
Criteria forRA assignment
•Tenure-trackfaculty(verified byresearchagendawith placeofsubmission/publication and deadline)
•Productive associate facultymovingtoward promotion to full (verified byresearch agendawith placeofsubmission/publication anddeadline)
•Productive full professors who continueto do research (verified byresearchagendawith placeof submission/publication and deadline)
•Full-time facultywith verified creative/professional projects approved by the Mayborn dean and Graduate Institute Director
Criteriafor assignmentofGSAs
•Mayborngraduateoffice and Dean’s office
•Facultybased on substantiated requests approved by the Mayborn dean and Graduate Institute Director
Notification process
Thegraduateinstitutewill attempt to notifystudents whetherornot theyhavebeen placed via email byAugust 1 forthefall semester and December15 forthespringsemester. Placement is not guaranteedfrom onesemesterto thenext. Theofferletterstates that“you are approved for this position contingent upon theoutcomeof an interview with thesupervisingfacultyand/or passageofrequired test.”
A student must maintainfull-time enrollment (9 hours perlongsemester)throughout employment except inthesummer and must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Summerpositions are contingent onclasses offered and available funding. The new tuition benefit program does not allow reduced course loads for writing a thesis.
Hiring paperwork
Oncehired,graduatestudents will be required tocompletetheonlinehiringonboardingprocess. Upon hiring agraduatestudent orundergraduatestudent, thedepartment should direct thestudent employeeto the followingsite. employeemust have on hand their employeeuseridentification number(EUID)and theirstudent ID number (EMPID.)In addition, thehiringdepartment will providethe employeewith thedepartment identification number (Dept.ID)in order fortheemployeetocompletetheonboardingprocess. TheMayborn School ofJournalism Dept.ID is N14600.Theonboardingprocess must be completed byastudent’sfirst dayofhire,generallySept. 1 orJanuary15.
TheTeachingExcellence Seminar, sponsoredbytheToulouseGraduateSchool, is mandatory for all new TeachingAssistants. Details ofthetime and place forthis trainingwill besent to each TA. RAs and GSAsarenot required to attendthis training, but it maybe especiallyhelpful to attend ifthestudent plans to teach aftergraduation. TheMayborn willalso have orientation/trainingtheweek before classes begin that mayincludesupervisingfaculty. This trainingis offeredbeforethebeginningof each semesterand summer foranynew Teaching Assistant.
Keepingatimesheet is not mandatorybut somerecord oftimeworked andduties performed is highlyencouraged.Agraduate assistant should set up asystem with thefacultymemberor supervisorto keepa record ofhours worked. Thisprocess will keepanyimproprieties in hours worked and duties performed to aminimum should an audit be required. Graduate assistants are required to work an averageof20 hoursaweek.Forexample, students must justifyan 18-hour week byplanningto work an additional two hoursat alaterdate. Timemissed forillness ordays offduringregularschoolhours is not paid time and must bemadeup. School holidays arenot generallyworked unlessyou have anagreement with thesupervisor. A copyofasample timesheet maybe foundhere. Look fortheElectronicHourlyEmployeeTimecard (UPO-23). Anyeasilyunderstood timesheetcanbe used. Asimple formcan beattained fromthegraduateadvisor.
Facultyrole– pre-semestermeeting
Facultywill besent a form each semesterto request agraduateassistant. Deadlines areJune1 for thefall semesterand December1 forthespringifanychangeis requested.A facultyorstaff memberwho does not submit a form will not beassigned agraduate assistant. Facultyshould specifyskills needed in aTA/RA/GSA. For an RA request, a clearproposal must besubmitted includingtheresearchagendawith placeofsubmission/publicationand deadline. The request should also incorporateajob description fortheRA, which will includehow theRA will be used, what will be accomplished and thenumberofhours needed perweek.The request should also indicateifthereis apotential forthestudent as a co-authorin thepublication.
Theselection committeewill work with the facultyto assign thebest possiblestudent to them. Facultymayrequest orrecruit astudent, but assignment is not guaranteed placement ifthe student would betterserve anotherposition. Such requests, however, will begiven serious consideration forplacement.
Facultywill determineiftheir assistant should haveakeyto specific roomsin theGeneral AcademicBuilding.A keyrequest cannot be completed ifthereis no faculty/supervisor key request on file (email to thegraduate advisor.)EveningTA’s maybenefit from havingakeyto theGAB103 copyroom. TheGAB 206 graduateassistant room is availabletograduate assistants iftheyarerequired to meet with students orhavescheduled officehours. The office is open every work day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Underno circumstancewould astudent useuniversitypropertyforpersonal use.Officemachines (copy machines, fax)orall supplies are for class useonly.
Facultywill evaluategraduatestudent assistants assigned to them each semester. Theselection committeewill review facultyevaluations to determineiftheirstudent assistant should beplaced with them again forthenext semester. Students maybe reassigned to anotherposition or terminated atthe end ofasemester. Students arehighlyencouraged to haveopen, honest and ongoingdialoguewith theirsupervisingfacultyorstaffmembersespeciallyiftheydon’t understand anypart oftheduties assigned. Evaluations will be emailed to facultyand staff supervisors nearthe endof each semesterand areduebythe end ofthesemester.
Reasons forplacement change areoften simplybecausethe class orfacultymemberhas a reduced numberofsections oris not offeredeverysemester. The committeewill do theirbestto reassign astudent in this position if at all possible– especiallyiftheyhaveperformedwell. Sometimes thatis not possible, however.
Facultyevaluations ofstudent assistants arerequired and will bereviewed bytheselection committee for future assignment. Again, continued assignment from semesterto semesteris not guaranteed.
Payroll andbenefits
Graduatestudents aresalaried employees at UNTand will bepaid monthlyovera4.5 month schedule foreach longsemester. Thepayscheduleis on theVPAA websiteat (This could be updated for the fall.) Astudent who has completed fewer than 18 hours by the beginning of the academic year (fall)will be paidat the level 1 minimum rate. A student having completed 18 hours (by the academic year, even if they are hired in January)and aboveis hired at the level 2 minimum rate. All student assistants (and staff) at UNT are required to receive their paycheck via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT -- direct deposit).
Full-timegraduate assistants (20 hours perweek)arebenefits eligible. As stated at the top of this document, health benefits are no longer free. TheBusiness Services Center(BSC)Benefits Officewill notify graduateassistants oftheir eligibilityand how to register. This is not an automatic registration. Graduate assistants must applyforhealth benefits duringthe first 30 days of employment asthereis a60-daywaiting period before benefits become active. All graduate assistants who pay for UNT coverage are covered through thesummer even iftheydo not haveassistantship duties. Students may elect to find their own policies.
Special informationfornon-residentorinternational students
Non-residentstudents(out-of-state or international) hiredasgraduateassistantsareeligible fora tuitionwaiver toreceivein-state tuition.These must be signed by the employee and sent to the Toulouse Graduate School before the 12th day of class of any long semester.
International students are required to be covered byahealth policy. However, theymayelect the university health insurance duringthe60 daywaitingperiod. Theyarenotified like resident students asto their eligibilitybut theymust completeawaiveroftheirmandatoryhealth insurancerequirement beforethe60 daywaitingperiod is completeortheywill be required to
paytheinternational student rate.Information forinternational health waivers maybefound here; Moreinformation about healthinsurancewaiversand alink to thehealth benefitwaiverrequest is on this site. ( contact the Health and Wellness Center for complete information.
International students who are assignedas TeachingAssistants and who do not speak English as a firstlanguagemustcompletea language assessmentbeforetheycan beput on payroll. This language assessment will bewith an instructorin theIntensiveEnglishLanguageInstitutein SycamoreHall, and students will behired onlyafterdemonstratingEnglish facility. Seethe Guidelines forRecruitment and Selection ofTeachingFellows and TeachingAssistants at15.1.27(4.a.3) (Therewill betwo things to click through to seethis policy.It is from the Provost’s websiteso is not a risk.)All non-nativeEnglish-speakingTAs must haveaverification ofEnglish proficiencyonfilebytheend ofthe first week of classes. Teachingassistants placed beforetakingthis examwill onlybehired permanentlyiftheypass this proficiencyspeaking exam. A phoneorSkypeinterview might be required ifthestudent isin another country.